
Chapter one Introduction to Accounting 第一章 ['t??pt?] 会计导论 [.intr?'d?k??n]

1.1 簿记与会计


1.1 Bookkeeping and Accounting

Accounting is an information system that identifies,measures,

records and communicates relevant,reliable,consistent,and comparable information about an organization’s economic activity. Its objective is to help people make better decisions.

An understanding of the principles of bookkeeping and accounting is essential for anyone who is interested in a successful career in business. The purpose of bookkeeping and accounting is to provide information

concerning the financial affairs of a business. Owners, managers, creditors, and governmental agencies need this information.

An individual who earns living by recording the financial activities of business is known as a bookkeeper, while the process of classifying and summarizing business transactions and interpreting their effects is

accomplished by an accountant. Accountant is the individual who understands the accounting principles, theoretical and practical application, and can manage, analyze, and interpret the accounting records. The bookkeeper is concerned with techniques involving the recording of transactions, and the

accountant’s objective is the use of data for interpretation.





一个个体[.indi'vidju?l]通过记录企业的财务信息赚取生计(earn living)是簿记员;分类['kl?sifai]与汇总企业交易[tr?n'z?k??nz]和解释[in't?:priti?]它们


[θi?'retik?l,]与实际['pr?ktik?l]应用[.?pli'kei??n],能够管理、分析和解释会计记录的人。簿记员涉及(is concerned with)一些技术[tek'ni:k]包括记录交易,会计师的目的是使用数据作解释[in.t?:pri'tei??n]。

1.2 The Field of Professional Accounting

There are three fields of professional accounting.

Public accounting is an area of accounting where accountants perform their services for the general public rather than for a single organization. The basic services provided by a public accountant are auditing and

1.2 专业会计领域



public)而不是一个单一的组织。公共会计师提供的基础服务是审计['?:diti?]和preparing tax reports, assisting in various tax problems, and making recommendations for business decisions.

Most of the people in the public accounting are licensed as certified public accountants(CPAs).Almost all countries in the world have laws for the CPAs. In USA, the certification examinations are prepared and administrated by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountant (AICPA).The equivalent of a CPA in UK is called a chartered accountant. Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (CICPA) is responsible for administrating Chinese CPAs.

Private accounting is an area of accounting where accountants

perform their services for a single organization. The private accountant

maintains the accounting records and provides management with financial data needed for business decisions.

Accountants provide services to all types of business entities. It is important, therefore, that you are familiar with the characteristics of the different forms of business organization. The three forms of business ownership are clearly presented in the text and are summarized as follows.


从事公共会计的大多数人都是得到领有执照的['lais?nst]注册会计师['s?:ti.faid]。世界上几乎所有的国家都有关于CPA的法规。在美国,认证考试(certification examinations)是由美国会计师协会['institju:t]准备与实施





会计师提供服务于所有类型的商务实体。它是重要的,因为,你必须熟悉(be familiar with)商务组织不同形态的特点。企业所有权(business ownership)的三种形式在文章中被清楚地阐述,概述['s?m?raiz]如下。

A single or sole proprietorship is a business that is owned by

one individual but is not established as a separate entity under the law.


是被作为单独实体(separate entity)被确立[is't?bli?t]的企业。

A partnership differs from a single proprietorship only in that it

has more than one owner. The owner or owners of proprietorships and 合伙企业不同于(differs from)独资企业仅仅在于它有多个拥有者。独资

partnerships are personally liable for the debts of the business.

A corporation is established under the law as a separate entity,

hence, its owners (shareholders) are not liable for the debts of the corporation.

The chief accounting officer in a medium-sized or large business is usually called the controller, who manages the work of the accounting staff. The work of accountant in a private business mainly includes the design

of accounting system, cost accounting, internal control and auditing.

Government and nonprofit accounting is an area of accounting

where accountant perform their service for local, state,and federal governmental agencies, as well as for nonprofit organizations. The government accountant performs all the functions of private or public

accountant. Nonprofit organizations include universities, hospitals, churches, symphony orchestras, charitable organization and so on. Nonprofit accounting follows a pattern of accounting that is similar to governmental accounting.






们的服务给地方的['l?uk?l],国家的,和联邦['fed?r?l]政府机构,以及非营利组织。政府会计执行私用与公共会计所有职能。非营利组织包括大学,医院,教堂,交响乐['simf?ni]团['?:kistr?], 慈善['t??rit?bl]组织等等。非盈利会计与政府会计

的模式 ['p?t?n] 相类似。

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