
thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career made new progress, no necessary always hard has, no awareness to China also has many poverty area, and also has many poverty population of exists, more living improve has, more need keep hard of style. Three is not strictly honest. Total thought units is a water sector, clean self-discipline away from himself too far, no real processing good living of improve and hard, and thrift excellent traditional of relationship, no effective do comply with Constitution and party of regulations must from I do up, no right mercy good bitter Le, and wealth of relationship, no right awareness to in comply with Constitution and party of regulations aspects everyone has accountability. Four, future direction and improvement measures 1, belief and faith, strengthen party spirit. One is to firmly establish the noble ideals of struggle for the ideals of communism, communist struggle for life, ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people. Second is to continuously improve the quality and standard of political, conscientiously study Deng Xiaoping theory and \presents\nt thought and the scientific Outlook on development, implement the party's basic program for the primary stage of socialism, adhere to the correct political orientation, maintain highly consistent with the CPC Central Committee, is good at theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics to analyze and solve problems. Third, strengthening the party spirit and the world transformation, perseverance of the party Constitution, relive Party vows to establish correct world Outlook, Outlook on life and the world, practically embodies ideals and beliefs into action, combine lofty ideals and practical activities, transforming the objective world, actively participate in the great practice of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. 2, keep the purpose in concept, changing the style of work. First, keep in mind that the purpose of serving, adhere to assuming power for the people, keep in mind the people and care about people, and the joys and sorrows of the masses, ...According to city discipline, and municipal organization Department requirements, today we held \ementation independent Commission against corruption guidelines effective strengthening led cadres style construction\c democratic life, main task is close contact thought, and work actual, control check district Standing Committee team and the personal in implementation independent Commission against corruption guidelines Shang exists of problem, in-depth carried out criticism and self-critical, further clear rectification direction and measures, effective enhanced clean politics of consciousness and initiative, firm set good of ruling image. Before the meeting, the way we take surveys solicited a views, combed, related to team building2008学业水平测试模拟题(二)

本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。第Ⅰ卷为第1至55题,第Ⅱ卷为第56至102题)。试卷总分140分,考试时间100分钟。 说明:


2、第Ⅰ卷上选择题答案必须填涂在答题卡上;在第Ⅰ卷上答题无效。 3、第II卷上非选择题答案必须填写在答题纸上;在第II卷上答题无效。



第I卷(选择题 70分)


A. 情景应答,根据听到的内容选择正确答语(听一遍)。(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分) 1. A. I like swimming in sea. B. That’s a good idea! C. It’s sunny. 2. A. Never mind. B. Sorry to hear that. 3. A. Just a little. 4. A. A. Singing.

B. Tea, please. B. Shopping.

C. Look out! C. That would be fine. C. Basketball.

5. A. I had a tooth pulled out yesterday. B. I have just found my eye-glasses.

C. My clothes don't look well, I think.

B. 听对话,选择正确答语(听两遍)。(共10小题;每小题1分,计10分) 听五段对话,每段对话后各有一个问题,根据对话内容及问题,选择正确答语。 6. A. Football. 7. A. Next Tuesday. 9. A. Rock music.

B. Basketball. B. Next Monday. B. Country music.

C. Volleyball. C. Next Thursday. C. Light music.

8. A. He was cleaning the floor. B. He was playing football. C. He was drawing on the wall. 10. A. The woman can’t sit beside him. B. The woman can sit beside him. C. Someone else will sit beside him. 听下面一段对话,回答第11至第12小题。 11. Where is the mother going?

A. She is going to the school. B. She is going to the hospital. C. She is going to the supermarket. 12. What does the boy want? A. He wants a ball pen.

