英语人教版八年级下册Unit5SectionB2a to3b Selfcheck

Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?

第五课时 SectionB(2a-3bSelfcheck) 教学目的和要求

1.重点单词:passage,pupil,completely,silence,recently, Terrorist,date,tower ,realize

2.重点短语:in history, in silence,take down,at first, Look out of the window 1. 重点句子:

People often remember what they were doing when they heard the news of important events in history.

My parents were completely shocked!

Even the date-September 11,2001-has meaning to most Americans. She remembers working in her officenear the two towers.

I didn’t believe him at first,but then I looked out the window and realized that it was true.

I was so scared that I could hardly think clearly after that . 教学重点

1. 重点短语和句型

2. 利用所学知识谈论过去发生的事情

3. 培养阅读技巧从标题和段落第一句话获取信息。 教学难点


2.培养阅读技巧从标题和段落第一句话获取信息 教学过程

Step 1.情景导入。

Teacher:I remember man first walked on the moon on July 20,1969. I remember Hong Kong returned to China in 1997.I remember Macao returned to China in 1999.Do you remember anything important in history? If you do ,can you tell me?Choose some students to tell some important events. Today ,we are going to learn…Do you remember what you were doing……? In this articlewe are going to learn about some important events in history. Step2.完成教材2a-2b 的任务。 1. 认真观察2b中的图片和标题,让学生思考这篇短文是关于什么的?小组内互相讨论2a中的三个问题,然后邀请学生谈谈自己的看法 2. 快速阅读2b的短文,了解短文大意,完成2b中两个问题,请学生回答问题,老师点拨。

3. 老师点拨短文的重点和难点。 Step 3.完成2c -2d 的任务。

1. 认真阅读文章,在正确的句子前面的横钱上写T,在错误的句子前面写F,在文章中没有涉及到的句子前些NG,完成后请学生回答问题,教师点拨。 2. 再次认真阅读文章,在文章中画出和所给句子意思相同的句子,完成后小组


Step4.完成2e 的任务

关于文章中的事件,你记住了多少?两人一组仿照2e的对话互相检查。 Step5.问题探究。 1. 宾语从句的语序 2. 状语从句

3. silence 和silent区别 Step6.完成教材3a 的任务。


Step 7.完成3b 的任务。

根据3a问题的答案以及3b的写作提示,完成3b的写作,完成后同桌互相修改,借鉴好词好句,教师抽查点评。 Step8.完成Self Check的任务

1. 用when和while填空,完成后集体核对答案并大声朗读句子 2. 认真阅读2中的短文,用所给单词的正确形式填空 Step9.布置作业。

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