

One【2017届上海市虹口区初三英语二模试题】 B. Choose the best answer and complete the passage (选择最洽当的选项完成短文)(12 分)

Imagine going to your doctor with frequent headaches. Your doctor takes a prescription pad (药方) and writes a word on it. The word isn’t “aspirin”, it’s “Mozart”.

The idea isn't so far-fetched. Many kinds of music can stir (激发) the imagination and ____75____ strong feeling. Scientists have found Mozart's music to be remarkable in its ability to calm its listeners.

Many amazing cases have been known using Mozart as a healing aid(治疗手段). ____76____, a tiny newly-born baby named Krissy, who weighed just 1.5 pounds at birth, was on total life support. Doctors thought she had little chance of survival(幸存). Her mother insisted on playing Mozart for Krissy, and thinks it saved her daughter's life. Krissy lived, but she was very small for her ____77____ and slower than the average child. At the age of four, she showed an interest in music and her parents gave her violin lessons. To their astonishment, Krissy was able to play musical pieces from memory that were far beyond the ability of an average four-year-old. Playing music ____78____ her improve in all areas of her life.

And there are other stories. Officials in Washington State report that new arrivals from Asia learn English more ____79____ when they listen to Mozart. Even animals respond to Mozart. In France, cows listening to Mozart give more milk.

Why Mozart, rather than Bach or the Beatles? Any kind of music can have an effect on some people. But Mozart has more____80____. It isn't too fast or too show; it's just right. Don Campbell, who wrote a book called The Mozart Effect, says, “It's like food. A hot spicy meal will affect you differently than a sweet dessert. And while you might love these foods, they aren't good for you to eat every day. You need simple, nutritious (营养的) food on a steady basis. That's the way Mozart is. It's like a nutritionally balanced meal that does good to your body.”

75. A. prove 76. A. In fact

B. Predict B. At first

C. prevent C. For example C. weight C. invited C. quickly

D. produce D. After all D. body D. ordered D. loudly

77. A. age B. height 78. A. required 79. A. happily

B. helped B. correctly



80. A. balance

Keys: 75-80 DCA BCA

B. energy

C. power

D. wonder

Two【2017届上海市黄浦区初三英语二模试题】 B. Choose the best answer and complete the passage (选择最洽当的选项完成短文)(12 分)








①negative adj. 消极的,负面的 ②text v. 发文字信息 ③distract v. 使分心,转移(注意力) ④eccentric adj. 古怪的 communication. However, it is becoming the only way to communicate for our teens. It has made face-to-face interaction____75____often and has made a negative① effect on the social abilities of the teens.

These days we communicate on websites like Facebook, but I wonder why we have no in-person friendships. I see teens texting②____76____. They text while talking to someone else, at the dinner table, in the car and at the movies. This tiny piece of plastic is distracting③ teens from the real world.

As you can see, I am very much____77____technology but there are ways that helps. It helps many people stay in touch with friends that might have moved away. In my life, I will have to move from my friends from time to time. With the help of Wechat, it can be easy to____78____them and to ask if they would like to do something in person. Staying in touch can be done in person as much as over technology.

Some people have____79____making new friends and the Internet provides ways to meet new people through chat rooms. I believe relationships built online can be a little eccentric④. One study suggests that online relationships simply take longer to develop than those face-to-face.

Online relationships can be____80____because you never know who’s on the other side of the chat. You can become more open over the Internet if you don’t have a chance to meet others in real life. Meeting people online can give you confidence, but I believe it also tears you down. Online relationships will either build you up or break you down. Most importantly, don’t let keyboards be the key to your heart.

75. A) too 76. A) here 77. A) for

B) very B) there B) against

C) less D) more D) everywhere D) behind


C) somewhere C) with


78. A) reach 79. A) fun

B) lose B) time

C) win C) trouble

D) control D) trust D) necessary

80. A) convenient

B) dangerous C) important

Keys: 75-80 CDB ACB

Three【2017届上海市浦东新区初三英语二模试题】 B. Choose the best answer and complete the passage (选择最洽当的选项完成短文)(12 分)

Global warming refers to an increase in Earth’s temperature. This change in temperature can cause changes in climate. Climate is the weather condition that occurs in a given place over a period of years. This ____75____ the average weather conditions, regular change of seasons, and special weather phenomenon (such as typhoons).

A warmer Earth may lead to changes in rainfall patterns and a rise in sea level. It could also have a wide range of effects on plants, wildlife, and humans. Earth has warmed by about 1℉ over the past 100 years. One important ____76____ is that people do things that send greenhouse gases into the air. These gases make the Earth warmer.

The Industrial Revolution took place more than 200 years ago. It was a time when people began using machines to make____77____ easier. Before the Industrial Revolution, human activity released few gases into the atmosphere. Since then, the need for energy has continued to increase. Much of the energy we use to light and heat our homes comes from fossil fuels(化石燃料), such as coal and oil. ____78____ these fuels releases greenhouse gases, So whenever you watch TV, use the microwave, or ride in a car, you are sending greenhouse gases into the air. Other things can also send greenhouse gases into the air. The trash we put in landfill(填埋) produces a greenhouse gas called methane(甲烷). The animals that are raised ____79____ their meat products and dairy also produce methane.

Scientists don’t know for sure what effects global warming will have on Earth. The climate change could____80____ health problems, such as heart stress, increased heart problems for the elderly, etc. Climate change may also alter the world’s habitats and ecosystems(生态系统). Scientists continue to study global warming in an attempt to understand its effects.

75. A. happens

B. offers C. includes D. takes


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