B. He wants a pen.

C. He wants a ball.


roject work, cadres, cadres selection and other aspects of a total of 19, further defined the direction of rectification, enhancing the pertinence and effectiveness of democratic life. Good for this meeting, we requested the Standing Committee of the municipal party Committee, municipal Secretary General Tang Wenjin, the City Commission for discipline inspection Standing Committee Yng Xu, Jiang Jixue, Deputy Director of the personnel office, and other leading comrades present guidance allows us to warm applause for their welcome and thanks! Below, I first District Committee member of the 20XX team annual democratic meeting implementation of the corrective measures, as well as member of the team and of my own report guidelines for the implementation of the independent Commission against corruption statement invited leaders and comrades criticism. First, annual party on the 20XX team, Member of democratic life action plan implementation year 20XX, district democratic meeting a member of the team on \and practice the scientific Outlook on development\ng strong enough, the industry well enough, urban construction management level needs to be improved, livelihood improvement needs to be strengthened, district team itself, such as the five aspects. ear of 20XX, we find out the problems mentioned above, based on actual Shunqing construction and development, conscientiously sum up improvements, achieving significant development results and effectiveness of their work. (A) highlight the project handle, maintain high growth of investment. Adhere to the strategy as a Foundation, carrying out projects to promote increased stamina important. One is to increase the intensity of projects towards. Actively seek national and provincial policy support, superior special transfer payments, a variety of additional income will top 700 million Yuan, a number of key infrastructure projects, livelihood projects, industrial projects into the cage. Second, increasing the project attracts. This year a total of 23 signed amajor project, of which 14 billion project, China Metallurgical group, vanke group, Guangdong hengda group, Taiwan Ruentex group, on the RI group, Shenzhen Kaisa, jifeng agricultural machinery, Mercedes-Benz, Audi 4S store and other large enterprises and projects have settled in Shunqing. Third, strengthen project construction. Annual implementation focus project 39 a, fixed assets investment total will breakthrough 12 billion yuan, created district yilai history high, South door dam, and five in shop old city transformation, and Ying China industrial concentrated district construction, and city main road construction, and Northeast steam Trade Center, and modern farmers industry Park, and vocational education city, and low rental, and also room construction, and features blocks build, and farmers market transformation, and \s engineering speed up implementation, effectiveness obviously. Expected to be achieved this year, area-wide GDP 17 billion thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career made new progress, no necessary always hard has, no awareness to China also has many poverty area, and also has many poverty population of exists, more living improve has, more need keep hard of style. Three is not strictly honest. Total thought units is a water sector, clean self-discipline away from himself too far, no real processing good living of improve and hard, and thrift excellent traditional of relationship, no effective do comply with Constitution and party of regulations must from I do up, no right mercy good bitter Le, and wealth of relationship, no right awareness to in comply with Constitution and party of regulations aspects everyone has accountability. Four, future direction and improvement measures 1, belief and faith, strengthen party spirit. One is to firmly establish the noble ideals of struggle for the ideals of communism, communist struggle for life, ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people. Second is to continuously improve the quality and standard of political, conscientiously study Deng Xiaoping theory and \presents\nt thought and the scientific Outlook on development, implement the party's basic program for the primary stage of socialism, adhere to the correct political orientation, maintain highly consistent with the CPC Central Committee, is good at theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics to analyze and solve problems. Third, strengthening the party spirit and the world transformation, perseverance of the party Constitution, relive Party vows to establish correct world Outlook, Outlook on life and the world, practically embodies ideals and beliefs into action, combine lofty ideals and practical activities, transforming the objective world, actively participate in the great practice of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. 2, keep the purpose in concept, changing the style of work. First, keep in mind that the purpose of serving, adhere to assuming power for the people, keep in mind the people and care about people, and the joys and sorrows of the masses, ... According to city discipline, and municipal organization Department requirements, today we held \ementation independent Commission against corruption guidelines effective strengthening led cadres style construction\c democratic life, main task is close contact thought, and work actual, control check district Standing Committee team and the personal in implementation independent Commission against corruption guidelines Shang exists of problem, in-depth carried out criticism and self-critical, further clear rectification direction and measures, effective enhanced clean politics of consciousness and initiative, firm set good of ruling image. Before the meeting, the way we take surveys solicited a views, combed, related to team building13. What are they talking about? A. How to go to school.

B. How to save the environment.

C. How to recycle waste paper. 14. How many ways did they talk about? A. Four. 15. What’s the last way? A. Saving money. 16. What’s the guide doing? A. Talking to the tourists. 17. Where’re the tourists? A. In the London Museum. A. About 17 million. A. Poor and uninteresting.

B. On the way to London. C. On River Thames. B. About 7 million. B. Busy but uninteresting.

C. About 1.7 million. C. Busy and beautiful.

18. What’s the population of London?

19. What kind of place is London in the guide’s eyes? 20. Which of the following is right according to the passage? A. There’re many parks and gardens in London. B. People in London don’t like to help foreign tourists.

C. People working in London have a lot of time to visit museums. 二、单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,计10分)

在下列各题A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。 21. --- When can I watch Cartoon World? --- ________ 7 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.. A. On

B. In

C. From

D. At

22. --- Could I borrow a story book?

--- Sorry, there is _______. What about a science book? A. nothing

B. none

C. no one

D. nobody

23. --- Did you watch the football match last night?

