2018·高二·第3期 单选+ 语法填空+完形+阅读+七选五+短文改错+写作假期练习

2018·高二·第3期 单选+语法填空+完形+阅读+七选五+短文改错+写作

Part Ⅰ

Part Ⅱ 单项选择

1. —Where has Peter gone?

—He________ the conference hall but for his father stopping him at the gate.

A. need have entered B. would have entered C. may have entered D. must have entered

2. —Why do you look so upset?

—I suddenly remember the hard problems________ next week. A. to be solved B. being solved C. solved D. having solved

3. ________whether Robert or Charles wins, the relations between our company and yours will change a lot. A. Far from B. Regardless of

C. Instead of D. Apart from

4. —Mary, have you seen my newly-bought magazine?

—I'm afraid that I it________ away. I thought you would no longer need it.

A. threw B. had thrown C. throw D. will throw

5. Our school uses fun, interactive and familiar nursery rhymes to________ children to French, German, Spanish and Italian. A. express B. expose C. describe D. distribute

6. Adjani stayed away because he________ about the matter by his professor many times. A. is told B. was told

C. has been told D. had been told

7. Tom was happy________ by so many kind-hearted friends when he had difficulty in doing experiment. A. to support B. supported C. being supported D. to be supported

8. A few days ago, my uncle and his family moved to the city from the countryside________ the children could receive better education. A. even if B. so that C. so long as D. as soon as

9. Because he is monitor of the class, Mark thinks________ his duty to help his classmates and settle their quarrels. A. as B. it C. this D. that

10. —Are you sure that Alice is honest when she answered the question?

—No. That's________ a guess of ours. A. certainly B. hardly C. merely D. nearly Ⅱ. 语法填空


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