

摘 要



关键词:单片机 超声波 测距 液位监控




The monolithic machine-based liquid place supervisory control system the main body of a book is designed has been that one kind of the contact-type liquid making use of the ultrasonic technology , electron technology , electromagnetism switch technology to realize combining with coming each other place measures and controls system , has been able to be put into use under some specially appointed occasion or environment is comparatively very bad situation , has got extensive use in the field of industry monitoring and controlling and so on. Horizontal uninterrupted growth of industry has brought forward the more and more high request to accuracy , extent and anti-interference sex that the liquid place measures in recent year, self can't be in the ultrasonic distance measurement technology perfect ceaseless and developed, the range finder is incline to minaturized and intellectualized , step by step have realized high precision , high reliability , security and multifunctional-rization.

This design's primary mission is by the monolithic integrated circuit primarily controller, develops one based on monolithic integrated circuit's fluid position supervisory system, measurable quantity and disclosing solution position, but may also through the monolithic integrated circuit control the fluid position define that in some scope, the situation which expires in the monolithic integrated circuit control after-crops the alarm, the reminder staff carries on the hand control. Research content including ultrasonic ranging's basic principle and method, precision influencing factor analysis and solution, monolithic integrated circuit to valve control method, supervisory system's overall plan design, hardware design, software flow design and so on. After the design completes, provides the ultrasonic wave distance gauge which a set may use, the measuring range and the measuring accuracy meet the general industrial application needs. After the design completes, should provide a set to be possible to use in the general industrial production the fluid position supervisory system. Through graduation project's entire process, may



synthesize the utilization sensor, the monolithic integrated circuit, the electronic circuit and the programming aspect knowledge, the exercise and enhancement beginning ability, participation scientific effort ability.

Keywords:Monolithic machine Ultrasonic Distance measurement The place monitors liquid


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