--- Yes. Liverpool didn’t play ________ they did last week. A. well than

B. more than

C. as well as

D. as good as

24. --- When did your father come back last night?

--- He didn’t come back _________ he finished all the work. A. when

B. while

C. if

D. until

25. --- Your bike looks nice. Is it new? --- No, I ________ it for five months. A. have had

B. have bought

C. had

D. bought

26. --- I don’t know ________ with this problem.

roject work, cadres, cadres selection and other aspects of a total of 19, further defined the direction of rectification, enhancing the pertinence and effectiveness of democratic life. Good for this meeting, we requested the Standing Committee of the municipal party Committee, municipal Secretary General Tang Wenjin, the City Commission for discipline inspection Standing Committee Yng Xu, Jiang Jixue, Deputy Director of the personnel office, and other leading comrades present guidance allows us to warm applause for their welcome and thanks! Below, I first District Committee member of the 20XX team annual democratic meeting implementation of the corrective measures, as well as member of the team and of my own report guidelines for the implementation of the independent Commission against corruption statement invited leaders and comrades criticism. First, annual party on the 20XX team, Member of democratic life action plan implementation year 20XX, district democratic meeting a member of the team on \and practice the scientific Outlook on development\ng strong enough, the industry well enough, urban construction management level needs to be improved, livelihood improvement needs to be strengthened, district team itself, such as the five aspects. ear of 20XX, we find out the problems mentioned above, based on actual Shunqing construction and development, conscientiously sum up improvements, achieving significant development results and effectiveness of their work. (A) highlight the project handle, maintain high growth of investment. Adhere to the strategy as a Foundation, carrying out projects to promote increased stamina important. One is to increase the intensity of projects towards. Actively seek national and provincial policy support, superior special transfer payments, a variety of additional income will top 700 million Yuan, a number of key infrastructure projects, livelihood projects, industrial projects into the cage. Second, increasing the project attracts. This year a total of 23 signed amajor project, of which 14 billion project, China Metallurgical group, vanke group, Guangdong hengda group, Taiwan Ruentex group, on the RI group, Shenzhen Kaisa, jifeng agricultural machinery, Mercedes-Benz, Audi 4S store and other large enterprises and projects have settled in Shunqing. Third, strengthen project construction. Annual implementation focus project 39 a, fixed assets investment total will breakthrough 12 billion yuan, created district yilai history high, South door dam, and five in shop old city transformation, and Ying China industrial concentrated district construction, and city main road construction, and Northeast steam Trade Center, and modern farmers industry Park, and vocational education city, and low rental, and also room construction, and features blocks build, and farmers market transformation, and \mation, focus engineering speed up implementation, effectiveness obviously. Expected to be achieved this year, area-wide GDP 17 billion B. Three. B. Riding a bike.

C. Two.

C. Using a bag instead of plastic bags.

C. 听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案(听两遍)。(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)

B. Helping some friends.

C. Having a class in London.

thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career made new progress, no necessary always hard has, no awareness to China also has many poverty area, and also has many poverty population of exists, more living improve has, more need keep hard of style. Three is not strictly honest. Total thought units is a water sector, clean self-discipline away from himself too far, no real processing good living of improve and hard, and thrift excellent traditional of relationship, no effective do comply with Constitution and party of regulations must from I do up, no right mercy good bitter Le, and wealth of relationship, no right awareness to in comply with Constitution and party of regulations aspects everyone has accountability. Four, future direction and improvement measures 1, belief and faith, strengthen party spirit. One is to firmly establish the noble ideals of struggle for the ideals of communism, communist struggle for life, ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people. Second is to continuously improve the quality and standard of political, conscientiously study Deng Xiaoping theory and \presents\nt thought and the scientific Outlook on development, implement the party's basic program for the primary stage of socialism, adhere to the correct political orientation, maintain highly consistent with the CPC Central Committee, is good at theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics to analyze and solve problems. Third, strengthening the party spirit and the world transformation, perseverance of the party Constitution, relive Party vows to establish correct world Outlook, Outlook on life and the world, practically embodies ideals and beliefs into action, combine lofty ideals and practical activities, transforming the objective world, actively participate in the great practice of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. 2, keep the purpose in concept, changing the style of work. First, keep in mind that the purpose of serving, adhere to assuming power for the people, keep in mind the people and care about people, and the joys and sorrows of the masses, ...According to city discipline, and municipal organization Department requirements, today we held \ementation independent Commission against corruption guidelines effective strengthening led cadres style construction\c democratic life, main task is close contact thought, and work actual, control check district Standing Committee team and the personal in implementation independent Commission against corruption guidelines Shang exists of problem, in-depth carried out criticism and self-critical, further clear rectification direction and measures, effective enhanced clean politics of consciousness and initiative, firm set good of ruling image. Before the meeting, the way we take surveys solicited a views, combed, related to team building --- You can ask your friends for help. A. which to do

B. when to do

C. what to do

D. how to do

27. --- May I ________ this T-shirt? --- Sure, the dressing room is over there. A. dress up

B. find out

C. put off

D. try on

28. --- I called you this morning, but nobody answerd. --- Sorry, maybe I _________ the flowers in my garden. A. watered

B. was watering

C. water

D. would water

29. --- Does your father smoke?

