七年级上英语unit 1-5单元错题整理

Unit 5 错题整理


do, be, we, let's, late, go, have, get

1. Come on! We are ________ for school. 2. —Does your sister have a tennis ball?

—No, she doesn't. But she ________ a soccer ball. 3. Helen, ________ go.

4. —Do you ________ to school at seven? —No, I don't. I go to school at eight. 5. —Where is the volleyball?

—It's under the desk. Let me ________ it for you. 6.—________ Mike and Bill have a volleyball? —No, they ________. 7.—What ________ these?

—They ________ baseball bats. 8.Where is________tennis ball? 二、根据提示完成句子。

1. —________ Aunt and Uncle drink coffee?

—No, ________ ________.

2. —________ these boys play badminton? —Yes, ________ ________.

3. My grandfather doesn't play sports, but he w________ them on TV. 4. Mary plays tennis w________ her friend after school. 5. Volleyball is difficult.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)

—________ volleyball difficult? —No, ________ ________.

6. We play basketball at school with our friends. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)

—________ ________ ________basketball at school with your friends? —Yes, ________ ________. 三、单项选择。

( )1.________ he ________ a ping-pong ball?

A.Do; has B.Does; has C.Does; have D.Do; have

( )2.—________ you ________ a baseball bat? —Yes, I ________. A.Do; have; have B.Does; have; have C.Do; have; do D.Does; has; does

( )3.—________ your father have a brother? —Yes, he________.


A.Do; do B.Does; does C.Does; do D.Do; does

( )4.2014·襄阳—I'm sorry. I left my homework at home. Shall I go and ________ it? —No, you needn't. Bring it here tomorrow. A.get B.send C.take D.pass

( )5.We ________ five basketballs. A.has B.doesn't have C.have D.has not

( )6.________ your brother have a soccer ball? A.Is B.Do C.Does D.Are

( )7.—Let's play tennis. —________.

A.That's right B.All right C.Sorry D.Thanks

( )8.Let's play ________ basketball. A.a B.an C.the D./

( )9.Peter ________ a baseball, but he doesn't ________ a baseball bat. A.have; has B.has; have C.have; have D.has; has

( )10.They ________ have a tennis bat. A.aren't B.doesn't C.isn't D.don't

( )11.He is often ________ for school. So the teacher is angry(生气的) with him. A.come B.go C.late D.early

( )12.—________ Jim ________ any pens? —Yes. He has three.

A.Do; have B.Does; has C.Do; has D.Does; have

( )13.—Do you play ________ volleyball? —Yes, I do.

A.a B.an C.the D./

( )14.They have ________ at the party. Their parents are happy, too. A.boring B.difficult C.good D.fun

( )15.—Let's go to play computer games. —________.

A.That sounds good B.You're welcome C.Goodbye D.Thank you

( )16.I don't have a ping-pong ball, ________ my sister ________. A. and; has B. and; does C. but; has D. but; does


( )17.Mary likes watching sports matches ________ TV. A.in B.on C.at D.of

( )18.I love ________, but I don't play ________. A.sport; it B.sports; it

C.sports; them D.sport; them

( )19.My sister and Linda ________ in ________ class. A.is; same B.are; same

C.are; the same D.is; the same

( )20.I don't play volleyball. I think it's________. A.interesting B.difficult C.easy D.relaxing

( )21.________ Tom and Mike________ volleyballs? A.Do; have B.Does; have C.Does; has D.Do; has


Hello!I'm __1__. I'm an English boy. I__2__ two sisters. __3__ are Sonia and Linda.Sonia has a great sports(运动) collection(收集).She has a soccer ball, three volleyballs __4__ four basketballs.But she__5__ play sports—she only__6__ them on TV.Linda has a sports collection, __7__.She has two tennis balls and__8__ baseball.And she has many ping-pong balls__9__ her drawer(抽屉).She__10__ ping-pong every day.

Do you like sports? Do you __1__ basketball, soccer ball or ping-pong __2__ school? My brother's name is Tom and my name is Jack.Our __3__ name is White.Tom and I like sports very much. __4__ are both(两者都) thirteen years old. We are in the same class. We study in Class Five, Grade Seven. We play tennis in the __5__ before we go to school. It is very __6__. We play tennis very __7___. We also like basketball. I have two basketballs and Tom has three basketballs. We __8__ basketball matches on TV and play it __9__ class every day. We think __10__ is easy for us. It is good for our health(健康), too.

What sports do you play?


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