

松江区2012学年度第一学期期末质量监控试卷 初三英语 2013.1


Part 1 Listening (第一部分 听力)

I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解): (共30分)

A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片): (共6分)

B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): (共10分) 7. A) By bus. C) On foot.

B) By car. D) By bike.

B) To play table tennis. D) To see a doctor. B) Making bed. D) Watching TV. B) 300 yuan. D) 700 yuan. B) At restaurant. D) In a park.

B) Teacher and student. D) Mother and son.

8. A) To visit his grandpa. C) To play with Mike. 9. A) Sweeping the floor. 10. A) 500 yuan. C) 200 yuan.

C) Cleaning the windows.

11. A) At a station. C) In a library.

12. A) Boss and secretary. C) Wife and husband.



13. A) About 15 minutes. C) About 10 minutes. 14. A) Daniel. C) Mary.

B) About 20 minutes. D) About 30 minutes. B) Jane. D) Jack.

B) He got up early in the past.

D) He wants to get up early but he can’t. B) Mother is badly ill now. D) Mother still needs an operation.

15. A) He is going to get up early. C) He has changed his bad habit.

16. A) Mother is still in hospital now. C) Mother is at home for a good rest.

C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示): (共7分) 17. Before Christmas, people enjoy buying things very much. 18. “Buy Nothing Day” means “No shopping” on that day.

19. Ads (广告) in newspapers and TV programs tell people how to choose what they want. 20. The idea for “Buy Nothing Day” started from some people in America.

21. Parents and children in California get together to read stories, sing songs and draw pictures to celebrate “Buy Nothing Day”.

22. In New Mexico, high school students made posters to tell people how to buy good gifts. 23. Most people have accepted the new idea of buying nothing on that day every year.

D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences (听短文,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词) : (共7分)

24. Bob had a ________ toothache and he couldn’t eat anything cold or hot. 25. If Bob ate anything, the ________ could nearly kill him.

26. Bob didn’t want to ask for ________ from work because he had just got the new job. 27. The tooth ________ so much when Bob tried to eat his lunch. 28. After examining the teeth carefully, the dentist told Bob the ________. 29. The dentist told Bob that there was a ________ in one of his teeth. 30. The dentist asked Bob why he wanted the _________ tooth back.

Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分 词汇和语法)

II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案): (共20分) 31. My father always goes to ________ bed late at night.

A) an

B) / B) by

C) a C) on

D) the D) at

32. We’ll start our journey ________ the morning of December 15. A) in



33. That little boy is good at maths, but sometimes he still has ________ mistakes. A) a few A) other A) neither A) much famous

A) must

B) a little B) another B) none

C) little C) the other C) all

D) few D) others D) both

D) the most famous D) may D) Whether D) hasn’t gone D) watching D) will be visited D) know D) has been away D) so D) interests D) How an D) what D) too…to

34. My friend had a car accident last week. She has to stay in hospital for ________ week. 35. Tim invited Mary and Jane to his birthday party, but ________ of them came. 36. Xiao Wang likes singing very much. He is one of ________ singers in that area.

B) the more famous C) more famous B) need B) If B) doesn’t go B) watch B) is visited B) have known B) went away B) but B) interesting B) How B) when B) so…/

C) should C) Unless C) won’t go C) watched C) was visited C) had known C) has been C) or C) interest C) What C) where C) so…that

37. You ________ watch sports news for a while if you have finished your homework. 38. ________ you don’t clean your teeth regularly, you will get toothache. A) Although A) didn’t go A) watches A) has been visited A) knew A) left A) and A) interested A) What an A) how A) too…that

— ________

A) I don’t mind. B) That’s all right. — ________

A) Oh, I’m afraid I didn’t cook well. C) You don’t say so.

B) I’m glad you enjoyed it.

D) It doesn’t matter.

C) No, not at all. D) Thank you.

50. — You’ve given us a wonderful Chinese dinner, Mrs Huang.

39. He ________ to the exhibition this afternoon because he has to attend a meeting. 40. We mustn’t let people under 18 into Internet bars or let them ________ bad things. 41. It will be our “Open Day” tomorrow, so our school ________ by many parents. 42. Jane and I are good friends. We ________ each other since we came to this school. 43. The famous singer ________ from his hometown for nearly five years. 44. You’d better start early, ________ you will be late again for school.

45. My son thought that films should be full of action to keep people _________. 46. ________ exciting it is for us to read comics! They are usually funny or dramatic. 47. Shelly, do you know ________ to do with the rubbish when you are on the way? 48. Nancy is ________ clever ________ she can find the way to the station. 49. — You look very nice in dark blue.


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