

课程主题 学习目标 进华中学2019年九年级第一学期一模备考冲刺讲义-首字母 1、把握该校过往考试动向及重点; 2、明确本次备考方向及注意点; 教学内容 Artificial lighting(人造光源) is spreading fast.The area of the planet that is lit up (81)g________ by 9 per cent in four years.If that trend(趋势) continues, the total illuminated(被点亮的) area will double from its 2012 level well before 2050. The light disrupts(影响了) natural day-night cycles, harming our (82)h________ and nocturnal animals(夜行动物, and further obscures(模糊了) our view of the night sky. “Dark areas are being lost in places where nocturnal(夜间的) animals, insects and (83)p________ have adapted to (适应) darkness over billions of years,”says Franz Holker at the Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries in Berlin. Holker, Christopher Kyba of the GFZ German Research Centre for Geo sciences and their colleagues used satellite data to see (84)c________ in artificial lighting. From 2012 to 2016, the area illuminated and global brightness both rose by 2.2 per cent a year. At that rate.“Earth’s lit area could double in 32 years from 2012”,says Kyba. The brightening was fastest in rapidly industrializing(迅速进入工业化的) countries in Asia, Africa and South America. Light (85)p________ was more serious in some heavily lit rich countries, such as the US.“The numbers are truly shocking,”says Thomas Davies at the University of Exeter, UK. Among the culprits(罪魁祸首) are energy - efficient LED lights, brought in to (86)c________ greenhouse gas emissions(排放) . Because they are so (87)c________,installation(安装) of this lighting is more affordable and it is used even where not strictly needed. (试卷来源:2016-2017学年上海市普陀区进华中学八年级上学期英语11月月考试卷) 一.首字母填空整体的解题思路: 1.通读全文(了解大意)是前提: (1).审视主干(把控推断方向) A.如果是记叙文,文章的主旨大意是什么?每段的主旨句是什么?(一般是首句或者尾句)每段的内容是围绕主旨句展开的。要填空的句子内容由前后句内容决定。 B.如果是说明文或者议论文,先找出文章的论点是什么?每段落分论点又是什么,同样每一段的首句或者尾句很可是分论点。每段的内容是由分论点展开的。 (2).如何判断空格需要填什么词性呢? 【知识梳理1】 如何判断空格里的单词是名词呢? 1. 空格在定冠词、不定冠词之后时, 2. 空格在所有格前后, 3. 空格在形容词或者形容词物主代词后,在介词后、动词后时,空格词都有可能是名词, 4. 空格是句子的主语时,可能是名词或者动名词。 【例题精讲】 How to use your rail-card? You can use it any time: weekends, holidays or during the week. Please ask at your local station or contact a railway travel agent for more i_____85______ . (试题来源:进华中学2018学年初三上学期10月月考试卷) 【知识梳理2】 如何判断空格里的单词是动词呢? 1、空格前有助动词出现,这也往往是某种时态或者是被动语态的信号, 2、空格前有情态动词时, 3、空格前有动词连接的不定式结构时, 4、复合句的主句和从句的(初中主要是宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句)主语后面, 5、and或or等并列连词连接的两个句子时,某一个句子缺乏谓语时。 【例题精讲】 Who can apply? Anyone between 16 and 25 years of age. You will need to provide something to p_____82______ that you are under 26. For this, only your ID card, driving license, passport or medical card will be acceptable . (试题来源:2018学年进华中学初三上学期期中试卷) 【知识梳理2】 如何判断空格里的单词是形容词呢? 1. 空格在名词的前面,修饰名词作定语时, 2. 空格在be动词,感官动词等系动词后面作表语时, 3. 空格在make等动词后做宾语补足语。

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