

一、Writing (composition)(本大题1小题.每题15.0分,共15.0分。Write a composition of about 150-200 words on the following topic:) 第1题

People from different cultures keep different value systems and have different ways of looking at things. Failing to recognize these cultural differences will lead to misunderstanding.

Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:


You are to write in three parts.

In the first part, state the necessity of dealing with the cultural differences.

In the second part, state specifically what your suggested ways are. In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.

Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and

appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.



[1]Different cultures have their own rules of behavior. People from different cultural backgrounds may have very different beliefs, religions, customs and habits. [2]Ignorance of cultural differences often causes misunderstanding, offense, or embarrassment in cross-cultural communication. [3]In order to avoid misunderstanding or giving

unnecessary offense, we need to develop a cross-cultural perspective. Here ale two basic ways to help deal with cultural differences:

[4]First of all, we must bear in mind that all cultures are equal, however different some cultures may seem from our own. Having a respect for other cultures is an effective way to promote international communication, since understanding can only be reached if we are willing to treat people from other cultures as equals. [5]Second, we can avoid unintentionally offending others by learning the basic characteristics of other cultures. [6]It is a good policy to ask your foreign friends or business associates about their everyday customs and let them know your customs as well. [7]As China opens to the outside world, more and more people are involved in international business transactions or cultural exchanges in various


areas. [8]It is important that we improve our awareness of cultural differences so as to prepare ourselves for successful cross-cultural communication. [本题分数]: 15.0 分 【答案解析】


这是专四作文中典型的问题解决型作文,与下列真题作文类似: 2002, The Best Way to Stay Healthy

2000, The Importance of Extracurricular Activities 1998, One Way to Solve the Problem

要求考生针对文化差异所带来的问题提出合理的应对措施。 根据题目要求,文章结构如下: 第一部分,文化差异会导致人们之间产生误解,在跨文化交流中应该了解如何避免这种误解的产生。

第二部分,提出避免误解产生的有效方法: ①要意识到所有的文化都是平等的; ②要了解其他文化与本国文化的异同点。


[解析] [1]rules of behavior意为“行为准则”。 [2]Ignorance of是语言亮点。

[3]cross-cultural perspective意为“跨文化观点”。

[4]bear in mind意为“牢记”,however different=no matter how different。 [6]a good policy意为“良策”,是文中的亮点。

[8]结论:应该提高我们跨文化交流的意识。improve our awareness of... 意为“提高……的意识”。 句型变换 [1]

1. Different cultures have their own roles of behavior.

2. People from different cultures usually behave in different ways. 3. People from different cultures usually behave differently.

4. It is generally acknowledged that different cultures have different rules of behavior. [3]

1. In order to avoid misunderstanding or giving unnecessary offense, we need to develop a cross-cultural perspective.

2. In order to avoid misunderstanding or giving unnecessary offense, we need to be aware of the difference in cross-cultural communication. 3. It is necessary to develop a cross-cultural perspective in order to avoid misunderstanding or giving unnecessary offense. 4. Developing a cross-cultural perspective helps to avoid misunderstanding or giving unnecessary offense.



1. First of all. we must bear in mind that all cultures are equal, however different some cultures may seem from our own.

2. In the first place. no matter how different some cultures may seem from our own, we must bear in mind that all cultures are equal.

3. First of all, although cultures vary from each other, we must be aware that all cultures should be treated equal. [5]

1. Second, we can avoid unintentionally offending others by learning the basic characteristics of other cultures.

2. Secondly, unintentional offense can be avoided if we know the basic characteristics of other cultures.

3. Next, learning the basic characteristics of other cultures helps to avoid unintentional offense.

4. Next, it is essential to learn the basic characteristics of other cultures in order to avoid unintentional offense. [7]

1. As China opens to the outside world, ...

2. With China's opening to the outside world, ...

3. China's open policy has involved more people in international business transactions or cultural exchanges in various areas. 4. With the open policy, ... [8]

1. It is important that we improve our awareness of cultural differences so as to prepare ourselves for successful cross-cultural communication. 2. To prepare ourselves for successful cross-cultural communication, we must improve our awareness of culture differences.

3. It is essential to improve our awareness of cultural differences and prepare ourselves for successful cross-cultural communication. 4. An awareness of cultural differences is absolutely helpful for successful cross-cultural communication.

二、Writing(Note-Writing)(本大题1小题.每题10.0分,共10.0分。Write a note of about 50—60 words based on the following situation:) 第1题

Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation:

Your class is going to have a party to celebrate the traditional Chinese Festival \Smith to join you. Write him a note of invitation. You should tell him when and where the party is going to be held.

Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness.


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