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摘 要






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Temperature control is our industrial processes and frequently encountered in everyday life process control; in our daily life, home water dispenser, electric fans, air conditioning, heating switch, dormitories not need to use a hot water system has no automatic temperature control system . In order to achieve a plurality of temperature control of the system currently on the market is very small, for each individual host objects to control the temperature becomes waste of resources, and in order to solve this problem, the realization of a system for controlling a plurality of host the project implements a dual-channel automatic temperature control system.

This design is based mainly on STC89C51 MCU and DS18B20 temperature sensor automatic temperature control system, and the use of 1602 as a temperature LCD display module, designed to fully utilize the microcontroller pin resources to achieve two-channel temperature control system can separate keyboard setting the normal temperature range, temperature may choose to work channel, the control module is implemented by a control signal output of the relevant switching control of heating and cooling devices, in order to achieve a two-channel control system for automatic temperature


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control. Design used in MCS-51 microcontroller to control the temperature, because of its easy to control, configuration simplicity and flexibility, high integration, strong function, versatility, and in particular, it has small size, light weight, consumption is low, cheap, good reliability, anti-interference ability and ease of use of the unique advantages; controlled temperature and can greatly improve the technical specifications. So this device is not only lightweight, stable, and is very practical. This article from the hardware circuit design, software design introduces two MCS-51 microcontroller temperature control system design, hardware schematics and block diagram briefly described, the realization of the design process and the debugging process has made the corresponding instructions.

Keywords: SCM; 1602 LCD screen; DS18b20; temperature control


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