雅思口语Part One思路解析:Vegetables and Fruits ?蔬菜和水果.doc

雅思口语Part One思路解析:Vegetables and Fruits ?蔬菜和水果

关于P1里面考官问的一个大家觉得很奇怪的口语系列问题就是这个Vegetables and fruits了,很多学生跟我诉苦说这题目要我说fruit我还能说,还得来个蔬菜。。真实不知道该说写什么好。 那么今天,就带大家一起来看看这些题目究竟可以从哪些方面来入手回答。

What kind of fruit do you like? Why?


There are many fruits that I am love, especially the pineapple. It’s not only because of the famous song called ‘Apple, Pineapple, Pen.” It’s just the flavor that really suits my taste. I usually eat this fruit after playing basketball, you just can’t imagine how comfortable I am when I put it into my mouth.

Did you like to eat fruit when you were a child?


Yes, I loved to eat fruit when I was in the kindergarten. You know, part of the reason is that I love some juice from the fruits, and partly because my mom also told me that “an apple a day, keeps the doctor away”, which really made me feel like I should eat it often to be immune to any diseases.


Is it important to eat fruit? ?不知道与Vegetables & Fruit相关的PART TWO话题卡怎么准备??那必须看看》》》Describe an important plant in your country


Yes, I should say fruit is a?very essential part of our diet. It has a lot of vitamins that really help our body to be fit. Also, eating some fruits can make our mood better, because we could divert our attention off some troubles by just chewing the apples.

不知道其它雅思备考中的口语Part one如何准备,详见–雅思口语话题卡part one 解析

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