
—————— 线__—__—__—__—__—__—名订姓— _—__—__—__—号—学装 _—__—__—__—__—级—班_ —__—__—__—__—__—__线__—__—__—__—__—_校—学订——————装—————— -


四. Listen and tick. 听音打勾 (8分) sweep the floor do the dishes water the flowers make the bed (时间:40分钟) 听力部分 读写部分 一 二 三 四 五 合计 等级 一 二 三 四 五 合计 等级 总分 等级 Listening Part 听力部分 (40分)

一. Listen and choose the word. 听音选择录音中所包含的单词 (4分) ( ) 1. A . black B. bread ( ) 2. A. bridge B. fridge 五. Listen and answer. 听音回答 (12分)

( )1. A. It’s Thursday. B. It’s Friday. ( ) 3. A. park B. path ( ) 4. A. chicken B. kitchen

( )2. A. He’s smart and active. B. He’s young and active. 二. Listen and number. 听音标号(10分)

( )3. A. There are some birds. B. There is a tiger.

( )4. A. I have soup and chicken. B. I have vegetables and beef. ( )5. A. I can make the bed. B. I can clean the bedroom. ( )6. A. The cat is under the desk. B. The cat is behind the door.

三.Listen and choose the picture. 听音选图(6分)

Writing Part 读写部分(60分)

一. Read and choose. 找出与前面单词划线部分发音不同的单词 (6分) ( )1. what A. who B. where C. white ( )2. now A. cow B. how C. yellow

( )3.bean A. peach B. clean C. head ( )4. have A. active B. lake C. math ( )5. look A. good B. school C. foot ( ) 6. strong A. closet B. forest C. clothes

二.Look, read and write. 看图填空 (12分)

1. Mom: What do you have on T_____________?

Amy: We have t_______, t____________ and pork.

Here is our food menu.

第1页 共4页 第2页 共4页

————— Mom: That sounds good. What would you like for dinner, Amy?

Amy: I’d like p__________ and g_______ ___________.

2. Look, this is the picture of my room. There is a _________ 四. Read and match. 选择正确的答句 (10分) ( )1. What can you do? ( )2. Who’s that young man? ( )3. Where is the dog?

A. I’d like some mutton and cabbage. B. Yes, there is.

C. It’s in the bathroom.

— 线__—__—__—__—__—__—名订姓— _—__—__—__—号—学装 _—__—__—__—__—级—班_ —__—__—__—__—__—__线__—__—__—__—__—_校—学订——————装—————— -near the closet. There are two ______ ___________ near the bed. There is a _______ in front of the table. There is a _______ _______ under the table.

三.Read and choose the right answer. 选择正确的回答(20分) ( ) 1. This is my shirt. It’s _. A. orange B. oranges C. an orange

( ) 2. Are there pandas in the mountains? A. any B. some C. a ( ) 3. Do you like bananas? . A. Yes,I like. B. No, I’m not. C. Yes, I do.

( ) 4. Today is Wednesday. What day is tomorrow? _______________

A. It’s Friday. B. It’s Thursday. C. It’s Tuesday.

( ) 5. I have own room now.

A. my B. your C. his

( ) 6. This is holiday picture.

A. I B. he C. her ( ) 7. .What do you __________ for lunch?

A. have B. do C. has ( ) 8. I can run on grass.

A. a B. an C. the ( ) 9. There ___ a table, a bed and many beautiful pictures in my room. A. is B. are C. am ( ) 10. The water is clean. You can see fish. A. any B. many C. an

第3页 共4页 ( )4. Is there a mountain near the village? D. He’s our new art teacher.

( )5. What would you like for dinner? E. I can set the table.

五. Read and finish the sentence. 阅读短文、完成句子 (12分)

Dear Lily, My name is Mike. I am 11 years old. I study in Victorian School. My favourite

teacher is Miss Green. She is our math teacher. She’s young and smart. She’s very

strict, but she’s very kind. Wednesday is my favourite day, because we have P.E.

and computer class on that day. We have fish, onions and eggplant for lunch on Wednesdays. They are my favourite food. I like apples. They are tasty and healthy.

My favourite colour is purple. How about you? Tell me something about yourself, please.

Yours truly, Lucy

1. Miss Green is Lucy’s _________ ______________. 2. Lucy’s math teacher is ____________ but ______________. 3. Lucy has P.E. and computer class ____ _______________________. 4. ____________, ______________ and onions are Lucy’s favourite food. 5. Lucy likes ________________. They’re healthy and _____________. 6. Pink is _______ Lucy’s favourite colour. She likes ____________. 第4页 共4页

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