

英语专业(商务)学位英语 试题

I. 词汇与结构 (20%)

1. There is no water in the bottle, _____ there?

A. isn’t B. is C. hasn’t D. has

2. We tried to settle the problem with them as soon as possible, but they seemed to _____ sincerity.

A. lack of B. be lack of C. lack in D. be lacking in 3. It has been 3 years ______ I last met him.

A. so B. for C. as D. since

4. Changchun, ______ capital of Jilin Province, is as important ______ industrial center as Shenyang.

A. /, an B. the, a C. the, the D. /, the 5. That _____ the case, we have to make some changes in our plan. A. is B. was C. being D. has been 6. We won’t encourage him to do that _____ he is in good health. A. despite B. in case C. even though D. when

7. The Great Wall is the place _____ almost all tourists would like to visit when they come to Beijing.

A. where B. of which C. in which D. which 8. _____ their terms, we would go bankrupt.

A. If we accept B. If we should accept C. If we accepted D. If we are to accept

9. –Why don’t you take _____ to read on the train? --Can you lend me _____ interesting?

A. anything, anything B. anything, something C. something, something D. some, anything 10. The factory has turned out _____.

A. twice as much TV sets this year as last year B. twice TV sets this year than last year

C. twice as many TV sets this year as it has last year D. twice as many TV sets this year as it did last year

11. The earth might look like a perfect sphere, but careful measurements _____.

A. show that it is not B. show that it is C. that show it is not D. show it that is not

12. Nebraska is a state of the U.S. whose name comes from an Indian word _____ “river in the flatness”.

A. means B. the meaning of C. meaning D. is meant

13. Claudius Ptolemy, _____ of the first century A.D., left a good description of the geocentric theory.

A. he was an astronomer and a philosopher

B. being an astronomer and a philosopher

C. who was an astronomer and a philosopher D. was an astronomer and a philosopher

14. Near the White House is another famous landmark _____ the Washington Monument.

A. is which B. which call C. called D. it is called

15. _____ coming of the Space Age, a new dimension has been added to the study of the planets.

A. While B. It is the C. When the D. With the 16. It is useful to science _____ the earth as an object in space.

A. to consider B. which considers C. considers D. the consideration of 17. For many children, nothing seems to exciting ______ their first airplane ride. A. so does B. as C. on D. is

18. _____ our records, you have been in prison six times. A. It is according to B. That it is according C. While according to D. According to

19. _____, Nathan Hale was a young school teacher living in Connecticut.

A. When the American Revolution began B. The American Revolution began C. It was when the American Revolution began D. The beginning of the American Revolution

20. Some bees make the characteristic monotonous noise known as buzzing _____. A. but their wings are vibrated rapidly B. the vibration of their wings is rapid C. by vibrating their wings rapidly D. and their wings rapidly vibrating 21. I have devoted four weekends to writing papers and now I feel I ____ as a rest. A. deserve B. preserve C. conceive D. receive 22. The ball _____ two or three times before rolling down the slope. A. swayed B. bounced C. hopped D. darted

23. A window in the kitchen was _____; there was rubbish everywhere, and the curtains and carpets had been stolen.

A. scattered B. scraped C. scratched D. smashed

24. While nuclear weapons present grave _____ dangers, the predominant crisis of overpopulation is with us today.

A. inevitable B. constant C. overwhelming D. potential

25. The fact that they reacted so differently was a reflection of their different _____. A. performances B. personalities C. qualities D. appearances

26. We should be able to do the job for you quickly, _____ you give us all the necessary information.

A. in case B. provided that C. or else D. as if

27. Over the past 10 years, natural gas production has remained steady, but _____ has risen steadily.

A. dissipation B. disposal c. consumption D. expenditure

28. We don’t _____ any difficulties in completing the project so long as we keep within budget.

A. foresee B. fabricate C. infer D. inhabit

29. This problem _____ all of us.

A. concerns B. states C. proclaims D. relates 30. Every society has its own peculiar customs and _____ of acting. A. ways B. behaviors C. attitudes D. means

31. I found it difficult to _____ my career ambitions with the need to bring up my children.

A. consolidate B. amend C. reconcile D. Intensify

32. The Spanish team, who are not in superb form, will be doing their best next week to _____ themselves on the German team for last year’s defeat. A. remedy B. reproach C. subject D. revenge

33. The prisoner has been _____ of many privileges that average citizens enjoy. A. ensured B. informed C. deprived D. convinced

34. It is one thing to locate oil, but it is quite another to _____ and transport it to the industrial center.

A. permeate B. extract C. distinguish D. concentrate

35. Put on your sun glasses or the sun will _____ you and you won’t be able to see. A. discern B. distort C. distract D. dazzle

36. Most people in the modern world _____ freedom and independence more than anything else.

A. embody B. cherish C. fascinate D. illuminate

37. President Wilson attempted to _____ between the powers to end the war, but neither side was prepared to give in.

A. segregate B. whirl C. compromise D. mediate 38. Their claims to damages have not been convincingly _____.

A. refuted B. overwhelmed C. depressed D. intimidated 39. Weeks _____ before anyone was arrested in connection with the bank robbery. A. terminated B. elapsed C. overlapped D. expired

40. In November 1987 the government _____ a public debate on the future direction of the official sports policy.

A. initiated B. designated C. induced D. promoted

II. 辨别错误(10%)

41. Directing musical works requires a understanding of the range and characteristics A B C of each instrument. D

42. Magnificent mountains and coastal scenery is British Columbia’s chief tourist A B C D attractions.

43. In the 1800’s store owners sold everything from a needle to a plow, trust everyone A B C and never took inventory. D

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