Lesson 3Nine to five教案

Lesson 3 Nine to Five

Teaching aims:

To practice reading for inference.

To develop strategies for working out meaning from context. To practice making reported statement.

Carry out moral education by the story of Wang Bunyan. Teaching difficulties:

To practice making reported statement. Teaching Aids: computer Teaching procedures: Step 1 Warming up

T: I think many of you are interested in the topic, because we all want to find a road to success. Do you think so? S:

T: There must be some successful career persons that you admire. What do you think causes them successful? S:

T: Today’s story is about an anchor-Wang Junyan. She talked her successful experience. I think you must learn something from her. Step 2 Reading

Ask students to read the text and answer questions.

1. What characteristics does Wang Junyan believe made her a success? 2. What did Wang Junyan do with her mother that taught her to be curious? 3. What made Wang Junyan realize the importance of being a journalist? 4. What does Wang Junyan like most about being a reporter?

5. What does Wang Junyan’s story tell you about success? Carry out moral education by the story of Wang Junyan.

Curiosity, perseverance, and a commitment to truth are qualities --and that’s what it takes to anything well.

It is no use complaining your parents, family background or society. As long as you work hard there is always a way out. Read the text again and correct the mistakes

1. I asked Wang Junyan she liked most about being a reporter. 2. Smiled brightly she told me that she graduated from Fudan University. 3. There are moments that I forget all about it. 4. My mother was strong character.

5. There was some particular moment made her realize reporter’s importance. 6. It was my mother that taught me to curious.

7. It was curiosity, perseverance and a commitment which make Wang Bunyan a success.

Answers: 1. she 前加what 2.smiled 改为smiling 3. that 改为when 4.strong 前加a 5. made 前加 that 或 which 6. to前加be 7.which改为that Step 3 Speaking

As an anchor Wang Junyan is successful. I think you have learnt valuable things. In fact as long as you work hard you can be excellent. Now let’s look at these jobs. (Show slides)

Actor, astronaut, dancer, writer, business owner, football player, fire fighter, newspaper reporter, TV presenter

Are you interested in these jobs? Look at the description about jobs guess and write down the job after each quote below. Step 4 Language points

1. As a child, Wang junta never dreamed of becoming a famous person on TV. 孩提时,王君燕从未梦想过成为一名著名的电视人。 dream of (about)+ n/ vying 做梦, 梦见 I wouldn’t dream of letting the children does that? 我做梦也不会让孩子做那种事。

2. It was my mother who taught me to be curious. 是母亲教我对事物充满好奇心

强调句的结构 :

It + be +强调部分+that(或who)+句子其他成分。 可借助改为下面几种形式, 各强调一个不同的成分: 改写 Xuedong met your brother in the street yesterday. 是小冬昨天在街上碰到你弟弟的

It was Xuedong who (that) met your brother in the street yesterday. 小冬昨天在街上碰到的是你弟弟。

It was your brother that Xuedong met in the street yesterday. 小冬昨天是在街上碰到你弟弟的。

It was in the street that(不用where) Xuedong met your brother in the street. 小冬是昨天在街上碰到你弟弟的。

It was yesterday that (不用when) Xuedong met your brother in the street. It be + 被强调部分(可以是句子)+ that

It was because her mother was ill that she didn’t go to work. 因为她母亲生病所以她没去上班。 It be + 被强调部分(有定语从句修饰)+ that

It is in the town where you lived ten years ago that an ancient tomb was found. 是在你十年前住过的镇上发现的古墓。 3. pay off 取得成功

Her perseverance paid off because she won an award for the report. 她的坚持获得了成功, 因为她的报道获奖了。 Did your plan pay off? 你的计划成功了吗? Her effort paid off. 她的努力成功了。

4. so long as = as long as 只要

You can go out so long as you promise to be back before 10 a.m. 只要你承诺晚上10点前回来, 你就可以出去。 So long as the weather stays fine, we can go swimming.

只要天气好,我们就能去游泳。 5. Commit …to 使承担义务

He has committed himself to the course of the reform. 他致力于改革。

The government has committed itself to improving health education. 政府决心致力于改善健康教育。 Step 5 Vocabulary Do the exercise 4 Step 6 Grammar Do the exercise 5

Firstly listen to the interview, secondly ask students to reported speech. In the end asked students to read the report of the interview? Do the exercise 6, 7, and 8 Step7 Homework

Write a report of your interview about Wang junta.

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