
高级英语(张汉熙)第二册 课文翻译与课后习题答案

11.artifact:a product(as a structure on a microscope slide)of artificial character due to extraneous(as human)agency

12.circuits:an integrated circuit,a tiny complex of electronic components and their intereonnections produced on a single small silicon chip silicon:a silicon chip,a small slice of silicon on which an integrated circuit is etched.

1 3.truss:a rigid framework of beams,struts bars,etc.,for supporting a roof geodesic dome:a dome made of light straight structural elements mostly in tension

Ⅷ.1.uni-,having or consisting of one only:universe,uniaxial, unicellular, unilateral, unipolar, univalve 2. thermo-, heat : thermodynamics, thermochemistry, thermoelectric, thermometer, thermomagnetic, thermoplastic 3. dis-, fail, cease, refuse to .disappear, dissatisfy, disallow, disappoint, disapprove, disbelieve

4. techno-, art, science, skill, technical, technological: technology, technography, technocracy, technocrat, technologist, technologize 5. hom or homo-, one and the same : similar, alike : homogeneous, homograph, homochromatic, homology, homonym, homophone 6. auto-, self-propelling: automobile, autotruck, autobus, autocade, autogyro, automotive

7. trans-, over, across, through: transmission, transfer, transmigrate, transfuse,, transform, transition 8. cosmo-, world, universe, cosmopolitan, cosmography, cosmology, cosmonaut, cosmopolis

9. post-, after in time, later (than), following: postmodernism, postglacial, postnatal, posthumous, postimpressionism, postmortem 10. neo-, new, recent, latest : neomodernism, neolithic, neo-Darwinism, neoimpressionism, neologism, neophyte

IX. 1. The piers are built, Then the towers are erected on the piers. The cables are run from one side of the river to the other and are anchored, The suspenders are attached to the cables. Finally the deck is raised.

2. The slide is removed from the microscope and is replaced by a transparent ruler with 1 mm graduations. Now the width of the field of view of the microscope is measured. The diameter of the field is converted from millimeters to microns, then the width of the field (in microns) is measured for each objective lens required.

X. 1. a steam 2. an air outletnoise3. aircraft turbine 4. laboratory research5. a research laboratory 6. a mercury thermometer7. a nuclear power plant

Ⅺ1. The theories we use (or the theories used) in meteorology are complicated and do not cover all aspects of the weather, 2. The raw materials are weighed, (then) mixed automatically in the correct proportions and then fed into the granulator. 3. When thoroughly mixed with the suspension, these substances separate the virus particles from the rest of the suspension. 4. The plastics material is fed into a hopper and then heated.

5. Local, long-distance and inter-continental calls are connected automatically in this exchange.

6. Many signals are transmitted from this centre, while a few are passed on to the next relay station. When grouped together, they are transmitted as composite signals.

7. The steel is heated, quenched rapidly in water, heated again and finally cooled slowly.

Ⅻ. 1. group 2. before 3. work 4. turn 5. disappeared 6. mathematical 7. surface 8. nature 9. beyond 10. it11. produce 12. never 13. own 14. close16. clarity 17. century 18. reflecting15. objectifies 19. moment20. traditional 21. bridge 22. gorge 23. mouth 24. offers25. whether 26. similarities 27. invisible 28. administrative 29. policies 30. hamburger 31. Pepsi-Cola 32. and33. cases 34. disappearance 35. identities 36. global 37. process 38. facet 39. happened 40. faded ⅩⅢ. Omitted.

ⅩⅣ. Impact of Science and Technology on Our society

The development of science and technology nowadays has exerted an enormous influence on our society. We needn?t enumerate the achievements human beings have made in the fields of electronics and biochemistry which so benefit us. Only have a look around us and we are sure to feel the ubiquitous impact.

Radios and cassette recorders are the necessary tools for learning foreign languages. A telephone has become one of the most important communication tools even among students. When the clock strikes, announcing the arrival of the new year, many students wait at the telephone box with an intention of sending greetings to their family members. And we now use magnetic cards to buy food in the canteens. The procedure becomes simple and the management systematic. With the help of the sophisticated medical equipment, some diseases which used to be incurable can be got rid of.

