
Unit 2 The Olympic Games



I 语言知识及应用 (共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


It’s easy to see how to help some people, but what about those whose needs are not so obvious? This story may have happened a while back, but it was a 1 which has stayed with me and helped me ever since.

It was Thanksgiving, and I was 2 with my parents at a shelter for the needy. We were standing behind the counter 3 hot food to whoever came in. Most of our 4 looked like they had been having hard times; their clothes were worn out and dirty. 5 , they looked needy! Then, a man came in, who looked 6 but needy. He was well-dressed, in a(n) 7 suit. I wondered what he was doing there, and my jaw (下巴) dropped in 8 when he joined the line for 9 . The closer he came to my 10 station, the more I muttered (嘀咕) to my self. What was this man doing? I wanted to know. Surely he wasn’t going to take food 11 for those who were really in need!

Then my mother quietly took me to one side. She said, “You have 12 that the needs of the people who come here must be purely 13 : for food, shelter, clothing, etc. And this gentleman doesn’t seem to have any of those problems. 14 what if his needs are emotional? What if he needs 15 , friends, or just to be among other human beings?” Her words hit me like a ton of bricks! I felt I should 16 to the man — but I didn’t.

About a week later the shelter received a large 17 from an anonymous(匿名的) source. I couldn’t help but 18 if it came from that man.

Now, 19 I meet someone I remember my mother’s lesson and try to keep an

open mind, regardless of how they 20 . Needs aren’t always visible. But kindness always makes a difference.

1.A. passion B. feeling C. challenge D. lesson 2.A. impressing B. volunteering C. blessing D. contacting 3.A. serving B. cooking C. working D. carrying 4.A. visitors B. friends C. diners D. consumers 5.A. In detail B. In short C. In surprise D. In general 6.A. something B. nothing C. everything D. anything 7.A. cheap B. shabby C. expensive D. ordinary 8.A. amazement B. delight C. amusement D. satisfaction 9. A. food B. clothing C. money D. room 10. A. information B. rescue C. employment D. service 11.A. cared B. bought C. meant D. delivered 12. A. proven B. assumed C. planned D. decided 13.A. mental B. moral C. natural D. physical 14. A. Therefore B. But C. And D. So 15.A. comfort B. luck C. wealth D. space 16.A. announce B. communicate C. apologize D. explain 17. A. respect B. praise C. invitation D. donation 18. A. determine B. wonder C. conclude D. support 19.A. whenever B. however C. whatever D. whichever 20.A. try B. behave C. look D. struggle

2. B考查动词辨析以及对语境的理解。A. impressing使…印象深刻;B. volunteering志愿;C. blessing祈祷;D. contacting联系。那天是感恩节,我和父母一起自愿在避难所


3. A考查形容词辨析以及对语境的理解。 A. serving服务,提供;B. cooking煮;C. working工作;D. carrying携带。句意:我们站在柜台后面给任何进来的人提供热的食物。根据句意故选A。

4. C考查名词辨析以及对语境的理解。A. visitors参观者;B. friends朋友;C. diners食客;D. consumers消费者。上文可知作者和父母一起为贫穷的人提供热饭,故这里我们大部分的食客看起来日子过的很艰难。故选C。

5. B考查介词短语辨析以及对语境的理解。A. In detail详细地;B. In short总之,简而言之;C. In surprise惊讶;D. In general总的来说。简而言之,他们看起来很贫穷。故选B。

6.D考查不定代词辨析以及对语境的理解。 anything but除…之外任何事(物)都…,, 根本不…;

根据下句他衣着讲究,可知这里进来一个看起来完全不贫穷的人。根据句意可知选D。 7. C考查形容词辨析以及对语境的理解。A. cheap便宜的;B. shabby破烂的;C. expensive昂贵的;D. ordinary普通的。句意:他衣着讲究,穿着昂贵的西服。根据语境可知选C。 8. A考查名词辨析以及对语境的理解。A. amazement惊讶;B. delight快乐;C. amusement娱乐,游戏;D. satisfaction满足,满意。句意:我在想他是来干嘛的,当他加入队伍时我非常惊讶。故选A。


10.D考查名词辨析以及对语境的理解。A. information信息;B. rescue拯救;C. employment雇用;D. service服务。句意:他离我的服务柜台越近,我越犯嘀咕。故选D。

12.B考查形容词辨析以及对语境的理解。A. proven证明; B. assumed推测,猜想;C. planned疾患;D. decided决定。我的妈妈把我带到一边告诉我“你是认为来这里的人的需要一定是纯粹的身体上的(饥饿)”。根据分析可知选B。

13.D考查形容词辨析以及对语境的理解。A. mental精神的;B. moral道德的;C. natural自然的;D. physical身体的。这里选择physical和下句的emotional对应。

14. B考查连词辨析以及对语境的理解。 句意:这位绅士似乎没有这些问题,但是如果他的需要是情感上的呢。可知选B。

15. A考查名词辨析以及对语境的理解。A. comfort安慰;B. luck运气;C. wealth财富;

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