★【名校【小学必备】】★ 2020-2021学年度第一学期六年级上英语期末专项复习试题-情景对话(含答案)--【

小学试题库资料 2018-2019学年度第一学期


Ⅰ. 从B栏中找出A栏的答句,将其序号填入题前括号内。 A

( )1. What does he like? ( )2. Does she go to work by bus? ( )3. What is your hobby? ( )4. Does Jim live in Shanghai? ( )5. Do you like listening to music? ( )6. What are you going to do this afternoon? ( )7. How does your father go to England? ( )8. Where’s your home?

( )9. Is your mother an English teacher?

( )10. Are you going to the Great Wall next week? B A. Yes, she does.

B. No, she isn’t. She is a math teacher. C. He likes swimming.

D. I’m going to buy a ic book in the bookstore. E. It’s near the school. F. He goes to England by plane. G. I like watching TV. H. Yes, we are. I. Yes, I do. J. No, he doesn’t.

Ⅱ.根据上下文填写所缺的单词补全对话。 A: Who _______ these two persons in the photo? B: They are my uncle _______ aunt. A: What ________ they do? B: They _______ doctors. A: How ________ is your uncle?

欢迎下载试题库资料 ! 小学试题库资料 B: He’s forty _______ old.

A: He ______ young. What________your aunt? B: It’s a secret!

Ⅲ. 用方框内所给的词填空,每词只能用一次。 working, still, dinner, ing, ready, let’s, listening, all, cooking, yet Daughter: Mum, I’m _________ back home. Is dinner ________? Mum: Sorry, not _____. Are you ________ hungry?

Daughter: Yes, I am. M… it’s really nice. What are you _______ now?

Mum: Fish, your favorite. (after a while) Dear, are you _________ on the puter now? Daughter: No, I’m _________ to music now.

Mum: Oh, We’re hungry._________ have our ________. Daughter: __________ right.

Ⅳ. 用所给动词的适当形式完成下列对话。

A: I like _______ (see) the film, I ________ (think) it’s interesting. B: I _________ (not think) it’s interesting.

A: My mother enjoys ________ (listen) to the music now. B: _________ your father _________ (enjoy) it, too?

A: No, he doesn’t. He ________ (enjoy) the sport programmes. A: _________you often_______ (play) football? B: No, I __________. I often play basketball. Ⅴ.根据上下文完成对话。 A: Good morning, Miss Chen. B: __________, Mr Guo.

A: Shall we go out and have something to eat? B: Sure. What would you ________ to eat and drink?

A: I’d like _________ eat pizza and drink coffee. What about you? B: I’d like noodles ________ milk.

A: Let’s meet _________ Guangzhou Restaurant at six o’clock. B: OK.


欢迎下载试题库资料 ! 小学试题库资料 Ⅰ. 1-5 C A G J I 6-10 D F E B H

Ⅱ.are, and, do, are, old, years, is, about

Ⅲ. ing, ready, yet, still, cooking, working, listening, Let’s, dinner, All

Ⅳ. seeing, think, don’t think, listening, Does, enjoy, is enjoying, Do, play, don’t Ⅴ. Good morning, like, to, and, in

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