
? Text A 一个文本

? Pre-reading Questions 课前阅读问题

? ?

1. 1。

? Which means of transport do you prefer in daily life? 在日常生活中你更喜欢哪种交通工具?

? 2. 2。

? What are the greenest ways to travel? 什么是最环保的旅行方式?

? Bus Chick's Manifesto 总线小鸡的宣言

? When I was in the third grade, I started riding the Metro bus alone. 当我上三年级的时候,我开始独自乘坐地铁。

? At first, I was only allowed to ride to school, but eventually my parents extended the privilege to include my favorite childhood haunts: ①Grandma's apartment, Pike Place Market and, in the summer, Seattle Center.


? Back then, the bus symbolized independence. 那时,公共汽车象征着独立。

? It gave me a power rare among my eight-year-old peers: the ability to get around the city without the assistance of an adult.②


? By the time I turned 16, a new power beckoned: a form of transportation that was available on demand and did not require an umbrella or an extra pair of gloves.


? ③Like most young Americans, I believed the auto industry's propaganda that a car was necessary for my transition to adulthood.


? ④For the next ten years — except for a short time in college, when I found myself unable to afford a vehicle of my own —I left the bus behind.


? But then I accepted a job at a software company based 15 miles outside the city. 但后来我接受了一家软件公司的工作,这家公司位于离城市15英里的地方。

? ⑤ During my commutes, I became more aware of the negative impact of car culture: pollution, sprawl, isolation and fatalities.


? I began to question my right to subject my beloved city to the impact of my choices. 我开始质疑我的权利,让我的城市受到我的选择的影响。

? ⑥So I returned to my roots and began riding the bus to work. ⑥我回到根,开始乘坐公共汽车去上班。

? Eventually, I was using my car so rarely that I decided to try living without one. 最后,我很少使用我的车,所以我决定试着没有车的生活。

? I sold my lovely silver coupe in March 2003 and have used the bus as my primary means of transport ever since.⑦


? Riding the bus isn't always fun. 乘公共汽车并不总是有趣的。

? I don't like riding it on rainy days, when the floor is slippery and the windows are so fogged- up that you can't see your stop.


? ⑧I don't like standing when the bus crowded. ⑧我不喜欢站在公车拥挤。

? I don't like drivers who ride the brakes. 我不喜欢踩刹车的司机。

? ⑨I don't like practical hairstyles or sensible shoes. ⑨我不喜欢实用的发型或明智的鞋子。

? Despite these occasional inconveniences, I will never go back to driving, because what I believe is this: 尽管偶尔会有不便,但我不会再回去开车了,因为我相信:

? I believe in sitting next to my neighbors, in saying \我相信坐在邻居旁边,说“你今天过得怎么样?”“天气不错,不是吗?”

? I believe in feeling the sun on my skin, in breathing fresh air and moving my body. 我相信在我的皮肤上感受阳光,呼吸新鲜的空气,移动我的身体。

? I believe in eavesdropping. 我相信窃听。

? I believe in novels you can't put down. 我相信小说你不能放下。

? I believe in business people and teenage lovers, middle-aged gossips and giggling toddlers. 我相信商界人士和青少年爱好者,中年的流言蜚语和咯咯傻笑的孩子。

? I believe in watching and listening. 我相信观察和倾听。

? I believe in naps. 我相信小睡。

? I believe in the camaraderie that develops among riders late at night, when the smooth-voiced driver plays jazz loud enough for everyone to enjoy.


? I believe in clean air, in keeping cities populous and vibrant, and in protecting our remaining farmland and forests.


? I believe in the beauty of Puget Sound and the majesty of Mount Rainier. 我相信普吉特的美丽和雷尼尔山的雄伟。

? I believe that human life is sacred, that the world's resources should be shared and that every choice matters.⑩


? I believe that change is possible — if all of us ride. 我相信改变是有可能的——如果我们都骑的话。

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