On the other hand, the scientific and technical development has resulted in some problems, among which is pollution. Fortunately, more and more people have come to realize the seriousness of a variety of pollutions and begun to take the action against it.

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高级英语(张汉熙)第二册 课文翻译与课后习题答案

Although the development of science and technology has brought some side effects, with its further advance, human beings are sure to get over them, and enjoy more and more ad-vantages of science and technology.

第七课 爱丑之欲




愕地看着这些房子,就像是看见一个脸给子弹崩掉的人一样。有的留在记忆里,甚至回忆起来也是可怕的:珍尼特西面的一所样子稀奇古怪的小教堂,就像一扇老虎窗贴在一面光秃秃的、似有麻风散鳞的山坡上;参加过国外战争的退伍军人总部,设在珍尼特过去不远的另一个凄凉的小镇上。沿铁路线向东不远处的一座钢架,就像一个巨大的捕鼠器。但我回忆里出现的 三要还是一个总的印象——连绵不断的丑陋。从匹兹堡到格林斯 堡火车调车场,放眼望去,没有一幢像样的房子。没有一幢不是歪歪扭扭的,没有一幢不是破破烂烂的。

尽管到处是林立的工厂,遍地弥漫着烟尘,这一地区的自然 霉仟并不差。就地形而论,这儿是一条狭窄的河谷,其中流淌着一道道发源自山间的深溪。这儿的人口虽然稠密,但并无过分拥挤的 迹象,即使在一些较大的城镇中,建筑方面也还大有发展的余地。 这儿很少见到有高密度排列的建筑楼群,几乎每一幢房屋,无论 大小,其四周都还有剩余的空地。显然,如果这一地区有几个稍有职业责任感或荣誉感的建筑师的话,他们准会紧依山坡建造一些美观雅致的瑞士式山地小木屋——一种有着便于冬季排除积雪的陡坡屋顶,宽度大于高度,依山而建的低矮的小木屋。可是,他们实际上是怎么做的呢?他们把直立的砖块作为造房的模式,造出了一种用肮脏的护墙板围成的不伦不类的房屋,屋顶又窄又平,而且整个地安放在一些单薄的、奇形怪状的砖垛上。这种丑陋不堪的房屋成百上千地遍布于一个个光秃秃的山坡上,就像是一些墓碑竖立在广阔荒凉的坟场上。这些房屋高的一侧约有三四层,甚至五层楼高,而低的一侧看去却像一群埋在烂泥潭里的猪猡。垂直式的房屋不到五分之一,大部分房屋都是那样东倒西歪,摇摇欲坠地固定在地基上。每幢房屋上都积有一道道的尘垢印痕,而那一道道 垢痕的间隙中,还隐隐约约露出一些像湿疹痂一样的油漆斑痕。



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高级英语(张汉熙)第二册 课文翻译与课后习题答案





这里涉及到一个心理学家迄今未加重视的问题,即为了丑本身的价值而爱丑(非因其他利益驱动而爱丑),急欲将世界打扮得丑不可耐的变态心理。这种心理的孳生地就是美国。从美国这个大熔炉中产生出了一个新的种族,他们像仇视真理一样地仇视美。这种变态心理的产生根源值得进行更多的研究,它的背后一定隐藏着某些原因,其产生和发展肯定受到某些生物学规律的制约,而不能简单地看成是出于上帝的安排。那么,这些规律的具体内容究竟是什么呢?为什么它们在美国比在其他任何地方更为盛行?这个问题还是让某位像德国大学的无薪教师那样正直的社会病理学 家去研究吧。



I. Henry Louis Mencken (1880--1956) was the first American to be widely read as a critic. He was born in Baltimore, Md. , on Sept. 12, 1880, and privately educated there. After graduating from Baltimore Polytechnic Institute at the age of 16, he became a reporter on the Baltimore Herald. He rose repidly, soon he was the Herald's city editor and then edi tor. In 1906 Mencken joined the organization known as the Sunpaper, which he served in a variety of ways until his re- tirement. Mencken' s journalistic skill became his chief hand- icap as a critic. He had also carried out a fruitful study of the American Language, with some comprehensive works pub- lished in this field. By the time of his death on Jan. 29, 1956, in his beloved Baltimore, recognition of his service to the language was everywhere admitted.

