最新中考英语阅读理解题汇总(共20篇 附答案)

最新中考英语阅读理解题汇总(共20篇 附答案)

Passage 1

Nowadays, many teens are badly addicted to using phones. It probably won’t surprise you that teens are texting more than ever before.

Instead of sleeping, Kenny Alarcon, 16, often texts with his friends through the night. Frances Garcia, a high school senior, sends and receives about 1000 texts each day. Both Frances and Kenny wake up several times during the night to text. Kenny even sleeps with his phone under his pillow.

Dr.Elizabeth Dowdell, a professor at Villanova University in Pennsylvania, says that it’s common for teens to be interrupted by texts while sleeping. “If they often lose sleep,” Dr.Dowdell says, “teens may become angry, or depressed. A lack of sleep can lead to weight gain and even obesity because many people turn to junk food for quick energy when they are tired.”

Some experts are worried about how texting is affecting teenagers’ lives. One concern is that students might not learn correct grammar and spelling if most of the writing they do is made up of text messages. Some people also worry that teens don’t spend enough time talking with others face-to-face, which could be hurting their relationships with friends and family. Moreover, all that texting takes away hours that could be spent studying, exercising, taking up a hobby, or just relaxing.

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According to Dr. Dowdell, teens need to learn that they can and should turn off their phones sometimes. She had Kenny and Frances do an experiment. These were the rules: No phone for 48 hours. No computer or Internet either, unless it was for schoolwork.

After 48 phone-free hours, Kenny and Frances were interviewed. “Wow, it was pure torture(折磨),” Kenny joked. Kenny missed his friends, and he was sad at times. But he also felt relief from the constant texting. He spent time reading books and talking with his family, which he really enjoyed. Frances had an even happier result. “I loved it!” she said, “I was going to the gym and hanging out with friends and playing basketball. I had a wonderful experience.” Frances decided to continue the experiment for a while. “I think I’ll be so much smarter and healthier,” she explained, “everybody in the world should try it.”

1. If teens keep waking up to text while sleeping, they may _____. A. get overweight

B. become happier D. feel more relaxed

C. disturb their parents

2. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about? A. Mistakes in teens’ text writing. B. Time wasted on meaningless texting. C. Worries about how texting affects teens. D. Encouragement to teens’ talking face-to-face.

3. The writer mentions the experiment on Frances and Kenny to _____.

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A. advise people what to do without phones B. show teens can live well without phones C. explain phones are important in teens’ lives D. introduce how they make good use of phones


1. A【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:在他们睡觉时,如果青少年坚持醒来发短信,他们可能。根据第三段最后一句中“A lack of sleep can lead to weight gain and even obesity”可知,这会导致青少年身体增重甚至是超重。故选A。

2. C【解析】主旨大意题。题干意为:第四段主要与什么有关?根据本段首句“Some experts are worried about how texting is affecting teenagers’ lives.”以及本段描述可知,本段主要讲述的是“专家们担心发短信影响青少年的生活”。故选C。

3. B【解析】写作目的题。题干意为:作者提及有关Frances和Kenny的实验来。根据最后一段中关键词“he also felt relief”和“Frances had an even happier result.”可知,作者提及这个实验是为了说明青少年没有手机也能过得很好。故选B。

Passage 2 California


You can stand in the footprints of Johnny Depp at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre and then meet his model(蜡像), along with Hugh Jackman, Lance Armstrong, and Brad and Angelina, all at Madame Tussauds. Santa Cruz

Go to the Santa Cruz Surfing Museum, which is in a lighthouse, and see surfboards including one eaten by a shark. Next stop, the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk for a

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