--- No, he doesn’t. But he ________a lot, now he has given it up. A. used to smoke 30. --- Mum, I’m hungry.

--- What about going to McDonald’s ________ hamburgers. A. eat

B. to eat

C. eating

D. and eat



Hundreds of years ago, life was much 31 than it is today. People didn’t have modern machines. There was no modern medicine, either.

Life today has brought new problems. One of the biggest is 32 . Water pollution has made our rivers and lakes 33 . It kills our fish and polluted our drinking water. 34 pollution makes us talk louder and become 35 more easily. Air pollution is the most serious kind of pollution. It’s bad to all 36 things in the world.

Cars, planes and factories all pollute our air every day. Sometimes the polluted air is so thick that it is like a quilt (被子) 37 a city. This kind of quilt is called smog. Many countries are making rules to fight pollution. Factories must now clean their water 38 it is thrown away, they mustn’t blow dirty smoke into the air.

We need to do many other things. We can put waste things in the dustbin and not 39 it on the ground. We can go to work by bus or with our friends in the same car. If there are 40 people driving, there will be less pollution.

Rules are not enough. Every person must help to fight pollution. 31. A. harder 32. A. population 33. A. clean 34. A. Water 35. A. angry 36. A. alive 37. A. in

B. easier B. pollution B. deep B. Light B. pleased B. lively B. over

C. richer C. economy C. wide C. Noise C. tired C. living C. through


B. is used to smoke C. is used to smoking D. used to smoking

D. happier D. life D. dirty D. Air D. relaxing D. healthy D. below

- 3

roject work, cadres, cadres selection and other aspects of a total of 19, further defined the direction of rectification, enhancing the pertinence and effectiveness of democratic life. Good for this meeting, we requested the Standing Committee of the municipal party Committee, municipal Secretary General TangWenjin, the City Commission for discipline inspection Standing Committee Yang Xu, Jiang Jixue, Deputy Director of the personnel office, and other leading comrades present guidance allows us to warm applause for their welcome and thanks! Below, I first District Committee member of the 20XX team annual democratic meeting implementation of the corrective measures, as well as member of the team and of my own report guidelines for the implementation of the independent Commission against corruption statement invited leaders and comrades criticism. First, annual party on the 20XX team, Member of democratic life action plan implementation year 20XX, district democratic meeting a member of the team on \ctice the scientific Outlook on development\ng strong enough, the industry well enough, urban construction management level needs to be improved, livelihood improvement needs to be strengthened, district team itself, such as the five aspects. Year of 20XX, we find out the problems mentioned above, based on actual Shunqing construction and development, conscientiously sum up improvements, achieving significant development results and effectiveness of their work. (A) highlight the project handle, maintain high growth of investment. Adhere to the strategy as a Foundation, carrying out projects to promote increased stamina important. One is to increase the intensity of projects towards. Actively seek national and provincial policy support, superior special transfer payments, a variety of additional income will top 700 million Yuan, a number of key infrastructure projects, livelihood projects, industrial projects into the cage. Second, increasing the project attracts. This year a total of 23 signed a major project, of which 14 billion project, China Metallurgical group, vanke group, Guangdong hengda group, Taiwan Ruentex group, on the RI group, Shenzhen Kaisa, jifeng agricultural machinery, Mercedes-Benz, Audi 4S store and other large enterprises and projects have settled in Shunqing. Third, strengthen project construction. Annual implementation focus project 39 a, fixed assets investment total will breakthrough 12 billion yuan, created district yilai history high, South door dam, and five in shop old city transformation, and Ying China industrial concentrated district construction, and city main road construction, and Northeast steam Trade Center, and modern farmers industry Park, and vocational education city, and low rental, and also room construction, and features blocks build, and farmers market transformation, and \l version\ngineering speed up implementation, effectiveness obviously. Expected to be achieved this year, area-wide GDP 17 billion

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