河北省承德县第二中学九年级英语全册 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of th

Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark

审核 课 型 新授课 课 时 6 课题 备注 学习掌握本课生词和短语;阅读理解本课内容,完成2a-2e各项任务。继续掌握used 目标 to的用法。找一找自己的问题,学会分析与总结,让自己变得更好。 一、 导入 二、自学 自学单词。 勾画文中短语,翻译并背诵短语。 a normal 15-year-old boy be proud of cause problems for himself and his family no longer make a decision talk with their son in person took a 40-hour train ride a five-hour bus ride take care of take pride in I’ve been afraid of being alone 教学pay more attention to 过程 His parents’ love has made him feel good about himself. 朗读课文,翻译课文。完成2b、2c、2 d 三、交流 学习课文 1、 同桌检查2c完成情况,核对答案。 2、 听磁带一次。揣摩语音语调、句群停顿。 3、 同桌检查2b完成情况,核对答案 4、 跟读磁带一次,模仿语音语调、句群停顿。 5、 朗读课文,理解课文内容。同桌检查2 d完成情况,核对答案 6、 阅读全文判断正误(T=true; F=false; DK=don’t know) ①Li Wen is still a bad boy. ( ) ②There wasn’t enough money for the family. ( ) ③Li Wen finally understood what his problem was. ( ) ④Li Wen’s grandparents didn’t use to help him. ( ) ⑤What his mother said didn’t change Li Wen’s mind. ( ) 7、 默读课文,进一步理解课文内容,完成2 e,抽生检查2 e完成情况。

8、 默读课文,回答下面的问题: (1) Why did his parents move to Guangzhou? (2) What did his parents make a decision to do? (3)Did the conversation with his mother change his life? (4) What is very important for parents? 教学 过程 四、总结 五、练评 适当的词填空 1. Li Wen is a ___________________(fifteen years old )boy. 2. His mother couldn’t ___________( pay for) her child’s education. 3. His mother looked after him as ___________ as she could.(good) 4.________ (luck), Li Wen caused problems for himself and his family. 5. He was not interested in __________(study) and he often got into trouble with the police. 6. _________(Luck), his parents didn’t give up him. 7. In the end, she made a difficult ____________(decide). 8.The head teacher said it was necessary for Li Wen _______( talk) with his mother. 9. My mother helped me _____________(understand) how much she had given me. 10. He was watching me and would always take pride _________(填介词) everything good I do. 11. I have been afraid of_______(be) alone, and have tried to make my mother ______________(to pay more attention to) me.


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