
摘 要








The image can be affected by noise during the process of acquisition and transmission. The image noise leads to image degeneration and drop in quality. Image degeneration can cause image blur as well as characteristic masking so that unfit for image analysis. In order to remove noise and improve image quality, noise reduction is needed. Therefore, it is necessary to study image noise reduction algorithms.

There are many kinds of image noise reduction algorithms and they can be implemented in spatial domain and frequency domain respectively. This paper summarizes such algorithm as mean filter, median filter, low pass filter in spatial domain, mean of multi-image adding and low pass filter in frequency domain. Firstly, conception, causing, classification and characteristic of noise are introduced. Secondly, the basic principle and application range of mean filter and median filter algorithm is introduced. Finally, the basic principle of low pass filter in spatial domain, low pass filter in frequency domain and mean of multi-image adding algorithm is introduced.

This paper pays both attention to theory and practice. It not only summarizes the theory and filter principle of different image noise reduction algorithms in detail, but also simulates them using MATLAB procedure and analyzes their noise reduction results. The graphic user interface is designed to evaluate the result of noise reduction to different image noise reduction algorithms The MATLAB simulation results demonstrate that different noise reduction algorithms are of different advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, type and causing of noise should be analyzed first and then appropriate noise reduction algorithm is selected before image noise reduction so as to acquire satisfactory results.

Key words: image noise; image noise reduction algorithm;MTALAB; graphic user interface




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