
六 年 级 英 语 调 研 试 卷

学校: 宿迁市第一实验小学 命题人: 李媛媛 命题时间 : 2015-3-11 时间:60分钟 分值:100分

听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,选择你所听到的内容。(10分)(改编题) 装------------------------装-------------------------订------------------------线------------------------- ( )1.A sadly B loudly C quietly ( ) 2.A strong B laugh C large ( ) 3.A messy B tidy C clean ( ) 4.A early B slowly C late ( ) 5.A always B usually C often ( ) 6.A sleepy B meals C feel ( ) 7.A order B finish C brush ( ) 8.A get on B get off C get out ( ) 9.A some habits B good habit C bad habit ( )10.A last night B last year C last week


( ) 1.A He feels sad. B She feels week. C They feel happy. ( ) 2.A It can get out with its sharp teeth. B It can get out with its big mouth. C It can get out with its long neck.

( ) 3.A No,he didn’t. B No,he doesn’t. C No,he isn’t. ( ) 4.A It was great fun. B Yes, it was. C Thank you.

( ) 5.A He is running fast. B She is shouting loudly. C They’re reading quietly.

三、听录音,补全句子。(10分)(改编题) 1.The lion ________ ________.

2.I’m strong, but you are so ________ and ________. 3.Liu Tao________ his room clean and ________. 4.I often ________ things in ________ in my room.


5.Wang Bing ________ goes to bed ________.


四、单词辨音,选出划线部分读音与其余两个不同的单词。(10分)(创新题) ( ) 1.A foot B food C look ( ) 2.A dear B bear C near ( ) 3.A sea B breakfast C mean ( ) 4.A morning B forty C work ( ) 5.A teeth B that C these ( ) 6.A cut B put C cup ( ) 7.A late B cake C bag ( ) 8.A really B read C bread ( ) 9.A cool B cook C moon ( )10.A lake B last C ask


1、好习惯________________ 6、sharp teeth__________________________ 2、第二天________________ 7、wake up______________________________ 3、走得快________________ 8、come to see her______________________ 4、又大又壮______________ 9、show you around my house_____________ 5、太深__________________ 10、feel sleepy__________________________


( ) 1.From then on,the tiger and the rabbit______good friends. A was B wasn’t C were ( ) 2.Don’t______your father.He is tired.

A wake up B woke up C get up ( ) 3.---How does Mike feel now? ---He feels ______.

A tired B tidy C sleep ( ) 4.Do you usually go to the park______in the morning?


A quick B early C quiet ( ) 5.Liu Tao can run______.He is good at PE.

A fast B slow C slowly ( ) 6.Yang Ling______to a park last Sunday.

A goes B went C go ( ) 7.The children are very______.

A excitedly B badly C excited ( ) 8.I______the book just now,but I couldn’t______it.

A found;look for B looked for;found C looked for;find ( ) 9.My brother likes______the room clean and tidy.

A keeping B keeps C to keeping ( )10.---Did you read books______? ---No,I didn’t.

A tomorrow B last night C now

七、从II栏中找出与I栏相对的答句,将序号填在提前的括号内。(10分)(改编题) I II ( )1.How can I get out from the box? A Yes,I do.

( )2.Did you go shopping last weekend? B I caught it with a net. ( )3.Where are they now? C I can sing and dance. ( )4.What is Miss Li doing in the kitchen? D No,I didn’t. ( )5.Can you spell it? E She is cooking. ( )6.Who woke her up? F Yes,there was. ( )7.Do you like fishing? G They’re in the park. ( )8.What can you do? H You can make a hole. ( )9.Was there any milk in the fridge? I Yang Ling. ( )10.How did you catch the fish? J No,I can’t.


1.She is a ________(beautiful/beautifully).She can dance________(beautiful/beautifully). 2.There ________(was/were) some milk in the kitchen yesterday.


3.Why does the women look so______(excited/excitedly)? 4.---What________(do/does) Nancy usually do in the evening?

---She usually________(grow/grows) flowers. 5.Mike______(is writing/writs)an email to his friend now. 6.You should________(finish/finished) homework before dinner. 7.He always helps his mother______(do/does) housework. 8.Please________(put/puts)your hands on the desk.

九、根据中文提示,完成下列句子。(10分)(创新题) 1.我们总是在晚饭前完成家庭作业。

We________ ________our homework before dinner. 2.一天,一只兔子路过,把老虎吵醒了。

One day,a rabbit________by and ________ the tiger up. 3.他带来一些面包并迅速吃起来。 He ________ some bread and ate________. 4.从那时起,我变成了一名好学生。 From ________ on,I________ a good student.


Jack was a schoolboy.He didn’t like going to school.He always wanted to have more holidays.One day he made a telephone call to his teacher and said in his father’s voice(声音),“I am sorry to say that Jack is ill in bed.He won’t go to school for three or four days.”“Oh,”said the teacher,“I’m sorry to hear that,but I want to know who is speaking?”“My father,sir,”said Jack.The teacher got every angry. 根据短文内容,判断正(T) 误(F)。 ( )1.Jack was a worker. ( )2.Jack was very angry. ( )3.Jack wasn’t ill in bed.

( )4.The teacher was sorry to hear that Jack’s father was ill. ( )5.The teacher knew that Jack was speaking at last.




1 sadly 2 strong 3 clean 4 slowly 5 usually 6 feel 7 order 8 get out 9 good habit 10 last night

二、听录音,根据所听句子选择相应答句。 1、How does Yang Ling feel now? 2、How can the lion get out?

3、Does your father go fishing every Sunday? 4、How was your holiday?

5、What are they doing in the library now? 三、听录音,补全句子。 1.The lion was angry.

2.I’m strong, but you are so small and weak. 3.Liu Tao keeps his room clean and tidy. 4.I often put things in order in my room. 5.Wang Bing never goes to bed late. 试题答案


1 A 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 B 6 C 7 A 8 C 9 B 10 A


二、听录音,根据所听句子选择相应答句。 1 B 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 C



1 was angry 2 small weak 3 keeps tidy 4 put order 5 never late




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