配套K12九年级英语全册 期末综合能力测试(三)(新版)人教新目标版



听力部分 (20分)

一、听对话,选出与其内容相符的图片。(5分) 1.W:Did you sleep well last night,Tom?

M:Yes,I had a dream and in the dream I was a king who lived in a palace. 2.W:Chen Hui,which should I use,a fork or a spoon while eating? M:Sorry.You are supposed to use the chopsticks in China. 3.W:Did you go to the airport to see off your aunt?

M:Yes,but when I got there,the plane had already taken off. 4.W:What makes you unhappy,Joe?

M:That red backpack.It's out of style.

5.W:What am I supposed to do when I meet someone for the first time in your country,Bob?

M:You are supposed to bow.

1.__B__ 2.__D__ 3.__E__ 4.__A__ 5.__C__ 二、听对话和问题,选择正确的答案。(5分)

6.W:What kind of music do you prefer,Bob? M:Oh,I prefer some music that is smooth. Q:What kind of music does Bob prefer?

(A)6.A.Smooth music. B.Quiet music. C.Loud music. 7.M:Where are you from,Betty? W:I'm from Japan.

M:Are people supposed to kiss in your country when they meet for the first time?

W:No,we are supposed to bow.

Q:What are they supposed to do when they meet for the first time in Japan? (C)7.A.Kiss. B.Shake hands. C.Bow.

8.W:Did you see the flower show in the park?

M:No,I missed it.It closed at four in the afternoon.When I got there,the show had been over for 15 minutes.

Q:When did the man arrive at the flower show?

(C)8.A.At 4:30 p.m. B.At 4 p.m. C.At 4:15 p.m. 9.M:Jane,you never seem to worry about anything.What makes you so happy every day?

W:I feel that everyone is fair and friendly to me.And I never feel tired no matter what I do.

M:I hope to learn from you.

Q:How does the girl feel every day? 小学+初中+高中+努力=大学


(B)9.A.Bored. B.Happy. C.Worried.

10.W:Will there be a sports meeting this Tuesday,John? M:No,it has been canceled because of the bad weather. W:When will it be held then? M:Maybe next Monday.

Q:When will the sports meeting be held?

(C)10.A.This Tuesday. B.This Thursday. C.Next Monday. 三、听长对话,选择正确的答案。(5分) 听第一段对话,回答第11~12小题。

M:What did you do last night,Zhang Mei? W:I went to the cinema with my sister. M:Did you go there by bike?

W:No,we went there in my dad's car.He went to the company and he gave us a ride.

M:Which movie did you see? W:We saw Titanic in 3D. M:What do you think of it?

W:I think it's one of the most moving movies that I have ever seen. (C)11.How did Zhang Mei go to cinema last night? A.In her sister's car. B.By bike. C.In her dad's car.

(B)12.What does Zhang Mei think of the movie? A.Boring. B.Moving. C.Exciting. 听第二段对话,回答第13~15小题。 W:What can I do for you,sir?

M:Do you remember that I bought this tie the day before yesterday? W:Yes,I do.What's up?

M:Well,I want to return it.

W:Is there anything wrong with it?

M:Yes,my wife found a hole when I showed it to her yesterday. W:Oh,sorry.But would you mind exchanging it for another one?

M:Of course not.Do you have another one which is similar in style? W:Sorry,we have sold out.

M:What a pity!I don't want any other style.I just want to return it. W:OK.Please wait a minute.

(B)13.When did the man buy the tie?

A.Yesterday. B.The day before yesterday. C.Three days ago.

(C)14.What was wrong with the tie?

A.It was dirty. B.Its color was too dark. C.There was a hole in it.

(C)15.What might the woman do next? A.She'll repair the tie for the man. B.She'll change another tie for the man. 小学+初中+高中+努力=大学


C.She'll take the tie back and return his money. 四、听短文,选择正确的答案。(5分)

Today is Thursday.We will have an exam tomorrow.This morning I woke up at half past seven and it was late.After a quick breakfast,I rushed to the bus stop,but when I got there,the bus had left.I had to run to school.By the time I arrived at the classroom,my English teacher had started teaching.After a while,the teacher asked me for my homework.I realized I had left it at home.The teacher was a little angry.In the afternoon,when I got home,I couldn't find the key to the door.I didn't get into the house until my mother came back home.I did my homework till 10:00!What a bad day!Do you have the same experience?Could you please tell me how you deal with the problem?

(C)16.When will the boy have an exam?

A.On Wednesday. B.On Thursday. C.On Friday. (B)17.What time did the boy wake up? A.At 7:00. B.At 7:30. C.At 7:40. (C)18.What was the boy's first class today? A.Chinese. B.Math. C.English. (C)19.What did the boy leave at home?

A.His book. B.His pen. C.His homework. (B)20.Who opened the door of the house? A.The boy. B.The boy's mother. C.The boy's father.

笔试部分 (100分)


(B)21.—We're all here ________ Tony.Where's he? —He has gone to the store to buy some food.

A.beside B.except C.besides D.including (A)22.—My parents are sometimes too hard ________ me.

—Well,they just want you to spend more time ________ your lessons. A.on;on B.on;with C.with;on D.with;with

(C)23.Lee Minho is ________ actor from South Korea.He sang ________ Chinese pop song on the 2014 CCTV New Year's Gala.

A.the;an B./;the C.an;a D.a;/

(B)24.The boy is often made ________ outside the classroom. A.stand B.to stand C.stands D.standing

(C)25.—Do you know anything about table manners in Japan?

—Yeah.________ is impolite to point at people with your chopsticks. A.That B.This C.It D.He

(C)26.—Helen prefers ________ to ________. —Let's ask her to join our dancing club! A.singing;dancing B.to sing;dance C.dancing;singing D.singing;dance

(D)27.—Tina,I am told you are in Sanya now.How is the weather there? —Perfect.It is ________ too cold ________ too hot. 小学+初中+高中+努力=大学

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