

One【2017届上海市虹口区高三英语一模】 Section B

Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


A group of college students is hoping to place a satellite powered only by water into an orbit (轨道) around the moon.

The students are from Cornell University in the state of New York. They are taking part in a competition called the Cube Quest Challenge. It is a program of NASA, the American space agency. The Cornell team is called the CisLunar Explorers. The word cislunar means “between the earth and the moon.”

The challenge is simple: to design, build and

deliver “flight-qualified, small satellites.” NASA officials say the satellites must be able to perform “advanced operations near and beyond the moon.”

Ten teams are taking part in the competition. But the CisLunar Explorer satellites are different. They are the only ones using water to power their spacecraft.

The idea for a water-powered vehicle came from Mason Peck, who works at Cornell University. He once worked as NASA’s chief technologist. He has always wanted to use something other than rockets to push spacecraft beyond earth. “A lot of the mass we send into orbit these days is in the form of rockets -- the only way we get anything into space,” he said, in a Cornell press release. “But what if we could use what’s already there? If we could do that, if we could re-fuel spacecraft while they’re already in space...”

The spacecraft is shaped like the English letter L. It measures about 30 centimeters in length, and the two pieces are connected. Water is stored in the lower part of the satellite. The sun will separate the water into two elements: hydrogen and oxygen. When one combines hydrogen and



oxygen with a spark (火花), an explosion results. This provides a forward movement, known as thrust.

The CisLunar Explorer team has an unusual way to guide its spacecraft. The idea is to copy how old-time sailors used the moon, sun and stars to fix their position on the oceans. The satellite is equipped with cameras. The cameras will take pictures of the sun, the earth and the moon and compare their positions and their sizes. Based on where the sun, moon and earth are at any given time, the CisLunar Explorers will do the mathematics to find their position.

The competition is being held in four parts. The Cornell team has been among the top three competitors during parts one and two. The winners of the third stage will be announced in about a month. The final three winners will be announced in early 2017. They will get to ride on NASA’s space launch system in early 2018.

63. The essential part of the competition “the Cube Quest Challenge” is ______. A. to launch a satellite to take a watery flight to the moon B. to design, build and deliver a small and flight-qualified satellite C. to place a satellite powered only by water into an orbit around the moon D. to make the satellite perform advanced operations near and beyond the moon 64. What does Mason Peck want to do at Cornell University according to the passage? A. To stop using rockets for the sake of safety. B. To use something already in space as power. C. To try using water in space to push spacecraft. D. To design a water-powered vehicle to push spacecraft. 65. It can be inferred from the passage that ______.

A. there is a lot of rubbish of rockets and satellites in the orbit these days B. a water-powered satellite will soon be sent into the orbit around the moon C. the explosion of the combination of hydrogen and oxygen provides power D. the team members of the CisLunar Explorers are the students of Mason Peck 66. What would be the best title of the passage? A. A Spacecraft Powered by Water B. A Water-Powered Flight to the Moon C. A Competition for Water-Powered Satellite



D. A Design of Water-Powered Space Journey

Keys: 63-66: DBCA

Two【2017届上海市黄浦区高三英语一模】 Section B

Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have read.


①What does it say about the future of meat when the country’s largest processor of chicken, pork, and beef buys a stake(股份) in a start-up that aims to “perfectly replace animal protein with plant protein”?

②Tyson Foods announced this week that it purchased a 5 percent stake in Beyond Meat, the Southern California-based food-tech start-up that made headlines earlier this year with its veggie burger that reportedly cooks and tastes like real beef.

③To be sure, Beyond Meat’s meatless creations have yet to take the country by storm. Although the 100 percent plant-based burgers have achieved plenty of positive press since they appeared for the first time in May, so far they’re only available at Whole Foods stores in seven states. Even though the company’s “chicken” strips, “beef” pies, and meatless frozen dinners are available nationwide, Beyond Meat is hardly a household name.

④That may be what makes the news of Tyson’s investment all the more noteworthy. While the two companies declined to give details about the deal, it’s doubtful that Tyson’s 5 percent stake made much of dent(凹陷) in the meat giant’s coffers(金库). The company posted $41.4 billion in sales last year; prior to the deal with Tyson, Beyond Meat had reportedly raised $64 million in project capital funding—about what Tyson earns before lunch on any given day.

⑤Tyson is doing pretty great. The company reported record third-quarter earnings per share in August and says that it expects overall meat production to increase 2 to 3 percent during the next financial year. But like a big oil company shelling out cash to invest in wind power, Tyson’s toe-in-the-water move to team up with a start-up devoted to bringing more plant-based protein to American dinner tables seems to suggest the meat industry is starting to see which way the winds are blowing.


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