初二英语(上) 试卷U1-U2试卷

初二英语测试卷 Unit1-Unit 2

Class__________Name_________No.______Mark_________ 一. 单项选择(20分)

( )1. There a lot of housework for you to do today. A . is B. are C. have D. has

( )2. I go to the cinema. The tickets are too expensive. A. hardly B. nearly C. still D. only ( )3. Most students read English books

A. everyday B. every day C. every days D. everydays ( )4. It’s raining . You shouldn’t go out.

A. hard B. hardly C. hardlier

( )5. Parents often ask us water in our life. A. save B. saving C. to save D. saves

( )6. Her life was so _____ that she had no time to relax.

A. full B. difficult C. free D. easy ( )7. My mother told me not to spend much time computer games.

A. playing B. to play C. play D. played ( )8. Do you know the answer the question?

A. with B. to C. for D. at ( )9. – I’d like some more cakes, Mom. - I’ m sorry, Jane. There’s left. A. little B. some C. none D. many ( )10. Last Sunday we didn’t go out the rain. A. because of B. because C. in front of D. before

( )11. —How was the food there, Tom? — .

A. I ate a lot B. It was good C. I was OK D. It was wet

( )12 .My mother seemed your telephone number.

A. forget B. to forget C. forgetting D. to forgetting

( ) 13. Vegetables are _____. They are good for our _____.

A. health; healthy B. healthy; health C. healthy; healthy D. health; health

( )14. It’s good to learn English by _____ English programs.

A. watch B. watches C. watching D. watched ( )15. Bill wants me _____ him to play the piano.

A. teach B. teaches C. teaching D. to teach ( )16. I’m so tired that I can _____ walk.

A. always B. hardly C. usually D. sometimes


( ) 17.—Who taught you to play the guitar? —No one. I learnt it . A. me B. my C. mine D. myself ( )18. —Did you eat for breakfast this morning?

—No, I ate . A. everything; something B. everything; anything C. anything; everything D. anything; nothing

( )19.. I ate a big bowl of noodles five minutes ago. Now, I’m not . A. tired B. hungry C. cold D. busy

( )20. —Did you go to the movies with anyone, Tony?

—No, went with me. A. someone B. no one C. everyone D. anyone


Gary is a 17-year-old high school student. He has lots of 1 habits. He likes to use the Internet for fun at night, and he usually 2 late. When he feels sleepy (瞌睡的), he drinks some coffee. 3 he goes to bed late, he usually gets up late the next morning and arrives at school late. For breakfast, he always eats junk food 4 hamburgers. And he 5 exercises. He doesn’t like to exercise at all. These of his habits are not good for his body or his mind. He often feels 6 and sometimes he can’t think quickly. He is worried about his health and decides to do 7 . “I’ll try not to spend too much time on the 8 ,” he says. “I’ll get up early and 9 in the park at least three times a week. And I’ll 10 to eat healthy food. People say ‘old habits die hard’, but I must make my old habits die.”

( )1. A. big B. small C. good D. bad ( )2. A. stays up B. goes out C. puts up D. eats out ( )3. A. Although B. Because C. When D. After ( )4. A. with B. about C. for D. like ( )5. A. always B. often C. never D. usually ( )6. A. tired B. healthy C. lucky D. full ( )7. A. something B. nothing C. them D. it

( )8. A. homework B. television C. computer D. housework ( )9. A. sit B. exercise C. read D. talk ( )10. A. leave B. seem C. forget D. try


三、 阅读理解 (每小题2分,共10分)

My name is Svetlana. I am from Ukraine. It’s a beautiful country. I enjoy sports. One of the most popular sports in my country is football. I like playing football a lot. I often play football with my friends after school. We like to watch football games on TV on the weekend. There is a football club at our school. I’m in the football club.

I also like dancing very much. I think it is a wonderful sport. When I dance, I feel relaxed.

I started dancing six years ago. I’m in a dancing club in the center of our city. I go to the dancing club twice a week, on Wednesday and Saturday. I often get there by bus. I dance with a boy. His name is Tom. We usually do well in different dancing competitions (比赛).

I think dancing is good exercise for people of different ages. It can help us to keep healthy. Dancing is fun!


( )1. How does Svetlana feel when she dances?

A. Bored. B. Tired. C. Relaxed. D. Interested. ( )2. When does Svetlana go to the dancing club?

A. On Wednesday and Friday.

B. On Wednesday and Saturday. C. On Friday and Sunday. D. On Saturday and Sunday.

( )3. Why does Svetlana think dancing is good exercise?

A. Because it helps her to keep busy. B. Because she can learn a lot from it. C. Because it helps her to keep healthy. D. Because she can have fun with Tom. ( )4. What clubs is Svetlana in?

A. The dancing club and the football club. B. The basketball club and the football club. C. The dancing club and the swimming club. D. The basketball club and the swimming club.

( )5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Svetlana comes from America. B. Svetlana started dancing ten years ago.

C. Svetlana doesn’t do well in the dancing competitions. D. In Svetlana’s country, football is a very popular sport.


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