



体裁:夹叙夹议文 话题:人生态度 时间:15分钟

As my husband,Mark and I rode our bicycles on the tree-lined streets in our neighborhood this spring,we took great __1__ from the beauty and fragrance of the flowering trees and shrubs.We drew in deep breaths as we passed by the honeysuckle and lilac,and __2__ their sweet scents. One particular street is lined with Bradford pears.The flowers __3__ in early spring and bring a magnificent burst of __4__.We made our route __5__ when the buds started to open in order to be surrounded by the canopy of __6__ that the street trees provided.Last week,for three consecutive(连续的) days,we biked that __7__.

On the fourth day,as we approached the street,I mentioned to Mark that we should __8__ again.

He said,“The flowers are __9__ and there is nothing to see.”

I turned to look down the street and saw a __10__ of white blossoms on the trees and said,“No,those trees are in full bloom!”

I was __11__ at what Mark said.How could he have seen the same trees as __12__ and past their prime flowering time,and I saw them in full bloom. __13__ our perceptions at that moment in time were amazingly __14__.

I can see no point in arguing or trying to __15__ Mark about his perceptions.Perhaps my view of life tends to lean towards __16__.Maybe because of my spinal cord injury and the life I have regained,I view things differently,as I see life full of __17__.

Spring is an ever __18__ season.One strong rainstorm or heavy wind removes the blossoms from the trees.The growing cycle that follows __19__ the new growth of leaves,followed by the emergence of fruit.Some people choose to spend their lives focusing on the faded flowers __20__ others see their lives flourishing with flowers.

【语篇导读】 本文是夹叙夹议的文章。作者和丈夫在春天骑车看花,丈夫看到的是一幅凋零的景象,而在作者眼中却是一番鲜花烂漫的景象,由此作者认识到,人们的世界观是不一样的,对待同一事物,有人悲观,有人乐观。

1.A.pleasure B.trouble C.lesson D.benefit

解析 根据语境,作者和丈夫看到鲜花盛开的景象应该感到“快乐”,故用pleasure。 答案 A

2.A.reflected B.experienced C.tasted D.received

解析 根据上文的描述,作者和丈夫“体验”到了鲜花发出的芬芳。 答案 B

3.A.fall B.arrive C.wave D.appear

解析 由下文中的“in early spring and bring a magnificent...”可知,此处表示花刚刚“出现”。

答案 D

4.A.feeling B.laughter C.color D.tears 解析 花蕾绽放,是一幅“色彩”斑斓的景象。

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答案 C

5.A.possible B.purposeful C.meaningful D.changeable

解析 从后文中的“作者和丈夫为了被鲜花包围”可知,他们的路线很明确(purposeful)。 答案 B

6.A.leaves B.grass C.flowers D.shade

解析 从上文中的“when the buds started to open”可知,作者和丈夫是想被鲜花环绕。上文中的“The flowers”也是提示。

答案 C

7.A.route B.time C.day D.city

解析 上文中的“We made our route”是提示。 答案 A

8.A.come up B.turn around C.find out D.ride by

解析 从上文中的“Last week,for three consecutive(连续的)days,we biked that __7__.”可知,第四天,当作者和丈夫快到这条街的时候,作者向丈夫提到他们应该再次“骑车经过”这条街道。ride by “骑车经过”。come up“走上前”;turn around“转过来”;find out “弄清楚,搞明白”。

答案 D

9.A.picked B.destroyed C.faded D.blown

解析 根据后面的“and there is nothing to see”可知,作者的丈夫认为,花已经“凋谢”。 答案 C

10.A.sea B.picture C.part D.corner

解析 从后面作者的回答“No,those trees are in full bloom!”可知,作者看到的是一片“花海”。

答案 A

11.A.pleased B.excited C.frightened D.amazed

解析 因为丈夫看到的景象跟作者所看到的完全不同,因此作者感到“吃惊”。 答案 D

12.A.unimportant B.unattractive C.improper D.priceless

解析 从上文作者丈夫说的话可知,他认为眼前的花已经不值得看,已经“没有吸引力”了,故选unattractive。

答案 B

13.A.Obviously B.Fortunately C.Naturally D.Unluckily

解析 从上文作者和丈夫不同的回答可知,“显然”他们的观点完全“不同”。 答案 A

14.A.correct B.similar C.different D.realistic 解析 参见上题解析。 答案 C

15.A.warn B.convince C.argue D.point

解析 从上文中的“I can see no point in arguing”可知,作者认为没有必要去跟丈夫争辩或尽力去“说服”他。convince“使相信,说服”。

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答案 B

16.A.optimism B.sight C.romance D.reason

解析 从后文可知,作者从伤痛中获得了新生,因此她对生活充满了“乐观”,故用optimism。

答案 A

17.A.challenge B.hardship C.promise D.uncertainty 解析 从上下文可以看出,在她的眼中,生活充满了“希望”。promise“希望”。 答案 C

18.A.lasting B.changing C.coming D.moving

解析 从下文中的“One strong rainstorm or heavy wind removes the blossoms from the trees.The growing cycle that follows...”可知,春天是一个不断“变化”的季节。

答案 B

19.A.takes over B.gets on C.makes out D.brings on

解析 此处指会“带来”新的生机。bring on“带来”;take over“接管”;get on“与??相处,进展”;make out “辨认出”。

答案 D

20.A.while B.since C.when D.unless 解析 前后是对比关系,故用while“而”。 答案 A


体裁:说明文 话题:世界文化 时间:14分钟

Would you dare to put your shoes on the table? If so,then you may face death.Putting a hat on the bed could cause __1__ spirits to slip into your clean sheets! And opening an umbrella indoors might bring punishments.

Most superstitions(迷信)are __2__ to something negative,or the thought that something will bring bad luck.For example,the number thirteen is __3__ by many to be unlucky,especially Friday falls on the 13th of the month.In many cultures,twelve is a number of __4__—there are twelve months of the year and 12 animal zodiacs(黄道十二宫图) in Chinese culture.__5__,thirteen is considered incomplete,unusual and therefore unlucky.

Walking under a ladder is also __6__ that many people believe will bring bad luck.Some think that walking under a ladder is not polite to God,so they don't take the __7__.Others,perhaps,are afraid that something will __8__ on their head from a great height! One of the most famous superstitions is that __9__ a mirror will bring seven years of bad luck.In ancient Greek culture,many people held the __10__ that a mirror reflected a person's soul.The soul would be __11__ too,if the mirror was broken.

__12__ cats have long been linked to luck.If one crosses your path,it is __13__ to bring you ill fortune __14__ even death.However,in the UK and Ireland,it's generally considered to be a sign of future __15__ if a black cat crosses your path. Superstitions have been __16__ in many cultures for thousands of years,and many of these beliefs can still be found in __17__ societies.Dr.Kevin Foster,from Harvard University,believes it is an example of humans interpreting(诠释) and __18__ to threats. - 3 -

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