


姓名:__________ 分数:__________


一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(5分) ( ) 1. A. swim B. sing C. swing ( ) 2. A. third B. ground ( ) 3. A. art room B. classroom ( ) 5. A. where B. there 二、听录音,判断正(√)误(×)。(5分)

C. second C bathroom C. near

( ) 4. A. show B. how C. now

( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( )

三、听录音,选择正确的应答。(5分) ( ) 1. A. I’m cold. B. I’m twelve. ( ) 2. A. Thank you. B. It’s over there. ( ) 3. A. Yes, I do. ( ) 4. A. It’s brown.

C. I’m here. C. No.

C. Yes, I can.

C. It’s fine.

B. No, I am.

B. It’s over there. C. It’s here.

( ) 5. A. It’s five o’clock. B. It’s Saturday. 四、听对话及问题,选择正确的应答。(5分) ( ) 1. A. Music room. B. Science room.

C. Art room.

( ) 2. A. There are two. B. There are five. C. There are seven. ( ) 3. A. No, there isn’t. B. Yes, there is. C. Yes, there isn’t. ( ) 4. A. A desk.

B. A ruler. C. A pencil.

( ) 5. A. In the art room. B. In the library. C. Sorry, I don’t know.

五、听短文,判断正误。(10分) ( ) 1. Mike is my good friend. ( ) 2. My good friend is from England. ( ) 3. His father is a music teacher. ( ) 4. Nancy is a student.

( ) 5. Nancy is in Class Two, Grade Five.


一、选出画线部分读音与其他单词不同的一项。(5分) ( )1. A. cool B. cake C. juice ( )2. A. dance B. skate C. come ( )3. A. swing B. nice C. picture ( )4. A. too B. afternoon C. Monday ( )5. A. computer B. summer C. rubber 二、


1. 我们的学校________________ 2. 在他前面___________ 3. Just right_________ 4. Be afraid of bears_________ 5. Western countries ________ 6. 它的尾巴_________ 7. 二楼_________ 8. 带我参观________ 9. 一个动物朋友________ 10. carry an umbrella _________ 三.单项选择.(10分)

( )1.—Are there___in your bag? —No,there aren't.

A.any books B.a pencil case C.some pens ( )2. The music room is ___ the first floor. A.on B.at C.in

( )3. —___is in the room? There are some flowers.

A.What B.Where C.Who ( )4. _________beautiful shoes!

A.What B.How C.What a D.How a

( )5. There ______two glasses of water on the table.

A. are B.is C.am D.has

( )6. Goldilocks doesn’t like bears. So she isn’t very ______.

A. afraid B. happy C. hungry D. sad ( )7._______ is popular in China.

A. Coffee B. Tea C. Milk D. Juice ( )8.What does your mother_____?

A. has B.have C.with D.likes ( )9._____ the bald eagle ____ big wings?

A.Does;has B.Do;have C.Does;have D.Do;has

( )10. He has two rooms. _____ is a big bedroom, ____ is a reading room.

A. One; other B. One; the other C. The one; other D. The one; the other 四.用所给单词的适当形式填空(10分) 1. There aren’t____ (some) apples on the table. 2. Nancy is sitting in front of ___ (I).

3. _________ (be) there any water in the room. 4. They play basketball on the________ (one) floor. 5. Can you _______(play) football?

6. —How many_________(library)are there in your city? —There ______(be)one.

7. Nancy can’t _________(skate).

8. I usually_________(do)my homework at home. 9. Does it_________ (have) big ears?

10. The girl_________ (have)some milk and bread for breakfast, but Jim_________ (have)some coffee for it. 五.按要求填写句子(10分)

1. There aren’t any computer rooms in our school.(改为同义句) There _______ _______ computer rooms in our school. 2. There are some books on the desk.(改为一般疑问句) Are _________ _________ books on the desk? 3. There is a mango on the table.(改为复数句) There ____some ____on the table.

4. There are some beds in the room.(改为否定句) There _____ _____ beds in the room. 5. 冰箱里没有果汁。

There ____ ____ juice in the fridge. 6. 门旁边有三张沙发。

There are three ______ ______ the door. 7. 那个公园里有多少棵树和多少朵花?

How ________ trees and flowers ________ ________ in that park? 8. My brother likes rabbits.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) —_________your brother _______rabbits? —No, ______ _______.

9. 苏海有一只猫。她喜欢鱼。

Su Hai ________ a cat. It ______ _______. 10. green, Peter, a, toy, has, mouse (.)(连词成句) ___________________________________________ 六、从下面2栏中选出与1栏相对应的答句。(10分)

1 2 1.Where's my toy car? A.They're on the desk. 2.What's in the fridge? B.I have eighteen. 3.Is there a house in the forest? C.There is some milk. 4.Who's the woman? D.Please have that one. 5.Whose shoes are they? E.There are three. 6.How many apples do you have? F.No, there isn't. 7.The pie is too sweet. G.They're Mike's. 8.Where are the pictures? H.She's my aunt. 9.Are there any teachers in the classroom? I.It's beside the sofa. 10.How many art rooms are there in your school? J.Yes,there are. 七.阅读理解(5分)

Tom,Mary,Nancy,John and Yang Ling are good friends.But their hobbies are different(不同的).Tom likes playing football.Mary likes drawing.She can draw nice pictures.Nancy and John both like reading,and they usually read books after class.Yang Ling likes running,and she can run fast.Look!She is running in front of Liu Tao.

1.What's Mary's hobby?

A.Drawing.B.Playing football.C.Reading books. 2.Who likes reading?

A.Nancy.B.John.C.Nancy and John. 3.How many hobbies does Yang Ling have? A.Three.B.Two.C.One.

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