人教版英语九年级全一册教案:Unit10 SectionA(4a-4c)

Ss: ... 1. be supposed to do sth. 2、对目标句型详细讲解,让学生对这个语言意为“(按规定、习惯、安排等)应该做某事,可用知识点有一个清晰的来表示劝告、建议、义务、责任等,相当于should概念和理解。 的用法。否定形式为“be not supposed to do sth.” 表示不该或禁止做的情。 e.g. If you want to eat ice-cream, you are supposed to ask you mum. 如果你想吃冰淇淋,应该先问问你妈妈。 2. be expected to表达“被期许(预期)会做某事, 希望做某事,表示一种可能性。 e.g. She was expected to arrive before dinner. 希望她晚餐前到达。 be supposed to do相对于be expected to do主观性更强一些。 3. It be + adj. +to do sth. It be important to do sth. ….做某事很重要。 e.g. It is important to learn English well. 学好英语很重要。 第 6 页

DELC6 3、深度加工知识 Step 4 Practice the target language. (17 min) 1. Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box. be supposed to be expected to be important to 1).When you go abroad, it ___________ bring your passport. 1、通过前面对目标语学生是否已掌握目标语言并能实际言的理解归纳,从单纯运用。 的句子到文本逐级进行操练,进一步加深对目标语言的印象,巩固理解,内化到已有的知识框架,同时检验学生2). After class, students_________ clean the chalk off 对目标语言的掌握程the blackboard. 3). If you visit the northern coast of Norway during the winter season, it ____________pack warm clothes. 4). If there are people in the meeting room, you _________ knock before entering. 5). In many eastern European countries, you _____________ take off your gloves before shaking hands. Check the answers with all the students. Answers: 1) is important to 2) are supposed to/ are 度。 2、目标语言输入后进行口语表达输出,体现出目标语言的实用性。 第 7 页

expected to 3) is important to 4) are supposed to/are expected to 5) are supposed to/are expected to 2. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in brackets. Each country has different rules about social situations. A traveler_____________________(not expect) _______ (know) all of these, but it is helpful _________ (learn) as many of these customs as possible. One of the best ways to be accepted in a foreign country is to try _______________ (understand) how people think. Learning what you _________________ (suppose) to do and ________________(not suppose) to do in social situations may be difficult, but it is worth the trouble if you want to understand another culture. Ask two students to read the passage to check the answers. Answers: is not expected to know, to learn, to 第 8 页

understand, are supposed, are not supposed. 3. Make a list of advice for someone coming to your country as an exchange student for the first time. Work with your group to give advice about: time / meeting people / table manners/ giving gifts /visiting someone’s home/ what to do for someone’s birthday Discus in a group, and report it in front of the class. DELC7 Step 5 4、评价学生学习 Conclusion (4 min) 1. Target language: What are you supposed to do when ...? Am I supposed to do ...? It is important to do sth. Is it impolite to do sth.? 2.Exercise: 1).Can you tell us the things ________we are supposed to do? A. how B. what C. when D.that 1、总结本课时的目标语言,让学生有一个整体概念。 2、小结训练,巩固本课时所学内容 学生是否已掌握本课时内容 第 9 页

2).You're supposed to ________ your bowl while eating in this country. A.hand in B.give up C.pick up D.get up 3).Ourfather has given us some advice that is well worth ________. A.considered B.to considering C.consider D.considering 4).—It's too hot today. —Yes.Why don't you ________ your coat. A.put up B.put on C.take off D.take down Answers: 1. D 2. C 3. D 4.C 根据句意完成以下句子。 1)冬天你会在这里看到雪。 You will see snow here during the ________ _______. 第 10 页

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