


关键词人生观生活观道德观爱情观 中图分类号:I207.42 文献标识码:A DOI:10.16400/j.cnki.kjdkz.2017.04.070

Abstract A writer's literary works are often the result of the externalization of the writer's ideology, which is the

revelation of the writer's thought. In short, the performance of these literary works, or advanced or backward can flash the most brilliant writer thought. \typical works, reflects its ideology to a certain extent, the work described in the relevant art but also to a certain extent and infiltrating aesthetic choice of writer's life view, we can from the level of his inner world. Through the novel of writer Lu Yao himself over the entire scan, from the view of life, view of life, morality, love view analysis four aspects that his ideological and cultural heritage, traditional Chinese culture is the authentic Confucian culture, he inherited the traditional culture essence and the reality of interpretation to at the same time, the readers of literary feelings also pointed out the direction, which is of its positive thoughts. But at the same time, accidentally absorbed the traditional residual dirt, character opinionated endowed characters unrealistic, this is the side of its ideological limitations.

Key words outlook on life; view of life; morality; view of love 0 引言



正因为这两部作品对路遥的意义如此重大,我们可以通过这两部作品的分析,来对作家路遥本人进行较全面的扫描,从人生观、生活观、道德观到爱情观。扫描之后,我们会发现,路遥,这位从浸透了中国深厚传统文化的黄土地上走出来的作家,其思想深受中国传统文化,主要是儒家文化的影响,是一位地道的“传统文人”,思想的适世性与局限性都同时存在着。 1 适世性


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