1. The writer is referring to industrial production which is the most lucrative and characteristic activity in the United States. 2. All the noble aspirations of a man for a better, fuller and more beautiful life here on earth.

3. All the houses were ugly. The houses look like bricks set on end. They were made of clapboards, with narrow, low- pitched roofs. And the

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高级英语(张汉熙)第二册 课文翻译与课后习题答案

whole house is set upon thin brick piers. All the houses are streaked with grime and many of them are not even perpendicular but they lean this way and that. The writer suggests a chalet-type house for the hill sides. A chalet with high-pitched roof, to throw off the heavy winter snows, but still essentially a low and clinging building, wider than it was tall.

4, According to the writer, the house has the most loathsome color. The color of a fried egg when and after some time they take on the color of uremic yellow.

5. Strictly speaking, no. Most of them were most probably U.S. citizens of European origin, with perhaps a few re- cent immigrants from Europe.

6. Mencken doesnI t believe that mere ignorance was the rea son for such ugliness. He believes on certain levels of the American race, there seems to be a great passion for the ugly. Ugliness seems to give some sort of satisfaction to this type of mind. Mencken, however, doesnf t understand they have such tastes.

7. No. he is only implying in a sarcastic tone, that he does- n~t understand why so many Americans seem to love ugli ness for its own sake. He doesn~ t understand the psycholo gy of these people who lust to make the world intolerable. He thinks these people have a diseased mind. 1. Mencken deliberately uses the word \

term in psychoanalysis, in his title to create the impres sion that his description and analysis has some scientific foundation.

2. Paragraph 1 is developed by contrasting the great wealth of this region to the abominable human habitations seen everywhere. The last two sentences bring home to readers that ugliness is not due to poverty, but to something in- nate in the American character--a love of ugliness for its own sake, or, as the title says, the libido for the ugly.

3. Meneken refers to other towns and villages in America, to the villages of Europe and to the Parthenon in order to em- phasize the ugliness of Westmoreland County. He means to say Westmoreland is the ugliest spot on earth and the United States as a whole is uglier than Europe. 4. The author also attacks the whole American raee a race that loves ugliness for its own sake, that lusts to make the world intolerable; a race which hates beauty as it hates truth (see the text, para. 9)

5. The satirical power of the authorr s attack in this essay is not only a result of his choice of words, of his diction, but also his masterly employment of the various rhetoric means such as metaphors, similes, hyperboles and so on. Examples may be referred to the answers to Exs. XIII, XIV,XV.

6. So far as the point which the author wanted to make is concerned, all the metaphors, similes and hyperboles are used appropriately and effectively.

7. As a rule, an excessive use of strong language in writing tends to be self-defeating. Mencken uses a lot of hyper boles to exaggerate and also makes abundant use of sar casm, ridicule and irony to taunt the jeer in the essay. It may lead the average reader to doubt the objectivity and fairness or even the honesty of the writer. He may feel the writer perhaps has a special axe to grind and lose interest in what he has to say. So one might say Mencken employs all the force of diction, structure and figures only to batter his readers into insensitivity. IV.

1. As a boy and later when I was a grown-up man, I had of- ten travelled through the region.

2. But somehow in the past I never really perceived how shocking and wretched this whole region was. 3. This dreadful scene makes all human endeavors to advance and improve their lot appear as a ghastly, saddening joke.

4. The country itself is pleasant to look at, despite the sooty dirt spread by the innumerable mills in this region.

5. The model they followed in building their houses was a brick standing upright. / All the houses they built iooked like bricks standing upright.

