英语必修1人教版导学案:Unit 1《Friendship》精品学案(新人教版必修1)

Unit 1 Friendship


单词 n. German, point, loose, reason, list, feeling, purpose, thunder, power, teenager, advice,

situation, editor, habit, series, nature,

v. add upset ignore calm concern share dare trust suffer communicate cheat adv. accordingly 短语 add up , calm down , have got to, be concerned about, go through, a series of, on purpose , in

order to , face to face , according to , get along with, fall in love , join in

句型 1. not until / till 2. should have done 3. It is / was + 被强调部分+ that / who 4. happen to

5. It is / was the first time (that ) … 6. have … trouble with … 7. could never have done 功能 1 态度 2 同意和不同意 3 肯定程度 语法 直接引语和间接引语


Section I warming up 要点解读

I Add up your score and see how many points you get.把你的分数加起来,看看得分有多少。 add up = add together 加起来,合计

Add up these numbers and write down your answer.

Cao Chong wrote down the weight of each stone and then _____________ all the weights. 曹冲击下了每一块石头的重量,然后合计了所有石头的重量。 add 构成的短语归纳:

1. add … to … 加……, 往... 添加…

If you add 5 to 3, you’ll get 8. Would you like to add anything to what I have said.


2. add to 增加,增添(其宾语多为困难、欢乐、麻烦等抽象名词)

His illness added to the family’s trouble.

3. add up to 合计达,总共有… His whole income adds up to $ 10 000 a month. 即时操练:

1. Please __________ the numbers and I’m sure they will ______________ more than 1000. 2. The bad weather ________ the difficulty of building the road.

3. The soup tastes a little salty, please _______ some water to it. A. take B. place C. add

D. lay

II … but your friend can’t go until he/ she finishes cleaning the bicycle. 但你的朋友直到清洗完自行车才能走。

until prep. & conj. 一直到……, 直到… …才…… 1. 观察下列句子:

I didn’t go downstairs until the window had to be shut. I stayed awake until half past eleven. I waved until her bus was out of sight. 归纳:

① until 用在肯定句中,其前的谓语动词为_________ 动词,表示该动作一直持续到until 所引导的时间为止。

② until 用在否定句中,其前的谓语动词为_________ 动词, 译为“直到……才……” 2. until 还可用于强调句型“It is / was not until … that …”中。

It was not until you explained it to me that I understood the problem. 直到你给我解释了,我才明白这个问题。 3. not until 位于句首时,主句使用部分倒装语序。 Not until he tool off his sunglasses did I recognize him. 牛刀小试:试用not … until…的四种结构完成下面一句话。

他直到午夜才回来(come back)。

1. He ______________________ until midnight. 2. He _________________ until midnight.

3. It was ____________________ that he came back. 4. Not until midnight _______________ back.

III. His friend comes to school very upset. 他的朋友来到学校, 心烦意乱。 upset 为形容词,“心烦意乱的,不适的”,作伴随状语。 upset vt. 使不安, 使心烦, 打翻

He was very upset to hear that the holiday had been put off. He was upset that you didn’t reply to his letters.

The news quite upset him. He was upset by his son’s accident. Be careful not to upset the glass. 即时操练:

1. The news is ______, and it makes him ______.

A. upset; upset B. upsetting; upset C. upsetting; upsetting D. upset; upsetting 2. It still ______ him when he thinks about the accident.


IV. Ignore the bell and go somewhere quiet to calm your friend down. 别管铃声,找个安静的地方去安慰一下你的朋友。 ignore 不理睬,忽视

She can be really angry but I try to ignore her. School rules are ignored by some students. calm down 平静/平静下来

She was angry at first but we calmed her down in the end. The sea calmed down after the storm. 即时操练:

1. Dennis _______ the warning and put his hand into the lion’s case. 2. She sat down and took a few deep breaths to ______ herself down. 3. I smiled at her but she just ______ me.

A. noticed B. looked C. ignored D. caught

V. You’ll tell your friend that you are concerned about him /her but you have to go to class. 你告诉你的朋友,你对他/她很关心,但是你得去上课。 be concerned about / for 关心……, 挂念……

He has never been concerned about what other people think of him. I’m a bit _________ _________ (担心)your health. be concerned 后面还可以跟that 从句或不定式to do. Aren’t you concerned (that ) she might tell someone?

He was concerned to hear that two of his close workers were leaving. concern vt. 令……担忧,与……有关

The state of my father’s health concerns us greatly

= We’re greatly concerned about /for the state of my father’s health. It concerns me that he hasn’t been well. = I _________________ that he hasn’t been well. Matters of pollution and environment concern us all.

= ____________________matters of pollution and environment. be concerned with 与......有关

He was concerned with that matter. = That matter concerned him. 即时操练:

1. You mustn’t ______ yourself about me. A. think B. concern C. mind D. care

2. The fact that he spends so much money on her own really _____ us.

A. is concerned about B. is concerned C. concerns D. concerns with 3. Don’t worry. This matter doesn’t _____ you. A. upset B. ignore C. suffer D. concern 4. Do you think he has something to do with the matter? = Do you think he ______ ______ _______ the matter?

VI. While walking the dog, you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.


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