华为公司的国际化战略分析院系:管理学院专业:加弧姓名:陈峥指导教师:薛求知教授完成日期:2 005年4月30日米激意032025411陈峥华为公司的国际化战略分析中文摘要目前,随着我国通信设备制造业的崛起,越来越多的我国通信设备制造厂商在满足国内通信市场需求的同时,积极开拓国际市场以取得成功。在这种状况下研究国内通信制造商进军国际市场的国际化
号:C93032025411陈峥华为公训的国际化战略分析Abstract With the development of China teleco mmunication manufacturing industry,moreand more China
telecommunication manufact urers are actively explorin g the overseasmarket.Under this
circumstance,it is imp erative to research the glo balizing strategies ofChin a telecommunication manufa ctures.Huawei has acted as a leader in exploring theglob
al market.Thus,researching Huawei’s globalizing strate gies,in the one hand,Callhe lp China enterprises learn about their present stage a nd the status in quo of Chin a andoversea markets.In the other hand,it can help domes tic enterprises to choose t he rightstrategies to succe ed in the global competitio n,and to learn what problems they wouldface during the g lobalizing process and thus can take appropriate method s to preventthese problem
s.Firstly,this paper descr ibes the industry definitio n,segmentation,and the indu strychain of the telecommun ication manufacturing indu stry,and the status in quo a
nd thedevelopment trend of this industry.Then,this pap er analyses Huawei’s global izingstrategies.First,it i ntroduces the status in quo and background ofHuawei’s g lobalization,which explain the significance of globali zation for Huawei.All the mu ltinationaltelecommunicat ion manufactures have enter ed into the China market,whi ch cause the fiercest compe tition in domestic market.H owever,the increase of mark et has begun toslow down.In this situation,Huawei exper iences all sorts of trials,a nd get a firm foothold jn th e domestic market.Then.it t urns its vision to the much wider internationalmarket,
and begins to enter into glo bal market and competes wit h the multinational giants, to maintain its high-speed development.Secondly,this paper analyzes how Huawei c ontrols and coordinates its overseasubsidiaries throug h the analysis of its organi zational strHctare;the succ ess factors ofHuawei’s glob alization;and the issues Hu awei met with during its glo balization.Then,to.2.0320 2541I陈峥华为公司的国际化战略分析help s olve the present problems o fHuawei,this paper gives so me advice on its followingd evelopment.At last,based o n the above analysis of Huaw ei’s globalizing strategie s,this papergives some sugg
estions on the globalizatio n ofChina’s high-tech enter prises.Key Words:Global str ategy,Telecommunication eq uipment manufacturer,Succe ss factorCategory:C930320 25411陈峥华为公司的国际化战略分析l导言1.1研究背景及意义当前,中国高科技企业全球化问题正在成为社会关注的热点。在众多跨国公司向中国进行大规模战略转移的同时,中国的本土企业也对海外的巨大市场机会觊觎已久.许多行业内的翘楚已经开始其国际化的旅途,迈出国门,走向世界已不是最终目的,与跨国公司的巨头企业争夺市场分额,确立国际核心竞争力才是其真正野心所在。中国诸多高科技企业从上世纪90年代开始探索全球化道路,其间经历许多艰难和曲折,更获得了宝贵的经验。一些优秀的企业在全球化过程中遭遇到的各种障碍和问题,以及如何解决问题,获得新机会,是未来很长一段时间内中国企业必须解决的难题。华为就是一个典型的案例,其国际化道路的开拓,对那些以国际化为战略的中国高科技企业,有着积极的启发和借鉴意义。中国的通信设备制造企业在最近几年的国际化进程中获得了很大的发展,以华为和中兴为代表的中国通信设备制造企业在海外市场的销售情况都取得了相