
( )5.He said,”Mother, the boy is very naughty.” ? He____ very naughty.

A.said his mother that the boy was B.said to his mother that the boy is C.told his mother that the boy was D.spoke to his mother that the boy was

( )6.Our teacher said” ____”.

A.failure us the mother of success B.failure had been the mother of success

C.failure was the mother of success D.failure will be the mother of success

( )7.I heard he____.

A.is going abroad B.will go abroad C.was going abroad D.has gone abroad

( )8.He said,”Don?t do that again.” He ____me____that again.

A.said to me, not to do B.said to me, don?t do C.told me, don?t do D.told me, not to do

Lesson 16

( )1.When you write to him, please____him.

A.give my loves to B.give my regard to C.remember me to D.give my wishes to

( )2.He will get ill____he eats too much.

A.unless B.if C.until D.so as ( )3.It?s hard to tell if it____tonight.

A.will snow B.snows C.shall snow D.will have snowed ( )4.It is kind of you to ____my children when I am away.

A.look after B.take after C.look in D.take in

( )5.I wonder if he___us, and I think if he___us we?ll be able to complete the task

ahead of time.

A.help, helps B.will help, helps C.helps, will help D.will help, will help

( )6.He?ll accept the job if the salary____not too low.

A.is B.was C.will be D.has been ( )7.You won?t succed ____harder.

A.unless you will work B.unless you work C.unless you don?t work D.if you won?t work

( )8.You can't get into that company____proficiency in English.

A.with B.withdraw C.without D.within

Lesson 17

( )1.Let?s do it____he told us to.

A.that B.so that C.as D.as if

( )2.~Must I take a bus? ~No, you____. You can walk there.

A.must not B.don?t C.don?t have to D.had better not to ( )3.~I can?t get through to the general manager?s office.

~The line is busy. Someone____the telephone.

A.must use B.uses C.must have been using D.must be using ( )4.John?s score on the test is the highest in the class; he ____last night.

A.should study B.should have studied C.must have studied D.must have to study

( )5.Nobody knows how people first came to these islands.They___from South

America on rafts.

A.must have sailed B.can sail C.might have sailed D.should have sailed

( )6.He carried on his work____his illness.

A.in spite B.in the despite C.in spite of D.despite of ( )7.Come on! You can ____have a try.

A.at most B.at least C.at first D.at last ( )8.It must be interesting ____a movie like that.

A.watch B.to watching C.in watching D.to watch

Lesson 18

( )1.Have you____ a bike?

A.get B.got C.to get D.getting ( )2.Let ?s go to ____drink.

A.have B.have got a C.have a D.having a ( )3.He ____been there for a month.

A.has B.has got C.have D.have got ( )4.He has____smoking for years.

A.given in B.given up C.given to D.given back ( )5.Would you give the book____your brother?

A.back B.in C.in to D.back to ( )6.Put the umbrella____the door.

A.beside B.be side C.besides D.be sides ( )7.It?s too late to go out now. ____, it?s starting to rain.

A.Besides B.Meanwhile C.However D.Although ( )8.Don?t worry about the work. ____it to me. A.Put B.Have C.Leave D.Get

Lesson 19

( )1.~Will you stay for lunch? ~Sorry, ____. My bother is coming to see me.

A.I mustn?t B.I can?t C.I needn?t D.I don?t

( )2.~Are you coming to Jeff?s party? ~I?m not sure. I ____go to the concert instead.

A.must B.would C.should D.might

( )3.I thought you____ like something to read, so I have bought you some books.

A.should B.might C.could D.must ( )4.~Must I wake him up? ~Yes, you____. A.do B.must C.need D.should

( )5.If you____wait a moment , I?ll go and find our manager.

A.can B.should C.might D.must

( )6.He____you more help,even though he was very busy.

A.might have given B.might give C.may have given D.may give ( )7.Kunming is called “Spring City”, but it____snow in winter. A.shall B.would C.must D.might

( )8.The road was muddy. It____last night.

A.must rained B.must have rained C.must be rained D.must rain

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