
2015年中考英语模拟试题二 姓名____________ 考号_________得分______ 一. 单项选择 题 号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 答 案 ( )1. —______ progress he’s made since he joined the English Club! — Yes. And I am sure he can do much better. A. What great B. What a great C. How great D. How a great ( )2. Google’s Street View map service is really of great ______ to me. With its help, I can find places so easily. A. experience B. effect C. cost D. value ( )3. The boy is crazy ______ computer games. He pays attention _______ nothing else. A. about; to B. about; for C. with; to D. with; for ( )4. Speak louder, please. We can ______hear what you are saying. A. nearly B. hardly C. almost D. easily ( )5. — What do you think we can do for the left-behind children? — As students, we don’t have much money, but we can ______some stationery and our best wishes to them. A. lend B. provide C. share D. offer ( )6. — What do you think of the book? — I think it is very helpful, and it is worth______. A. read B. reads C. reading D. to read ( )7. ______stress, maybe you can try sharing your worries with your parents and ask them for help. A. Reducing B. Reduce C. To reducing D. To reduce ( )8. — I don’t know ______ I can pass the exam. — Of course you can. You work hard all the time. A. whether B. how C. why D. which ( )9. — It’s necessary to ask your father not to ______ too late. His health is falling because of it. — OK. I will tell him to go to bed early. A. look up B. stay up C. put away D. stay down ( )10. I am so grateful to my mother. With her help, I got a high mark in writing. Here ‘got’ can be replaced by ‘______’. A. arrived B. received C. became D. achieved ( )11. — Lily, why didn’t you ______ your homework? — I’m sorry I forgot to bring it here. A. hand out B. give out C. give in D. hand in ( )12. Jeremy Shu-How Lin ______ by two NBA teams years ago, but now he has become a bright star in the Knicks. A. is refused B. was refused C. refused D. has been refused ( )13. — I don’t think Kobe Bryant is a great basketball player, ______? — But I don’t agree. Who else can be greater than him at present? A. do I B. is he C. isn’t he D. don’t I ( )14. — Could you teach me ______to use the iPad? — Sorry, I don’t know, ______. A. how; either B. what; too C. how; too D. what; either ( )15. — Thanks for listening to me about my problems and giving me your advice, Amy. —______. A. With pleasure B. It doesn’t matter C. Me too D. It’s my pleasure 二. 完形填空 题 号 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 答 案 I remember when I was young, my parents used to disagree nearly on everything I did. I liked wearing bright red clothes, but they said the 16 was too sharp. I hated eating vegetables, but they said they were 17 my health. As to my study, my parents were very 18 me in every subject I was learning. They always asked me to study hard. Every night before I fell 19 , I asked myself, ‘What’s wrong with me? Everything I do is always not right. I had to 20 many things I liked doing. I 21 had time for my hobbies. My life was not as colourful as my friends’ lives.’ I felt 22 . When I was at college, I studied the science of human activities. I got very good marks, but I still did not understand 23 my parents were so strict. Then I got married and had my own 24 . I heard myself telling him, ‘You should focus on your schoolwork 25 of your time. Read in your free time. Playing computer games 26 not good. That T-shirt is not 27 your age. Put on a jacket!’ It was at that time that I learnt a(n) 28 lesson in my life. I began to understand my parents. They told me what to do because they 29 , just like I told my son what to do because I cared. Young people, behind all the 30 your parents give you, what they are really saying is ‘We care about you and we love you’. ( )16. A. price B. colour C. size D. shape ( )17. A. good for B. good at C. bad for D. poor in ( )18. A. worried about B. pleased with C. strict with D. satisfied with ( )19. A. ill B. down C. sleepy D. asleep ( )20. A. give up B. put up C. set up D. take up ( )21. A. always B. almost C. hardly D. nearly ( )22. A. stressed B. relaxed C. excited D. happy ( )23. A. what B. when C. how D. why ( )24. A. decision B. child C. survey D. dream ( )25. A. most B. least C. none D. some ( )26. A. are B. is C. was D. were ( )27. A. in B. at C. to D. for ( )28. A. valuable B. boring C. comfortable D. elegant ( )29. A. minded B. blamed C. hated D. cared ( )30. A. sadness B. advice C. money D. progress 三. 阅读理解 题 号 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 答 案 A Dear Editor Last week, a boy in my class told me that he liked me very much. I felt really flattered (荣幸的), but I don’t think of him as my boyfriend. I don’t want to hurt his feelings, and I don’t like him in that way. What should I do? Jane Dear Jane Don’t worry. It is a problem that many girls have had. If you don’t want to harm your friendship, you can tell him that your parents have set a dating age that you have not reached yet. You could tell him that both of you should let your studies come first. If he replies by asking if you like him, tell him that you are not ready to have a boyfriend. For now, you like him as a friend but not as a boyfriend. Maybe when you get a little older, you can be more than just friends. Editor ( )31. Jane felt______ when the boy told her that he liked her. A. flattered but shy B. frightened but pleased C. flattered but worried D. excited but shy ( )32. Jane’s problem is that ______. A. she hasn’t enough time to finish her homework B. her parents are too strict with her C. she doesn’t have a boyfriend like the boy D. she doesn’t know how to reply to the boy ( )33. The editor thinks that Jane’s problem is ______. A. difficult to deal with B. common among girls C. good for friendship D. good for her growth ( )34. The editor suggests Jane use ______as an excuse. A. friendship B. her worry C. her parents D. her teachers ( )35. From the two letters we can learn that______. A. Jane may like the boy to be just her friend B. Jane’s parents have set her a dating age C. Jane and the boy will get married D. her teachers and parents are angry with the boy B Here are five points you can follow to improve your English, and the first point is the most important. It’s your duty to achieve your aims! Studying English is your own duty and not the duty of your teacher or your

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