

1. Only after Mary read her composition the second time _____ the spelling mistake. A. did she notice B. she noticed C. does she notice D. she has noticed

2. _______, who was happy to be bathed in the warm sunshine. A. Lying on the grass was a boy B. On the grass had lain a boy C. Lain on the grass was a boy D. On the grass did a a boy lie

3. China's development can't continue without lawmakers, nor _______ move forward without scientists. A. it can B. can it C. can't it D. it can't

4. You might find the people who made complaints about our services unkind, but at no time _______ they were unreasonable. A. I had felt

B. had I felt C. I felt D. did I feel

5. Word has come _______ some American guests will come for a visit to our college next week. A. what B. that C. whether D. when

6. It is about ten years _______ I met you last time. A. since B. for C. when D. as

7. _______ back made her parents angry and sad. A. Not her coming B. your coming C. Her not coming D. Her no coming

8. It was not until 1920 _______ regular radio broadcasts began. A. while B. which C. that D. since

9. I thought her nice and honest _______ I met her. A. first time B. for the first time C. the first time D. by the first time

10. The reason _______ their failure you know is _______ they are lazy. A. why; that B. that; why C. for; that D. why; because

11. There is a feeling in me _______ we’ll never know what a UFO is — not ever. A. that B. which C. of which

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