部门,平均工资,要求按部门的字符串顺序排序,不能含有human resource部门,employee结构如下:
employee_id, employee_name,depart_id,depart_name,wage 答:
select depart_name, avg(wage)
from employee where depart_name human resource group by depart_name order by depart_name
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29. 给定如下sql数据库:test(num int(4)) 请用一条sql语句返回num的最小值,但不许使用统计功能,如min,max等 答:
select top 1 num from test order by num
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33.一个数据库中有两个表:
写出求每个customer的revenue总和的sql语句。 建表 create table customer
(id int primary key,name char(10)) go
create table [order]
(id int primary key,customerid int foreign key references customer(id) , revenue float) go
select customer.id, sum( isnull([order].revenue,0) ) from customer full join [order]
on( [order].customerid=customer.id ) group by customer.id select customer.id,sum(order.revener) from order,customer where customer.id=customerid group by customer.id
select customer.id, sum(order.revener ) from customer full join order on( order.customerid=customer.id ) group by customer.id
a tabel called “performance”contain :name and score,please 用 sql语言表述
仅选出分数,select max(score) from performance 仅选出名字,即选出名字,又选出分数: select top 1 score ,name from per order by score
select name1,score from per where score in/=(select max(score) from per) .....
4 有关系 s(sno,sname) c(cno,cname) sc(sno,cno,grade) 1 问上课程 db的学生no
select count(*) from c,sc where c.cname=db and c.cno=sc.cno select count(*) from sc where cno=(select cno from c where c.cname=db)
2 成绩最高的学生号
select sno from sc where grade=(select max(grade) from sc ) 3 每科大于90分的人数
select c.cname,count(*) from c,sc where c.cno=sc.cno and sc.grade90 group by c.cname
select c.cname,count(*) from c join sc on c.cno=sc.cno and sc.grade90 group by c.cname 数据库笔试题 *
建表: dept:
deptno(primary key),dname,loc emp:
empno(primary key),ename,job,mgr,sal,deptno */
1 列出emp表中各部门的部门号,最高工资,最低工资
select max(sal) as 最高工资,min(sal) as 最低工资,deptno from emp group by deptno;
2 列出emp表中各部门job为clerk的员工的最低工资,最高工资 select max(sal) as 最高工资,min(sal) as 最低工资,deptno as 部门号 from emp where job = clerk group by deptno;
3 对于emp中最低工资小于1000的部门,列出job为clerk的员工的部门号,最低工资,最高工资
select max(sal) as 最高工资,min(sal) as 最低工资,deptno as 部门号 from emp as b
where job=clerk and 1000(select min(sal) from emp as a where a.deptno=b.deptno) group by b.deptno
4 根据部门号由高而低,工资有低而高列出每个员工的姓名,部门号,工资
select deptno as 部门号,ename as 姓名,sal as 工资 from emp order by deptno desc,sal asc 5 写出对上题的另一解决方法 (请补充)
6 列出张三所在部门中每个员工的姓名与部门号
select ename,deptno from emp where deptno = (select deptno from emp where ename = 张三)
7 列出每个员工的姓名,工作,部门号,部门名
select ename,job,emp.deptno,dept.dname from emp,dept where emp.deptno=dept.deptno
8 列出emp中工作为clerk的员工的姓名,工作,部门号,部门名 select ename,job,dept.deptno,dname from emp,dept where dept.deptno=emp.deptno and job=clerk
9 对于emp中有管理者的员工,列出姓名,管理者姓名(管理者外键为mgr) select a.ename as 姓名,b.ename as 管理者 from emp as a,emp as b where a.mgr is not null and a.mgr=b.empno
10 对于dept表中,列出所有部门名,部门号,同时列出各部门工作为clerk的员工名与工作
select dname as 部门名,dept.deptno as 部门号,ename as 员工名,job as 工作 from dept,emp
where dept.deptno *= emp.deptno and job = clerk
11 对于工资高于本部门平均水平的员工,列出部门号,姓名,工资,按部门号排序
select a.deptno as 部门号,a.ename as 姓名,a.sal as 工资 from emp as a where a.sal(select avg(sal) from emp as b where a.deptno=b.deptno) order by a.deptno
12 对于emp,列出各个部门中平均工资高于本部门平均水平的员工数和部门号,按部门号排序
select count(a.sal) as 员工数,a.deptno as 部门号 from emp as a