

Ⅰ. 情景交际

(a) 阅读下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话。 A. Good luck to you! B. Did you make it by yourself? C. Hey, Lucy, can you make one for me? D. I?m so much looking forward to the festival. E. Do Chinese kids wear cloth tigers during the festival? F. We ate it once a year in the past. G. By the way, do you eat special food during the festival?

Eric: Hey, Lucy, what?s that in your hand? Lucy: It?s a cloth tiger. Eric: (1)____________

Lucy: Yes, I made it for my daughter. I want her to wear it during the Dragon Boat Festival. Eric: It looks very cute. (2)____________

Lucy: Yes, it?s a tradition. We think cloth tigers can bring them health and keep them strong. Eric: I see. (3)____________ Lucy: Sure, I?d be glad to.

Eric: Oh, thank you very much. (4)____________

Lucy: Yes, we eat zongzi. It?s made of rice with meat, eggs and so on. It?s very tasty. Hey, why don?t you spend the festival with my family this year? Eric: Oh, that?s a great idea. (5)____________

(b) 根据对话内容,在横线上填上适当的内容补全对话。 A: Hi, Frank. I didn?t see you this morning. Where did you go? B: (6)_____________________ A: Why did you go to the railway station?

B: You know, the National Day holiday is coming. I?d like to go back home, so I went to buy a railway ticket.

A: But you look very tired. (7)____________________ B: Well, I didn?t sleep well because I had to get up very early. A: I see.

B: (8)_____________________

A: Well, I?ll go to visit the Giant?s Causeway with my parents.

B: (9)_____________________ It?s a great natural wonder. A: So it is. I?ll send some postcards of it to you as soon as I get there. B: (10)_____________________ Ⅱ. 短文填空

(a) 根据短文内容,从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,使短文意思完整。(每词只能选用一次,每空一词)。 can, invent, as, over, fast, learn, they, animal, also, sail

Long ago, people did not have many choices about how to travel. They used to walk wherever they wanted to go. They used to carry heavy things on (1)_________ heads or backs.

(2)_________ time went by, people tried to find easier ways to travel. They learned that (3)_________ could help. Camels, donkeys and horses could carry big loads on their backs. These animals (4)_________ also carry people.

To travel on rivers and lakes, people (5)_________ to build rafts and canoes. For travelling on the sea, people made strong (6)_________ ships. These ships travelled with the help of sails and wind. Most travel was still not fast. Soon one (7)_________ called the engine (发动机) changed travel. Gas engines were used in the first cars. The Wright brothers (8)_________ used a gas engine when they invented the first airplane. Travel became much (9)_________.

Today, people use many new types of vehicles (交通工具) to travel! New vehicles are fast. However, the story of transportation is not (10)_________ yet! People are always trying to bring us new types of vehicles. What do you think will be the next type of vehicle?

(b) 阅读下面短文,在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。(每空格限填一词) Chi Zhen, an 18-year-old college student in Spain, used his camera to tell the stories of two people. He took a series of photos of his friends Anna Maria and Veronica. They enjoy (11)_________ lifestyles and are getting opposite results.

There is a photo of Anna Maria watching a TV programme. She loves watching TV programmes so (12)_________ that she just eats take-away food in front of her computer every day. Anna Maria doesn?t like going out (13)_________ she thinks she?s not beautiful and doesn?t know what to say in social situations. She often says, “I?m not as (14)_________ as Veronica.”

However, she doesn?t know that while she?s wasting (15)_________ watching TV programmes, Veronica, the “lucky” girl who lives next door, has (16)_________ herself four foreign languages. In her free time, she often goes to the library to (17)_________ her knowledge. And she has travelled to many places. People like to talk with Veronica about her experiences, so she can (18)_________ become the centre of attention.

The influence (影响) of the photos is so great — beyond Chi?s expectations. A student commented on Chi?s (19)_________ on renren.com, saying, “A wall separates two worlds, and the future

depends on (20)_________ we do today.” The photos have inspired (启发) a great number of people to believe that the future is in their own hands. Ⅲ. 任务型阅读

(a) 阅读短文,根据短文内容,从所给的六个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,使短文意思完整、连贯。(有两项为多余选项) A. The “robber” was actually his father! B. Jerry felt sorry for what he had done. C. His parents usually got home very late. D. He walked out of the house without making any noise. E. After a big fight, Jerry ran out of the house. F. Jerry laughed aloud when Bob rushed out.

It was April Fool?s Day. Jerry was really happy because he had fooled his best friend Bob by telling him that a postman was waiting for him outside the classroom with a big package. (1)__________ Since it was April Fool?s Day, Bob didn?t get angry with Jerry.

When Jerry got home after school, he was surprised to find the door open. (2)__________ And they never forgot to shut the door. Jerry walked into the house quietly and saw a person in a robber (盗贼) costume was looking for something in his parents? bedroom. Jerry was so scared. (3)__________ After he got out, he called the police immediately and described what was happening at his house.

Just five minutes later, two policemen showed up and caught the man. When the mask (面罩) was taken off, Jerry got really embarrassed (尴尬的). (4)__________ He was supposed to be at a costume party but forgot to take his wallet, so he came back for it. This was an unforgettable April Fool?s Day for Jerry!

(b) 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,回答下列问题。

Do you enjoy cooking? Maybe your answer is “NO”. You may explain, “We are still children and our parents cook meals for us every day.” Now let me introduce a teenage boy who is very good at cooking to you. He is 15-year-old Flynn McGarry from Los Angeles.

Flynn once cooked a 12-course meal for forty people at $160 per person. On March 28, 2014, he appeared on the cover of The New York Times Magazine. He has met the Obamas and has been on many talk shows.

Flynn started to cook at the age of 11 because he didn?t like his mum?s cooking. His mum didn?t get angry. Instead, she bought her son some cookbooks to see if he could do any better. And it turned out that he could. “It was after looking at all these cookbooks that I thought, ?I could achieve that one day,?” said Flynn. Flynn became famous when John Sedlar, the owner of a local restaurant, asked him to make a special 9-course meal for his guests. All the guests enjoyed the

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