
PUB.NUMBER EM 200-1-1 EM 200-1-2 EM 200-1-3 EM 200-1-4 (Volume I) PAGES 504 132 376 187 CD- PROPONENT TITLE ROM PUB.DATE CEMP CEMP-RT CEMP-RT CEMP-RT CEMP-RT Validation of Analytical Chemistry 01 Jul 94 Laboratories Technical Project Planning (TPP) 31 Aug 98 Process Requirements for the Preparation of 01 Feb 01 Sampling and Analysis Plans Risk Assessment Handbook: Volume I 31 Jan 99 - Human Health Evaluation Risk Assessment Handbook: Volume 30 Jun 96 II - Environmental Evaluation Design, Installation and Utilization of Fixed-Fenceline Sample Collection 01 Oct 97 and Monitoring Systems Chemical Quality Assurance for 10 Oct 97 HTRW Projects Performance Evaluation (PE) Program 01 Feb 01 Safety and Health Requirements 03 Sep 96 Manual, ENG Form 5044-R Radiation Protection Manual 30 May 97 EM 200-1-4 (Volume II) 409 EM 200-1-5 373 CEMP-RT EM 200-1-6 EM 200-1-7 EM 385-1-1 EM 385-1-80 126 113 358 186 CEMP-RT CEMP-RT/ CECW-E CESO-ZA CESO-I EM 500-1-24 136 Corps of Engineers Exercise Manual (COREM) - ANNEX L Classified CECW-OE-E 01 Sep 87 CONFIDENTIAL -(Stocked and Issued byProponent) CEMP-EA CEMP-ET CEMP-R/ CECW-E CECW-EE CECW-EP CECW-EP Recreation Planning and Design 31 Jul 87 Criteria Process Design Manual for Land 20 May 82 Treatment of Municipal Wastewater Technical Guidelines for Hazardous & Toxic Waste Treatment and Cleanup 30 Apr 94 Activities Photogrammetric Mapping 01 Jul 02 EM 1110-1-400 EM 1110-1-501 063 003 EM 1110-1-502 382 EM 1110-1-1000 EM 1110-1-1002 EM 1110-1-1003 371 054 288 Survey Markers and Monumentations 14 Sep 90 NAVSTAR Global Positioning System 01 Aug 96 Surveying PUB.NUMBER EM 1110-1-1004 PAGES 102 CD- PROPONENT TITLE ROM PUB.DATE 01 June 02 CECW-EE Geodetic and Control Surveying EM 1110-1-1005 108 CECW-EP Topographic Surveying 31 Aug 94 EM 1110-1-1200 051 CECW-ET Conceptual Site Models for Ordnance and Explosives (OE) and Hazardous, 03 Feb 03 Toxic, and Radioactive Waste (HTRW) Projects Geophysical Exploration for Engineering and Environmental 31Aug 95 Investigations Geotechnical Investigations, ENG 1 Jan 01 1836, ENG 1836A Settlement Analysis Bearing Capacity of Soils Architectural Concrete Rock Reinforcement Rock Foundations 30 Sep 90 30 Oct 92 31 Oct 97 15 Feb 80 30 Nov 94 01 Aug 96 (original) 01 Jul 98 (change 2) 31 Jan 95 EM 1110-1-1802 317 CECW-EG EM 1110-1-1804 EM 1110-1-1904 EM 1110-1-1905 EM 1110-1-2009 EM 1110-1-2907 EM 1110-1-2908 148 204 201 052 205 065 CECW-ET CECW-EP CECW-EG CECW-EG CECW-EG CECW-EG EM 1110-1-2909 82 CECW-EP Geospatial Data and Systems EM 1110-1-3500 032 CECW-EG CEMP-RT/ CECW-EG CEMP-ET CEMP-RT Chemical Grouting EM 1110-1-4000 068 Monitoring Well Design, Installation, and Documentation at Hazardous 1 Nov 98 Toxic , and Radioactive Waste Sites Soil Vapor Extraction and Bioventing 03 Jun 02 Guidance for Low-Level Radioactive 30 Jun 97 Waste (LLRW) and Mixed Waste EM 1110-1-4001 EM 1110-1-4002 424 136 PUB.NUMBER PAGES CD- PROPONENT TITLE ROM (MW) Treatment and Handling PUB.DATE EM 1110-1-4005 EM 1110-1-4006 154 260 CEMP-RT CEMP-RT In-Situ Air Sparging 15 Sep 97 Removal of Underground Storage 30 Sep 98 Tanks (USTs) Safety and Helath Aspects of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive 30 Sep 99 Waste Remediation Technologies Liquid Process Piping 05 May 99 EM 1110-1-4007 231 CEMP-RA EM 1110-1-4008 Change 1 (16 Sep 02) 245 Errata Sheet 1 (10 Jan 03) EM 1110-1-4009 EM 1110-1-4010 184 285 CEMP-RA CEMP-RA CEMP-R Ordnance and Explosives Multi-Phase Extraction 23 Jun 00 01 Jun 99 EM 1110-1-4011 70 CEMP-RA Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) Plan - Requirements for 01 Oct 99 Hazardous Waste Landfills Engineering and Design: 15 Nov 01 Precipitation/Coagulation/Flocculation Environmental Quality in Design of 03 May 71 Civil Works Projects Guidelines for Landscape Planting at Floodwalls, Levees & Embankment 01 Jan 00 Dams Design of Recreation Areas and 31 Dec 82 Facilities - Access and Circulation Small Wastewater Systems Design of Small Water Systems 01 Feb 99 27 Feb 99 EM 1110-1-4012 EM 1110-2-38 101 008 CECW-ET CECW-ED CECW-EG/ CEMP-ET CECW-ED CECW-ET CECW-ET CECW-ED CECW-EE CECW-OD CECW-EE EM 1110-2-301 013 EM 1110-2-410 EM 1110-2-501 EM 1110-2-503 EM 1110-2-504 EM 1110-2-1003 EM 1110-2-1009 106 221 83 057 580 292 Land Treatment Systems Operation 30 Nov 83 and Maintenance Hydrographic Surveying 01 Jan 02 Engineering and Design - Structural 01 Jun 02 Deformation Surveying

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