6. These brick-like houses were made of shabby, thin wooden boards and their roofs were narrow and had little slope. 7. When the brick is covered with the black soot of the mills it takes on the color of a rotten egg.

8. Red brick, even in a steel town, looks quite respectable with the passing of time. / Even in a steel town, old red bricks still appear pleasing to the eye.

9. I have given Westmoreland the highest award for ugliness after having done a lot of hard work and research and after continuous praying. 10. They show such fantastic and bizarre ugliness that, in looking back, they become almost fiendish and wicked./ When one looks back at these houses whose ugliness is so fantastic and bizarre, one feels they must be the work of the devil himself.

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高级英语(张汉熙)第二册 课文翻译与课后习题答案

11. It is hard to believe that people built such horrible houses just because they did not know what beautiful houses were like.

12. People in certain strata of American society seem definite- ly to hunger after ugly things; while in other less Chris- tian strata, people seem to long for things beautiful.

13. These ugly designs, in some way that people cannot un- derstand, satisfy the hidden and unintelligible demands of this type of mind. 14. They put a penthouse on top of it, painted in a bright, conspicuous yellow color and thought it looked perfect but they only managed to make it absolutely intolerable.

15. From the intermingling of different nationalities and races in the United States emerges the American race which hates beauty as strongly as it hates truth.

V.See the translation of the text. Ⅵ.

1.express:a fast,direct train。Making few stops 2.roll:travel in a wheeled vehicle(here an express train) 3.revolting:disgusting 4.line:railway line

5.yard:a railway center where trains are made up,serviced, switched from track to track。etc. 6.streak:mark with streaks(a line or long,thin mark) 7.sightly:pleasant to the sight

8.pullman:a railroad car with private compartments or seats that can be made up into berths for sleeping.It is so—called after the U.S.inventor,George。M.Pullman(1831— 1897). 9.save:except。but

10.yield:surrender,give into border upon:be like,almost be 11.pull:drawing force.appeal

12.1evel:position。elevation,or rank considered as one of the planes in a scale of values 13.put down(to):attribute(to)

14.impossible:not capable of being endured,used。agreed to,etc.,because of being disagreeable or unsuitable: hard to tolerate Ⅶ.

1.dirt指任何不清洁的或玷污之物,如泥土、灰尘、粪便、垃圾; filth一词用来表示脏得令人作呕的东西;soot是指主要由 炭粒构成,由物质的不完全燃烧所形成的一种黑色物质; grime指沉积在表面上或嵌入表面之中的煤烟或小颗粒状 污秽。

2.love意指强烈的喜爱或深刻的倾心,可用于表示各种不同的 关系或用于各种对象(如性爱、手足之爱、对工作之爱等); passion通指一种具有压倒或强制性的强烈情绪,如:His passions overcame his reason.(他的激情压倒了他的理 智。);lust指一种欲望,特别是那种寻求不。受拘束的满足 ——感官满足,尤其是性满足的欲望;libido是精神分析学 上的一个术语,能指精神上的能量,通指精神能量的一种基 本形式,包含积极的、爱的本能,并在性格发展的不同阶段中 表现出来。


Ⅸ.beauty.beautifulness。prettiness,handsomeness,attractiveness,loveliness,charm,pulchritude,grace,elegance, exquisiteness X.

1.1ucrative,creative,destructive,indicative,fricative,e vocative,sedative,negative,interrogative,relative,con templative 2.characteristic,realistic,artistic,egotistic,altruistic,im pressionistic,antagonistic,chauvinistic,humanistic,opti mistic,pressimistic 3.horrible,divisible,legible,invincible,edible,incredible, elegible。negligible,audible,intelligible,infallible 4.ghastly,harshly,finely,loosely,delicately,tersely,fear somely,deathly,steadfastly,curtly,eloquently 5.swinish,piggish,sluggish,doggish,hoggish,kittenish, owlish,ghoulish,girlish”fiendish,devilish

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