

Chapter One Materials and Mechanical Elements Lesson 1Introduction for Materials Designers and engineers are usually more interested in the behavior of materials under load or when in amagnetic field in why they behave as they do.Yet the better one understands the nature of materials and the reasons for their physical and mechanical properties the more quickly and wisely will he/she be able to choose the proper material for agiven design.Generally,a material property is the measured magnitude of its response to astandard test performed according to astandard

procedure in agiven environment.In engineering materials the loads are mechanical or physical in nature and the properties are recorded in handbooks or,for new materials,are made available by the

supplier.Frequently such information is tabulated for room-temperature conditions only,so when the actual service conditions are at subfreezing or elevated temperatures,more information is needed. 第一章材料和机械零件 第一课材料介绍


Lesson 4Gears Helical gears have certain advantages;for example,when connecting parallel shafts they have ahigher loadcarrying capacity than spur gears with the same tooth numbers and cut with the same

cutter.Because of the overlapping action of the teeth,they are smoother in action and can operate at higher pitch-line velocities than spur gears.The pitch-line velocity is the velocity of the pitch circle.Since the teeth are inclined to the axis of rotation,helical gears create an axial thrust.If used singly,this thrust must be absorbed in the shaft bearings.The thrust problem can be overcome by cutting two sets of opposed helical teeth on the same blank.Depending on the method of

manufacture,the gear may be of the continuous-tooth herringbone variety or adouble-helical gear with aspace between the two halves to permit the cutting tool to run out.Double-helical gears are well suited for the efficient transmission of power at high speeds. 第四课齿轮


Lesson 6Dimensioning The design of amachine includes many factors other than those of determining the loads and stresses and selecting the proper materials.Before construction or manufacture can begin,it is necessary to have complete assembly and detail drawings to convey all necessary information to the shop men.The designer frequently is called upon to check the drawings before they are sent to the shop.Much experience and familiarity with manufacturing processes are needed

before one can become conversant with all phases of production drawings. Drawings should be carefully checked to see that the dimensioning is done in amanner that will be most convenient and understandable to the production departments.It is obvious that adrawing should be made in

such away that it has one and only one interpretation.In particular,shop personnel should not be required to make trigonometric or other involved calculations before the production machines can be set up. 第六课标注



Chapter Two Machine Tool,Cutting Tool,Jig and Fixture Lesson 1Engine Lathe(Center Lathe)

An engine lathe is shown diagrammatically in Fig.2.1a:it consists of ahorizontal bed supporting the headstock,the tailstock,and the

carriage.All machine tools must have ameans of supporting or holding the workpiece.In Fig.2.1 the workpiece is gripped at one end by achuck

mounted on the end of the main spindle of the machine and is supported at the other end by acenter mounted in the tailstock.The tailstock can be clamped at various positions along the bed to accommodate workpieces of various lengths.Short workpieces need only be gripped by the chuck. Primary motion,the rotation of the workpiece(motion C'),is provided by the movement of aseries of gears driving the main spindle,the gears

being driven by an electric motor mounted at the rear of the machine.The main spindle and the gears are all mounted in the headstock.Levers on the front of the headstock allow various rotational speeds to be sele cted.

第二章机床,切削刀具,钻模和夹具 第一课车床(普通车床)


主运动,即工件的旋转运动(也就是C'点的运动),是由轮系驱动主轴实现工件旋转的,齿轮通过装夹在车床尾部的电机来带动它旋转。主轴和齿轮都装夹在主轴箱中。主轴箱前部的手柄能够根据实际需要选择不同的旋转速度。 Lesson 2Horizontal Milling Machine(Horizontal Miller)

There are two main types of milling machines:horizontal and vertical.These words again refer to the orientation of the main

spindle.In the horizontal-milling machine shown in Fig.2.5 the milling

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