
嫩江县第二小学 四年级_____班 姓名____________ 2017—2018学年度上学期期中测试



China teacher America Canada postman

eggplant watermelon pineapple apple carrot


( )1. A. China B. England C. panda ( )2. A. nine B. nurse C.doctor ( )3. A. apple B. sister C. orange ( )4. A. tomato B.potato C.banana ( )5. A. seventeen B.father C. nineteen 三、给下列问句选择正确的答语。(10分)

( )1. What’s that in English? A. It’s 7:25. ( )2. Do you like apples?

B. No, I don’t. D. It’s a pineapple. E. He is a farmer. ( )3. What does your brother do? C. It’s seventeen. ( )4. What’s eight and nine? ( )5. What’s the time?


( ) 1. Pleased ______ meet you ! A. to B. too C. two ( ) 2. This ______ my new friend. A. am B. is C. are

( ) 3.—_____ are you from ? —I’m from Canada. A. Which B. What C. Where ( ) 4.Welcome______our home!

A. and B. to C. in ( ) 5.What _____ your father do? A. do B. does C. Be ( ) 6.My father _____a postman. A. is B. am C. are

( ) 7.—______is this boy? —He’s my brother. A. Who B. Why C. Which ( ) 8 . She ______my mother.

A. is B. am C. are ( ) 9.We are good _______.

A. friends B. friend C.teacher ( ) 10.Which class are you _____? A. to B. at C. in ( ) 11.I am in _________

A. Class One,Grade Five B. class one,grade five C. Class one,Grade five

( ) 12.—Do you like eggplants? — No, I _____. A. do B. don't C. isn't

( ) 13. —Who’s this boy ? —______ is my brother. A. He B. She C. It

( ) 14.Let's count______one_____ten.

A. to,from B. from , to C. in , to ( ) 15.—What's six and nine? —It's_________. A. fifteen B. fourteen C. seventeen ( ) 16.Wake______,Peter. It's 7:40. A. up B. from C.on ( ) 17.It's _______eggplant. A. a B. an C. the ( ) 18.What's this ______English?

A. on B. to C. in ( ) 19.Show _______the tomato.

A. me B. my C. I ( ) 20.Do you like _______?

A. potatoes B. potatos C. potato 五、连词成句(10分)

1. are / Where / from / you (?)

__________________________________________________ 2. in / What’s / English / this (?)

___________________________________________________ 3. What’s / number / your (? )

___________________________________________________ 4. you / like / Do / carrots (?)

___________________________________________________ 5. is / This / friend / new / my (.)


六、给下列句子选择正确的译文。(10分) ( )1.这个女孩是谁?

A. Who’s this girl? B. Who’s this boy? ( )2.我的爸爸是一名司机。

A. My father is a driver. B.My mother is a doctor. ( )3.你喜欢柠檬么?

A. Are you from China? B. Do you like lemons? ( )4. 吃西瓜!

A. Eat the watermelon! B. Peel the banana! ( )5. 从1数到10。

A.Pass me a green pepper. B. Count from one to ten. 七、选词填空。(10分)

your in She a from 1. I’m ______ Class Two Grade Four . 2. It’s ______ watermelon. 3. ________ is my mother. 4. I’m ________ China. 5. What’s ______ number? 八、阅读短文,判断对(√) 错(×)(10分)

Hello, I am Mary. I am a girl. I am from America. I am thirteen years old. I like oranges and apples. But I don’t like lemons . I have eight good friends. They are all from China. I like them very much. ( )1. Mary is fourteen years old. ( )2. Mary is from America. ( )3. Mary likes pears and apples. ( )4. Mary has six good friends. ( )5. Mary’s friends are from America.

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