

Name Icon Illustration Make this copy of the component independent from all other Make Independent copies of this component. Multi-body Component Put all the independent bodies into one component. Share Topology Choose “Share” from the drop-down list to share topology for different bodies. Create a coordinate system at the centre of the selected objects. Click a face, plane or an edge loop to split the body. Optionally click regions to remove. Merge or split objects. Create a midsurface from groups of offset surfaces. Detect coincident faces, edges or vertices and imprint them to allow for mesh connections. Detect and fix interfering bodies. Remove rounds from a model. Remove features from a model by filling features or extending neighbouring faces. Display overlapped faces. Search an assembly for small gaps between parts. Stitch surfaces into a single body. Origin Split Body Combine Midsurface Imprint Interference Rounds Faces Overlap Faces Clearance Stitch Gaps Missing Faces Detect and fix gaps in a surface body. Detect and fix missing faces in a surface body. Detect and fix coincident edges that do not mark the boundaries of Split Edges new faces. Detect and remove edges that are not needed to define the shape of Extra Edges this model. Some other functions in “Prepare” and “Repair” in the menu bar may apply. … …

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