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大学英语 B(一)

Unit One

1.(单选题 ) They cancelled the basketball game because of a _____ of interest.

A. lack

B. need

C. lot

D. common

答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交)

参考答案: A 问题解析:

2.(单选题 ) Learning is a long and exciting ______.

A. situation

B. process

C. person

D. sign

答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交)

参考答案: B 问题解析:

3.(单选题 ) I ’ m _____because I have received lots of presents.

A. pleased

B. unhappy

C. angry

D. resent

答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交)

参考答案: A 问题解析:

4.(单选题 ) I got confused, too. I seem to have ______ in dealing with numbers


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A . knowledge

B.development C .challenge D. difficulty


A. B. C. D. (已提交)

参考答案: D


5.(单选题 ) People use more words when they ______ with each other.

A . complete

B.communicate C .associate D. acquire


A. B. C. D. (已提交)

参考答案: B


6.(单选题 ) ― How are you doing, Frank?

― _______________

A. How are you doing?

B. How do you do?

C. Great, thanks! D. It

’ nice meeting you!


A. B. C. D. (已提交)

参考答案: C


7.(单选题 ) ― Hi, it is nice to meet you!

― ______________________

A. Nice to meet you, too. B. Fine, thank you! C. Good to you. D.

How are you?


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A. B. C. D. (已提交)

参考答案: A


8.(单选题 ) ― Hello, I

’ m Robin.

― _______________ My name is Anna.

A. How are you? Fine, thanks.

B. How do you do? C. You can call me Bob.



A. B. C. D. (已提交)

参考答案: B


9.(单选题 ) ― Hello, I

’ am Malinda.

― Hello, I’ m Adelaide. A. Call my Ada. me.

B. Call Ada for me.

C. Call me Ada.

D. Call Ada to


A. B. C. D. (已提交)

参考答案: C


10. (单选题 ) ― Hi, Long time no see. ― __________________ A. Fine, thank you!

B. Nice meeting you, too.

C. Long time no

see. D. How do you do?


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A. B. C. D. (已提交)

参考答案: C


Every one of us is a mother, father, son or daughter - and we all have dreams - big and small. Unfortunately, too many of us keep these

dreams to ourselves because we fear what others might say. My point in

writing this is to say it's OK to dream and dream big and talk about your dreams so that others are inspired to dream big too. What a world we would have if everyone did this! My dad was a dreamer. He told me that one day he was going to have a sailboat. We would go to the boat shows whenever they came to town and climb into them. My

father would talk to the sales people and I would be busy pretending to sail the boat. It was fun. Then one day we went to the boat place and took out a sailboat on the ocean, what a thrill! Soon afterwards he bought his first boat and named it \ big bays and seas around New England. When I was older I got to be the skipper because he not only told me his dream he showed it to me and let me taste the idea on my own. Now I was inspired to dream big too. You see dreams can do wonders for you. When you believe in your dreams, they take on a life of their own. Now you start dreaming up things to do to make your inspiration a reality. More dreams, more



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