


Exercise 1

1、 If the weather had been better, we could have had a football match. Bit it ____ all day.

A. rained B. rains C. has rained D. had rained 2、—How is your new firm?

—Well, it will be a year before the firm ______ a profit but at least it ______ even.

A. will make; breaks B. makes; is breaking C. will make; is breaking D. makes; breaks

3、 The fact that so many people still smoke in public places ______ we may need a nationwide campaign to raise

awareness of the risks of smoking.

A. suggest B. suggests C. suggested D. suggesting

4、 Not only the whole nation, but the whole Europe , indeed the whole human society to alter its attitude to

racial problems.

A. need B. needs C. has a need D. have a need

5、 Every man, woman and child ______ some history, enough at least, to survive in the world.

A. knows B. know C. is known D. are known

6、His pale face suggested that he _____, and his wife urged that he ____ a medical examination.

A. doesn't feel himself; have B. not feel himself; has

C. doesn't feel himself; has D. not feel himself; have

7、 It is said that the temple, which is visited by thousands of people every day, ______ the thirteenth century.

A. is dated from B. is gone back to C. dates back to D. goes back from 8、—Can I use the telephone on the table, sir?

—Under no circumstances _________ to use the telephone in the office for personal affairs. A. anyone is allowed B. nobody is allowed C. is anyone allowed D. is nobody allowed 9、—Car prices have been going down sharply in the last 20 years.

—It’s not surprising because the law of market _____the price of a product A. is controlling B. controls C. has controlled D. controlled 10、 — Is that phone for personal use?

—No. In no case _________to use it in the office for personal affairs

A. anyone is allowed B. is anyone allowed C. someone is allowed D. is someone allowed

11、 ---I didn’t expect that John would be absent from my last Sunday’s birthday party.

--- As far as I know, he ______ to see his parents in the countryside on Sundays.

A. goes B. went C. has gone D. had gone

12、 Public service ads, also PSAs, often _________ for free, _________ to educate people about health, safety or any other

problem that affects public welfare.

A. run; meant B. are run; are meant C. are run; mean D. run; are meant 13、 The church which ______ the 9th century is a symbol of traditional culture.

A. is dated back to B. dates back to C. was dated back to D. dated back to

14、 The Ice Bucket Challenge is an activity _____ by an American charity organization to make more people aware of the

disease ALS.

A. held B. holding C. having held D. to hold 15、 ---How are you prepared for the new project?

---We have done much but a lot of equipment ______. A. is remained to buy B. are remained to buy C. remains to be bought D. remain to be bought 16、—Would you like to tell me what our teacher said just now?

—She said that light _____ faster than sound.

A. travels B. traveled C. would travel D. was traveling 17、—Do you know Li Hua who works in our company ?

—Yes. We were classmates at university. She _______ four foreign languages, so everyone of us admires her a lot. A. speaks B. is speaking C. spoke D. will be speaking

18、The palace caught fires three times in the last century, and little of the original building now.

A. remains B. is remained C. is remaining D. has been remained 19、In modern times, the development of science is ________ .

A. thought well of B. thought highly C. highly thought of D. well thinking of 20、 When and where to build the new factory ______ yet.

A. is not decided B. are not decided C. has not decided D. have not decided 21、He will have learned English for eight years by the time he from the university next year.

A. will graduate B. will have graduated

C. graduates D. is to graduate 22、—So what is the procedure?

—All the applicants before a final decision is made by the authority. A. interview B. are interviewing C. are interviewed D. are being interviewed

23、The palace caught fire three times in the last century,and few of the original buildings ________ now.

A.remain B.are remained C.are remaining D.have been remained 24、 —It seems that people are becoming more and more selfish.

— How much happier life would be if we ________to the values of the past! A. would return B. had returned C. return D. were to return

25、 As the latest feature in the popular Japanese manga(漫画) series Naruto, the film ________ on Feb 18, 2016 on the

Chinese mainland.

A. has come out B.was come out C.has been come out D.came out 26、 —You look so young.Haven’t you graduated from your university?

—Yes.I _______ in the English department of Yunnan University for four years.

A.had studied B.has studied C.studied D.was studying 27、 I________ along the street looking for a place to park when the accident________.

A.went; was occurring B.went;occurred C.was going; occurred D.was going; had occurred 28、 The 15-year-old adolescent ____to take violin lessons when a friend of his parents’ played for him after dinner.

A. inspired B. inspires C. was inspired D. is inspired

29、 For eight great years, Quick as a flight attendant, a job she had dreamed about since childhood.

A. has worked B. has been working C. had worked D. Worked 30、When I arrived there, the old man __________ with a knife, _________ a lot.

A. was wounded , bleeding B. had wounded, bled C .wounded, to bleed D. has been wounded, bleed 31、 —Oh, it’s you! I ______ you.

—I’ve just had my hair cut and I’m ______my glasses.

A. don’t recognize; having on B. didn’t recognize; wearing C. haven’t known; putting on D. didn’t know; dressing

32、 The young man rushed out of the room, ____ into his car and started it hurriedly, ____ to get home as soon as possible.

A. got; hoped B. getting; and hoped C. got; hoping D. getting; hoped

33、 The number of people present at the meeting ______ about one thousand, a large number of whom ______ experts

from abroad.

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