

Part I Dialogue Completion (15 points) Directions: There are 15 short incomplete dialogues in this part, each followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

1. Wanda: Hey, Victoria. Where is Boston Municipal Library? I want to borrow some books about the history of India.

Victoria: ______________, there is no library called Boston Municipal Library. There is only Boston Public Library located at Copley Square. A. You must know B. In my opinion C. As far as I know

D. You may be quite disappointed

2. Michelle: Hi, how do you usually spend your spare time? Do you have any hobby? I’d like some suggestions on how to spend my free time.

Ella: Well, ______________ But as for me, if I do not go out, I usually do some reading at home. A. it is so interesting a topic. B. it is a difficult question. C. I have no idea about this. D. it depends on the person

3. Homer: Excuse me, what is the best way for me to improve my English? Cyril: ______________ If you don’t practice, nothing else can help you. A. Just do it. B. Never give up. C. Keep trying. D. Keep practicing.

4. Daniel: What do you think of the movie Inception?

Esther: Well, ______________ If I may say so, it’s the best movie I’ve ever watched. A. it is a little interesting. B. I have never watched it before. C. I like it very much. D. it is hard to say.

5. Enid: Grand Buy Department Store is having its anniversary sale, so I’d take my son to go shopping tomorrow. How long will it take to go there by bus?

Greta: ______________ But why don’t you use the subway? That’d be much faster. A. It depends on traffic.

B. The bus driver is very skillful. C. It can’t be faster.

D. There will be a lot of people on the bus.

6. Arthur: Excuse me, ______________ I am in a hurry to join an interview.

Charles: Of course! Are you going to take the bus or walk there? A. Could you tell me where the bus station is? B. Would you mind giving me a seat?

C. Could you show me how to get to Guangzhou Television?

D. Would you mind telling me the way to Guangzhou Television? 7. Customer: I want to send a small parcel to Canada. Clerk: ______________

Customer: What’s the difference between the rates? My parcel weighs 248 grams. A. What kind of service do you want? B. What mailing service do you prefer? C. By airmail or surface mail?

D. What is the weight of your parcel? 8. Andrew: Betty, I’ve got two tickets for the movie tonight. May I invite you to watch the movie? Betty: ______________, but I have an appointment with my supervisor tonight. A. Sure

B. I would like to C. It is very exciting D. I am sorry

9. Customer: Excuse me, I am looking for a suit for my father.

Clerk: ______________ It is a very popular style with the cotton texture. A. What do you like this one? B. How do you think of this one? C. How about this one?

D. What kind of style do you prefer?

10. Lucy: I’ve heard you are ill. ______________

Vivian: I was woke up by my son last night and felt exhausted this morning. A. What is your matter? B. What is the problem? C. What’s wrong with you?

D. How are you feeling at present?

11. Karen: Hi, Tina! What is your opinion about the Ted’s presentation? Tina: ______________ But he needs to make some small changes. A. It is perfect.

B. I do have some opinion about it. C. On the whole it is good D. I have no idea about it.

12. May: How about going to the KTV after class? Nicola: ______________ I can’t sing at all.

May: Don’t worry. You can just relax and enjoy your drink and cuisines. A. I’m sorry I can’t sing very well.

B. I’m an idiot musically.

C. I have not much knowledge about music. D. I’m not a good student of music.

13. Rhoda: Have you brought the novel you borrowed from me last time? Hannah: Oh, no. ______________ I left it in my room. Oh, sorry. A. Look at me!

B. How stupid of me!

C. I don’t know what I have done! D. It is unbelievable!

14. Alan: Hey, Sabina, it is so late that all the metro platforms are closed. What should we do? Sabina: ______________ Fortunately, my dad left his car at home. A. It couldn’t have been like this. B. It could have been much better. C. It can’t be.

D. It couldn’t have been worse.

15. Clerk: Sorry, sir, you have to be 18 to buy alcohol. Customer: I am already 30! ______________ A. What’s wrong with you? B. Can’t you see that? C. Are you kidding me? D. What is the problem?

Part II Reading Comprehension (40 points)

Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. Passage One Ask a mom if she’s happier now that she has a child, and she’ll usually say yes. But psychologists who study happiness often report a different picture. Being the mom of a young child (especially one under 3) is rewarding, but also a real strain on your mood. \sometimes angry, though kids do bring joy\says Peter Ubel, M.D., a professor of medicine and psychology at the University of Michigan. In fact, on their list of enjoyable activities, moms rank childcare lower than eating, exercising, or watching TV, according to a University of Michigan study, and kid care rates only slightly higher than housework, working, or commuting!

One reason for the difference between moms and experts: selective memory. When psychologists ask moms in a general way if they like spending time with their kids, the overwhelming majority say they do because they’re thinking of fun activities like reading a book or playing in the park. When they’re specifically asked to describe their actual daily routine, they remember the hours they spent struggling to get their child dressed or ready for bed.

Maybe, though, the psychologists are missing the intensity of joy that time spent with your child can bring. Luckily, those moments can overcome your daily frustrations. \is more than just

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