book3 Unit 3听力答案及文本

Unit 3

Part One

Listening I

In August 1975, three men were on their way to rob the Royal Bank of Scotland at Rothesay when they got stuck in the revolving doors. They had to be helped free by the staff and, after thanking everyone, sheepishly left the building. A few minutes later, they returned and announced their intention of robbing the bank, but none of the staff believed them. When, at first, they demanded £5,000, the head cashier laughed at them, convinced that it was a practical joke.

Considerably disheartened by this, the gang leader reduced his demand first to £500 then to £50 and ultimately to 50 pence. By this stage the cashier could barely control herself for laughter.

Then one of the men jumped over the counter and fell awkwardly on the floor, clutching his ankle. The other two made their getaway, but got trapped in the revolving doors for a second time, desperately pushing the wrong way.

Exercise 1

1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A Exercise 2

1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. T

Listening II

Man: Yes, I'd like to report a theft.

Police Officer: Okay. Can you tell me exactly what happened?

Man: Well, I was walking home from work two days ago, enjoying the nature all around me...the birds, the frogs, the flowing stream...[Okay, Okay] when this woman knocked me right off my feet, grabbed my stuff, and ran off through the trees. [Hmm]. I was so surprised by the ordeal that I didn't chase her. Police Officer: Yeah. Can you describe the woman for me? Man: Yeah. She was about 190 centimeters tall... Police Officer: Wait. You said a woman robbed you.

Man: Well, I'm not really sure. [Hmm]. You see, the person was wearing a white and black polka-dot dress, a light red sweater over it, and she...or he...was wearing a pair of basketball shoes.

Police Officer: Hmm. What else can you tell me?

Man: Okay. Like I said, the person was about 190 centimeters tall, heavily built, with long wavy hair. She...or he...was probably about in her or his late 30s. I didn't get a good look at the person's face, but well...uh... Police Officer: What? Was there something else? Man: Well, the person...had a beard.

Police Officer: Ah! What was, uh, taken...exactly? Man: Well, just my left shoe. Crazy, isn't it?

Police Officer: Ah hah! The \ Man: The \

Police Officer: Yeah. It's this man who dresses up like a woman and, for some unknown reason, removes the left shoe from his victims. He's really quite harmless, though, and he usually returns the shoe to the crime scene a couple of days later. Man: Hey, he can keep my shoe, and I'll just take off my left shoe every time I walk through the park.

Exercise 1

1. B 2. D 3. A 4. D Exercise 2

1. 30s 2. male 3. 190 4. long wavy 5. heavily built 6. light red sweater 7. beard

Listening III

Marsha and Ed Gibson are sitting at the kitchen table. Ed is nervous and upset, and he's smoking. Marsha's eyes are red. She looks tired. Their children, two boys, eight and ten, are sitting with them. Tony and George know that their parents are having problems. Now, their parents are telling the boys that they're going to get a divorce. Their mother is talking first. She's telling them that she loves them and their father loves them, too. But she and their father are having problems. They aren't going to live together as a family anymore. It has nothing to do with the boys. The boys are

going to live with her. They're going to stay in the same house, go to the same school, and be with all their friends.

Now, their father is talking. He's going to leave the house this weekend. He's not going to move far away; he's going to be in the next town. Two weekends a month, the boys are going to stay with him. And, they're going to be with him one month in the summertime. He'll take his vacation then and they'll go to the beach. The boys can call him anytime. He's going to be nearby. It'll be better this way.

Tony and George don't really understand what's happening. On the one hand, they know that their parents aren't happy. On the other hand, they want everyone to stay together. Questions:

1. How does the couple feel about their divorce? 2. Why does the couple decide to get a divorce? 3. Where will the husband go after the divorce?

4. What is the children's response to their parents' divorce?

Exercise 1

1. B 2 . C 3. A 4. C Exercise 2

1) love 2) together 3) mother 4) house 5) school 6) friends 7) father 8) month 9) beach 10) call

Listening IV Part A

Roger Ray and Tom Turner write musicals. Tom writes the stories and Roger writes the music. Tom lives alone in a house in Boston. His wife died five years ago. Roger lives with his family in a big house next door. He is married to Celia Hunt, who used to be a film star. Celia wants a divorce since she and Tom are in love with each other. Sara works for Roger and Tom as a secretary and always complains about being overworked and underpaid. Jack is Roger’s son. He had several fights with his father last week when he told his father that he wanted to go around the world on a motorbike. Part B

Celia: I’m Celia. I was in the kitchen making Roger a cup of coffee. He was in his study playing the piano, and he suddenly stopped playing. He often does that when he’s writing a new song. I took his coffee into the study, and found him dead. The door into the garden was open, and there was a gun on the piano. I picked it up, and it was still warm. And then I screamed.

Sara: I’m Sara. I was in Tom’s house, working in his study. I was typing some notes on the new

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