最新人教版PEP四年级上册英语unit 1单元测试卷(含答案)

四年级上册英语单元测试-unit 1 人教PEP(含解析)


1.- Where's your picture?

- ___________________( )

A. It's so big. B. It's near the window. C. It's a window. 2.- Let's clean the classroom.

- __________________( )

A. OK. B. Goodbye! C. Thank you. 3.______ go and see.( )

A. Let B. Let is C. Let us 4.Let ______ clean the windows.( )

A. me B. I C. my 5.The desks _____ yellow. ( )

A. this B. is C. are 6.- What's in the classroom?

- Two doors and__________ desks.( )

A. many B. one C. a 7.This is Mike,our new________.( )

A. classroom B. classmate C. school 8.教室里面有什么?( )

A. What's in the classroom? B. Where is it? 9.我们有一间新教室。( )

A. I have a new classroom. B. We have a new classroom. 10.让我们一起擦玻璃吧!( )

A. Let me clean the windows. B. Let's clean the windows. 11.Where are _____from?

A. you B. your C. she 12.—_____are you? —Fine, thank you.

A. What B. Where C. How

二、阅读理解 13.阅读理解

Hello! I'm Zoom. This is my new classroom. It's very big. In the classroom you can see a big blackboard, 2 doors, 6 windows, 10 desks, 20 chairs, 4 pictures and 8 lights. The wall is white. The floor is green. My classroom is nice and clean. I like my classroom very much. (1)The classroom is very big. (2)The blackboard is small.

(3)There are 6 windows in the classroom. (4)The floor is yellow.

(5)The classroom is nice and clean. 三、填空题






15 看图读单词,将图片与相应的单词用直线相连

________ A、fan

________ B、light

________ C、picture

________ D、door

________ E、window

________ F、teacher's desk

________ G、floor

________ H、blackboard

________ I、computer

________ J、wall


①擦黑板________ ② clean the classroom________ ④ fish bowl ________ ⑤打开 ________


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