摘 要
即时通讯(Instant Messenger,简称IM)就是用户间可以随时发送与接收相互想 要传达信息的实时通讯服务。它最大的优势在于即时性,不需要使用者等候,只要双方 同时在线,就能通过网络进行文字、语音、视频等方式的交流。只要在有网络的地方, 即时通讯系统就真正的做到了“天涯若比邻”的效果,让朋友、亲人之间不在为一圈圈 的经纟韦线而疏远感情。
本论文详细说明了即时通讯系统的工作原理、模块组成、以及每一个模块的具体实 现与具体功能,给出了核心功能的代码,以及各模块的流程图。该程序是使用Eclipse 开发工具,Java语言编写的一个即时通讯系统,此系统是在Java平台基础上,运用面 向对象的设计理念及面向对象技术,运用了数据库及网络通讯技术等多种软件编程技 术,采用
C/S结构,客户端和客户端、客户端和服务器端通过Socket发送消息。服务 器端的设计和
实施过程中,使用多线程技术,它可以在一个程序中同时运行多个不同的 线程,执行不同的任务,大大提高服务器资源的利用率。数据库管理系统用SQL Server2005完成并通过
JDBC-0DBC桥访问数据库。聊天系统将完成用户注册、用户登录、 添加好友、删除好友、
个人信息管理、通讯记录查看等功能。更多与本文相关资源整理,每篇文章有效信息提取,专业人士资源整合,大大节省资料查寻时间,尽在 ,平台推广期间,更是有各类全网独家资源限时免费下载,caj文件转word格式服务限时免费,多年代写经验高校专业写手作业、论文指导、代写、降重,限时免费,我们用心,你们的论文更放心!
本系统基本上完成了上述的功能研究,基本上可以满足用户的使用要求,但是在人 机交互界面以及数据处理上还是存在着一些不足,在以后的延伸设计中还可以继续改 进。由于本系统每个模块设计都是分开完成的,具有非常好的填充与拓展性,本系统最 终将实现并改进成一款面向个人、面向企业的局域网即时通讯系统。关键词:网络;即时通信系统;Socket; C/S; SQL2005;多线程编程;
The Design and Implement of JAVA Instant message System Program
Second half of the 20th century, represented by the computer won the rapid development of modern science and rapidly in conjunction and in people's daily lives. The development and advancement of computer technology also enables instant messaging system became possible.
Instant messaging (Instant Messenger, referred to as IM) is the user can at any time to send and receive each want to convey the real-time communication service information. The biggest advantage of it is that the real-time, does not require the user to wait for, as long as the two sides at the same time online, you can make text, voice, video and other means of communication through the network. As long as the network place, instant messaging system can truly achieve the MTianya Zorpia,' effect, make friends, between relatives in a circle of latitude and longitude lines and alienation.
This paper illustrates in detail the working principle, the instant communication system module, and the specific implementation of each module and the specific function, the core function of the code, and each module flow chart. The program is the use of Eclipse development tools, an instant messaging system, Java language, the system is based on Java platform, using the principle of object-oriented technology and object-oriented, using the network communication technology, database technology and so on many kinds of software programming technology, using C/S structure, the client and client, client and server through Socket send a message. The design and implementation process of the server, the use of multi-threading technology, it can be different and multiple threads to run simultaneously in a program to perform different tasks, greatly improve the server resource utilization. Database management system with SQL Server2005and JDBC-ODBC bridge to visit the database. Chat system will complete the user registration, user log in, add friends, delete friends, personal information management, communications and other records check function.
This system basically realized the function of the above, basically can meet the user's requirements. But because each module of the system design is completed separately, has the very good filling and expansion, the system will eventually be implemented and improved into a personal oriented, enterprise oriented LAN instant messaging system.
Keywords: network; instant communication system; Socket; C/S; SQL2005; multi -thread