
Autumn begins in September, and goes on to November. The weather can be very warm in autumn. Winter is from December to February, and it is very cold. You must wear(穿)lots of warm clothes. The best time to visit China is spring or autumn. In summer it is often too hot, and in winter it is too cold. The seasons of the year in England and America are nearly(几乎)the same. But the weather in England never gets too hot or too cold. The seasons in Australia are different. Its summer is from December to February, and winter is in June, July and August. So when it is spring in China, it is autumn in Australia.

( )1. Autumn is from September to November in China. ( )2. The hottest month in China is June.

( )3. The best time to visit China is spring or autumn. ( )4. When China is in spring, Australia is in winter. ( )5. America’s weather is most like China’s.



一、1. keep 2.hotter 3.changing 4.plant 5.air 二、1. Trees can make the place beautiful. 2. Trees can keep the air clean. 3. Planting trees is good for us. 4. Planting trees is fun.

5. Trees help to make the air cool and fresh.

三、Why do people cut down trees? People cut down trees to make more roads and buildings. The Earth is getting hotter and hotter. We need to plant more trees. Trees can help to make the air cool and fresh. 听力答案: 一、1-5C B B A B 二、1-5B A B B A 三、31254 笔试答案: 四、1-5C A B C C 五、1-5A C C C B

六、1.are 2.changing 3.to go 4.(to)do 5.Planting 七、1-5E D B C A 八、1-5T F T F F

Unit 5检测卷



( )1. A. land B. find C. wanted D. interested ( )2. A. sun B. star C. Earth D. moon ( )3. A. ball B. half C. animal D. film ( )4. A. plant B. live C. take D. look ( )5. A. Australia B. China C. England D. Canada 二、听录音,判断下列句子与所听内容是(√)否(×)相符。每小题听两遍。(10分)

( )1. You can see the land and the sea. ( )2. They watched a film. ( )3. He borrowed a book on space. ( )4. It looks like the sky.

( )5. Our earth looks like this from space. 三、听录音,给句子标序号。短文听两遍。(10分) ( )Peter was very interested in the film. ( )The next day, Peter went to the library.

( )Last Sunday, Peter went to the Space Museum with his mother. ( )A man talked about the film. ( )They watched a film about the space.


四、根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。(8分) 1. The Earth has water and l_______. 2. H_______ of the Earth faces the sun. 3. Mary looks l_______ her mother. 4. We have four s_______ in China.


1. Last Sunday, Peter _______ (go) to the Space Museum. 2. I_______ (watch) TV yesterday.

3. Amy is _______(interest) in fairy tales. 4. The boy _______ (look) like his father.

5. Last Monday, there _______ (be) many people in the library. 六、单项选择。(10分)

( )1. John _______ a film about space yesterday.

A. looked at B. looked C. watched ( )2. Peter is _______ in science.

A. interested B. interesting C. interests ( )3. A man talked _______ the film.

A. of B. with C. about ( )4. The Earth takes _______ to go round the sun.

A. twelve months B. two years C. three years ( )5. I want _______ out more about the Earth. A. to find B. to C. find



1. like, is, The, Earth, a, ball (. )

______________________________________________________________ 2. The, year, Earth, the, sun, takes, one, to, go, around (. ) ______________________________________________________________ 3. looks, space, The, Earth, beautiful from (. )

______________________________________________________________ 4. Space, Museum, and, Peter, went, his, mother, to, the (. ) ______________________________________________________________ 八、阅读理解,判断正(T)误(F)。(10分)

Yesterday was September 10. It was Teachers’ Day. We bought some flowers and presents to our teachers’ office. We thanked them for their hard work. Our teachers were very happy. In the afternoon we held a party in our school hall. Many students and teachers gave wonderful performances at the party. Our teachers sang and danced happily with us. All the teachers and students had a good time.

( )1. Yesterday was National Day.

( )2. We bought some flowers and presents to our teachers’ office. ( )3. Our teachers were not happy. ( )4. We held a party in the afternoon. ( )5. We all had a good time. 九、书面表达。(20分)


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