
the school at 7:45. He is never late(晚的). Bob has four classes a day. He has so many work to do every day. In the evening, Bob likes to write diary. He often has a late supper. Bob goes to bed at 11:00. Sometimes he feels tired, but he is happy. ( )1. Bob is an English teacher. ( )2. Bob gets to the school at 8:00. ( )3. Bob has little work to do every day. ( )4. Bob likes to watch TV in the evening. ( )5. He is not happy. 十、书面表达。(20分)


参考词汇: happy, birthday, cake, cute, love




一、1.monster 2.afraid 3.swim 4.worry 5.Saturday 二、1. Last Saturday, Dongdong went to the library with his friends. 2. We shouldn't sleep in the library. 3. Grace isn't afraid of difficulties.

4. You can't learn to do something till you do it. 5. It's too cold, close the door please.

三、Mrs Chen took Lingling and Dongdong to a swimming pool for a swim. They changed into their swimwear. Lingling went into the pool and enjoyed the cool water. But Dongdong is afraid of water. Mrs Chen held Dongdong’s hands and taught him how to swim. 听力答案: 一、1-5A B C C A 二、1-5× √ × √ √ 三、52314 笔试答案:

四、1.afraid 2.close 3.difficult 4.safe 五、1.went2.difficulties3.better4.step 六、1-5A B C B C 七、1-5E D A B C 八、1. He can't swim.

2. Kids are afraid of the monster.


3. You should read books in the library. 4. You'll be better later on. 九、1-5T F F F F

十、I feel so happy today, because today is my birthday. My mother made a big cake for me. My father bought me a pet dog. It's very cute, and I love it. I can sleep with it now, and I am not afraid of the darkness with it.

Unit 8检测卷

一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。每小题听一遍。(10分) ( )1. A. children B. child C. cute D. can ( )2. A. class B. lesson C. lessons D. classes ( )3. A. party B. birthday C. play D. game ( )4. A. fall B. feel C. film D. see ( )5. A. Sunday B. holiday C. weekday D. workday 二、听录音,判断下列句子与所听内容是(√)否(×)相符。每小题听两遍。(10分)

( )1. Tomorrow will be Father’s Day. ( )2. We’re going to play computer games. ( )3. Children don’t have to do homework that day. ( )4. New Year’s Day falls on the first of January. ( )5. I don’t want to eat cakes and other nice food. 三、听录音,给句子标序号。短文听两遍。(10分)


( )My birthday is on June 16th. My parents will hold a party for me. ( )Then we will have a birthday party. We will eat a big birthday cake, sing

and dance at the party.

( )Hello! I am Lily. I am 12 years old.

( )My family and friends will have dinner together. ( )We will enjoy ourselves.

四、根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。(4分) 1. We will w________ a movie tomorrow.

2. We can have a rest at h________ on Spring Festival. 3. They eat c________ and fruit at the birthday party. 4. Which festival do you like b________? 五、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(4分) 1. My uncle and aunt have two ________ (kid). 2. It ________ (be) my birthday yesterday.

3. We will have a ________ (sport) meeting next week. 4. My friends and I ________ (have) fun at the school party. 六、单项选择。(10分)

( )1. We can play games ________ the party.

A. in B. on C. at ( )2. The Spring Festival is a ________ holiday for Chinese people. A. sad B. wonderful C. boring


( )3. My mother lets me ________ some housework every day. A. to B. do C. to do ( )4. Some parents take their children ________ a film. A. to see B. see C. saw ( )5. All the children ________ the holiday.

A. to enjoy B. enjoy C. enjoys 七、给短语选择正确的翻译。(10分)

( )1. a class party A. 唱唱跳跳 ( )2. go to the cinema B. 玩游戏 ( )3. sing and dance C. 让我做 ( )4. play games D. 班级聚会 ( )5. let me do E. 去电影院 八、连词成句。(12分)

1. going, to, trees, we’re, plant (. )

_____________________________________________________________ 2. Miss Li, ourselves, enjoy, will, let, us(. )

_____________________________________________________________ 3. is, when, New Year’s Day, the(?)

_____________________________________________________________ 4. want to, have, you, what, do, for, your, birthday(?)

_____________________________________________________________ 九、阅读理解,判断正(T)误(F)。(10分)


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