


Book3 Unit5复习题

1. The visitors from abroad are examined carefully when they are crossing the________(边境).

2. She was ill yesterday and is__________ (稍微)better today.

3. Now most people like c___________with their friends on the Internet. 4. Switzerland is famous for its watch making and beautiful __________(风景). 5. The jail (监狱) was s___________by high walls.

6. There are seven c_________ in the world, of which Asia is the largest. 7. He m__________ the length of the room, which is seven metres long. 8. I found many eyewitnesses to c___________ that I was innocent. 9. It’s ____________(大约) 400km from Toronto to Ottawa. 10. I am p___________ with your answer to my question.

11. The old woman’s words were deeply i___________ on my memory. 12. We planted the trees at a certain d_________ from each other. 13. Some people are t__________ of heights, so they dare not climb high. 14. Canada is a m___________ of many cultures and races.

15. If you want to catch the early train tomorrow morning, you’d better get up at d_______ .

16. My friend lives __________ (在附近), and let’s call on him. 二. 单项选择

1. Please go ______the ship quickly. There is only 10 minutes left. A. abroad B. aboard C. board

D. broad

2. A young man drove a car________ fast ______he hit another young man dead the other day. A. so; that

B. such; that C. so; as

D. such; as

3. Taking the advantage as a journalist, she was admitted to the watchtower

and had a particular _________of the mountain ranges. A. scene

B. sight

C. view

D. scenery

4. There was a hole in the door, through which I _______sight of Mr. Brown sitting in a chair. A. caught B. made

C. took

D. got

5. The possibility _______the majority of the labor force will work at home is often discussed. A. that

B. what C. whether D. why

6. He has______18-year-old daughter who has _______gift for singing. A. a; a

B. the; a C. an; the D. an; a

7. On the contrary, I think it is Truman,________ you, ______to blame. A. more than; are

B. less than; who are

D. rather than; is

C. rather than; that is

8. There are so many tall trees in the forest,______ .

A. some of them measures 50 metres B. some of which measuring 50 metres

C. some of them measuring 50 metres D. some of which measures 50 metres

9.____ by many people, the spokesman made an exciting speech. A. Surrounding B. Having surrounded C. Surrounded

D. Surround

10. Parents should keep the medicine________ the reach of the children, or they will eat it by mistake. A. within B. out of

C. up

D. of

11. Nobody believed his reason for being absent from the party ___________he had to meet his uncle at the airport. A. why

B. that

C. where D. because

12. I couldn’t stand the terrible noise_________ she made. A. it

B. where

C. this

D. that

13. News came ___________Luo Jing passed away. A. while

B. that

C. when

D. as

14. It is a common belief _________a thousand miles no longer means much to us today, for modern transportation can easily get us________ this distance. A. that; to

B. what; to D. what; over

C. that; over

15. Word came _____the students would put off the outing until next week, when they wouldn’t be busy. A. that

B. when C. which

D. whether

16. The father made a promise ______his daughter worked hard, he would take her to visit Huangshan. A. if

B. that C. whether D. that if

17. I have no idea________ they will pass the final exam. A. that B. when

C. whether D. why

18. Although most of them have no doubt ________he will win the match, I still wonder________ he has been well prepared. A. if; that C. that; that

B. that; whether D. whether; if

19. The question makes me annoyed ______he is always late for class. A. which

B. because C. why

D. that

20. After they arrived in Toronto, they went_______ a tour of the city. A. on

B. off

C. in

D. at

21. _____________ I know, he will leave for Edinburgh next week. A. So far as

B. Such far as C. So much as

D. So long as

22. My English teacher’s inspiring words were deeply ________ upon my mind. A. left

B. affected C. influenced D. impressed

23. The plane will be landing in ________20 minutes. A. equally C. regularly

B. approximately D. commonly

24. The big fire which happened on a winter night left all the houses in the small village___________.

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